Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I've been BLOCKED from Posting on FaceBorg for 3 Days Because I Said: "I'm so Old that I took LSD at a Grateful Dead Concert. THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT!" - In Response to an "I'm So Old" meme...

Thankfully I Have 12 Other Social media sites! Of Course, I'm Welcome to READ FaceBorg... and SHOP on FaceBorg... but NO WRITING!

anyway... Now I'm Back... and NOT writing about "Forbidden Subjects"

Grateful Dead meme - original art by gvan42 - psychedelic

Here's another "I'm So Old" Statement...
"carriage return" ... That's what the ENTER Key is Called on a Typewriter... I took typing class in High School but never actually typed anything... in College or at Work... I have used a Mimeograph Machine... To make Posters for Teen Club Dances... I Scratched large letters and Pictures on the Master Form... I Have used a Slide Rule during College Chemistry Class...Since I Graduated High School in 1972 I was Right on the VERGE of the New World... Men that were in the Class of 1971 were Drafted and Had to Go To Vietnam... but MY Classmates Registered for the Draft but Never were asked to KILL ANYONE... Wonderful!

Link to My Zazzle Webstore:

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