Help Us BEAT tRUMP Again and Again and Again by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! In 2016 Putin Proved that Trolling Works! HIS BOY WON! Now a Million Patriots Need to Campaign Against The GOP Monarchists... Defend Democracy!

  Trump Caused: Massive Unemployment, Endless Business Bankruptcies, the Stock Market Crash and TOTAL FAILURE TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM DISEASE... #TrumpFailed and That's Why The American Voters Rejected Trump Totally!
JOE BIDEN WON THE 2020 ELECTION and Democrats Won the House and Senate...
Let's Beat 'Em Again in 2022! 

and Now The GOP Has Banished
Liz Cheney For Failure to LIE!

and #MoscowMitch Plans to Cause
Global Economic Collapse...
Because They Would Rule over
the Peasants in the Thousand Years
of Dark Ages... Just Like Kings did
in Europe from 400 AD until 1789 AD
MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - on an Upside Down American Flag - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

#DumpTrump 2022 and 2024 - Screaming Head Says - I Really Won - I Really Won - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON! There! I Changed Realty Using Only My Mind! and a Million of Screaming TrumpNiks®
DumpTrump 2022 and 2024 - Screaming Head Says - I Really Won - I Really Won - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON - I WON! There! I Changed Realty Using My Mind!

The GOP is the LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE Party - Find More Memes at Google Image Search using the Keywords - gvan42 meme
Find More Memes at Google Image Search
using the Keywords - gvan42 meme

DumpTrump TotalFailureDonald meme gvan42

REJECT tRUMP AGAIN IN 2022 2024 AND FOREVER meme gvan42

Peace and Love: 
Not Just a Great Idea but a 
Practical and Efficient Way of Life... 
Just think of all the money you will save NOT BUYING GUNS!

QANON SUCKS Satire - gvan42

Remember: tRUMP is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. It's BACK TO THE COATHANGER.

Stop the ALT RIGHT - Uncle Sam Beating the Nazi and American South

Please Share This TV AD That QUOTES TRUMP Word for Word... Transcript: the Corona virus. This is that new hoax. We have a totally under control. It's one person coming in from China One day. It's like a miracle. It will disappear when you have 15 people and within a couple of days is gonna be down to close to zero. We really think we've done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum. I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand. No, I don't take responsibility. Oh, priorities. USA Action is responsible for the content of this ad.


Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

It's Too Late to #ImpeachBarr 
He Made Crime Legal for Trump 
and His Evil Minions... 
not protect "connected" people from being arrested. Let's Lock fuBARR UP!

MEME - Beat Trump Like a Pinata - gvan42


Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law #MAGAKillers MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Really! I'm Not Making This UP!
Trump Signed the 
"Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law" 
H.J.Res 40

MEME - gvan42 - GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle. PROTEST Gregory Vanderlaan
GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle.
Reject The Boogaloo... 
MEME: QAnon: The Coronavirus was Invented at The Fort Detrick BioWeapons Laboratory... gvan42
QAnon: The Coronavirus was Invented at
The Fort Detrick BioWeapons Laboratory

tRUMP has Started Calling Himself "Nobody."
tRUMP has Started Calling Himself "Nobody."

tRUMP Bring on the Hookers MEME gvan42
Find More MEMEs
at Google Image Search

Keywords: "gvan42 MEME"

#DumpTrump MEME by gvan42

#DumpTrump MEME by gvan42

MEME - HA HA Hillary Got More Votes - Simpsons - gvan42
MEME - gvan42 - Impeach angry boy brat kava kava noogie
Impeach "Angry Boy" Brat Kava Kava Noogie, SCOTUS
MEME - Beat Trump Like a Pinata - gvan42

MEME - Chart of US Military Deaths after the 1960's Great Awakening by gvan42

MEME - Beat Trump Like a Pinata - gvan42

MEME - Beat Trump Like a Pinata - gvan42

MEME - Beat Trump Like a Pinata - gvan42

MEME - tRUMP is an Ecological Disaster - gvan42
tRUMP is an Ecological Disaster - gvan42

****** (~);-} ******

Just Like The Russians Did in 2016, We Can Be A Troll Farm!
Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Trump's "Clean Coal" does not actually exist. We have a choice between Really Really Really Bad Pollution or Really Bad Pollution at High Cost. Murray Energy's "Wish List" became Trump's TO-DO List... Obvious Bribery... One Million Dollar Donation Buys Trump's Support of Coal Mining Businesses... and then in October 2019 - Murray Energy goes bankrupt


Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste
DEPORT Melanija Knavs, FLOTUS
Help Defeat Trump по Разделяя эти бесплатные мемов в социальных сетях ... Это особенно весело, чтобы скопировать и вставить в Republicriminal группы! Напомните им, что их мальчик является Прелюбодеем ... После того, как все, Trump получил «Маллиган» для Boinking порнозвезды While Замужем! Потому что Моисей был «Шучу» О тех заповедях!

QAnon Sucks!

Remember: Trump is Destroying America AND YOUR COUNTRY TOO. He Subsidizes BURNING COAL to Generate Electricity.  Polluting the Air and then Wind Blows the SMOG all over the Earth.

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

POP QUIZ! What Do These People Have in Common?
Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty
If You Can't Spot The Trend, You Might Be a TrumpNik!
[You Can Certainly Copy and Paste The Words Above into Social Media Posts... as a Snappy Rebuttal to Propaganda]

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste
Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste
Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround the White House and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word!

Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... 
MEME - Trump is Insane gvan42
If You Cannot Come To Washington DC,
Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.


MEME gvan42 Demand Trump Resign Now

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word! Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE! If You Cannot Come To Washington DC, Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.

MEME gvan42 Map of Arrest Trump Rally Exoricsm at White House
Ask Yourself: "What Would Abbie Hoffman DO?"

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Here is Another Example of Trump's Corruption... One Million Dollar Donation from Gordon Sundland and THEN he was Appointed Ambassador to the Europe Union (but NOT Ukraine) - and then HE GOT FIRED for Telling the Truth! NO REFUNDS FOR BRIBES!

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Lefty Leaks is An alternative to WikiLeaks... This Twitter Account shows all the Examples of "The Left" doing Dastardly Deeds... Liberals EXPOSED! - Actually, no leaks are posted... Maybe it's Satire? Maybe they JUST FAILED...

We can Convert Sea Water into Pure Drinking Water, Salt and Electricity ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Simply focus sunlight onto a black pipe to boil seawater producing steam. Use the steam to spin a turbine creating electricity. We should build a freshwater factory at USMC Camp Pendleton to Supply Water to Los Angeles... The Technology Is NOT Difficult but the FUNDING is Missing. Write to Your Elected Representatives... 

READ MORE HERE. (Diagrams) 

 ALSO USEFUL FOR CLEANING FRACKING WASTEWATER... Maybe Some College Student Will build a Proof of Concept Device as Part of their Engineering Class. I see a Doctorate in Your Future... Or Maybe Just Start a Business and Become the NEXT Billionaire... It's Possible.
Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste

Free #DumpTrump MEME pirate like share print copy paste
BITE ME, TrumpNiks!

Rainbow Atomic No Danger Symbol Postcard for sale!
An Enlightened Alternative to the Radiation Hazard Sign or the Fallout Shelter Sign. Hey, We Learned something in the Sixties! NO NUKES!

Help Defeat tRUMP by Sharing these Free MEMEs on Social Media... It's Especially Fun to Copy and Paste Into Republicriminal Groups! Remind Them That Their Boy is an Adulterer... After All, tRUMP got a "Mulligan" for Boinking a Porn Star While Married! Because Moses Was "Just Kidding" About Those Commandments!

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Mockery of Mad King Donald the Corrupt - Satire - #Impeach #DumpTrump #BogusPOTUS Fake Photo Collages and Ridicule... FEEL FREE TO PIRATE THESE IMAGES AND USE THEM IN YOUR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS, BLOGS - 
free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap FOR SALE!
Most Americans are in Favor of Impeaching 
tRUMP and Removing Him From Office... 
and then LOCK HIM UP for Corruption...
#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap
#Impeach tRUMP Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan
free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Many More MEMEs at

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

End the Crazy Tariffs and the Trade War with China, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Russia... The Trade War is Harming American Farmers and Consumers. The only people that Benefit are Russian Soybean Farmers who are shipping MegaTons of Beans to China. Putin says: Thank You Donald, You are a wonderful Puppet... HORRORSHOW!

FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs at collect them all - Wake UP! It's Free, It's Fun and Everybody's Doing It!
tRUMP's Impeachment Insurance.
Leave Me Alone or You'll Get Mikey...
FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs at

Get Your FREE #DumpTrump Coloring Book at - and FREE MEMEs - Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign" Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
Man holding a Sign that says: "This is a Sign"
Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
FREE #DumpTrump MEMEs 
 collect them all... 
****** (~);-} ******
some Blocks of Text to Copy and Paste when Sharing News Stories on Facebook or Twitter...
Trump's FAILED ECONOMY... All those "Talking Heads" on TV Telling You That The Rich are Winning a Fortune on the Stock Market, FAIL TO MENTION The Increase in Suicide, Alcoholism, Opioid Overdoses and Homelessness. Read More at:

Explain This: If Trump's Economy Is Booming, Why the Massive Increase in Suicide, Alcoholism, Opioid Overdoses and Homelessness?

Another Example of Trump's FAILED Economy:

William Barr Should Resign in Disgrace... Just Like So Many Other Corrupt TrumpNik Swamp Creatures Did... 

Patriots Worldwide: Let's All Work to Defeat tRUMP and Make Both the House and Senate Democratic. Volunteers Needed! ANYONE CAN CAMPAIGN on fACEBOOK AND tWITTER. Even YOU! Throw tRUMP OUT Before He Destroys The Environment Worldwide... Remember: tRUMP is Anti-Choice and Plans to Force Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. CRAZY! 

****** (~);-} ******
Rainbow Atomic Power Postcard for sale...
This Postcard is Good for the NO NUKES! People and the PRO NUKES! People Too... All about a Rainbow Atomic Power World... No Bombs... No Obsolete Power Plants Creating Radioactive Waste... In the Future we Ought to GO FUSION... be it a Giant Reactor 93 Million Miles away or a Small One in My Back Yard.
Rainbow Atomic Power Postcard
by gregvan

****** (~);-} ******

I Did Not Vote in 2016 Because Both Candidates Were HORRIBLE... and I Do NOT Feel Guilty about That... Hillary Stole the Democratic Nomination using "Super Delegate" Tricks... and She Lost... and it's all history anyway... Focus on the Future... We Will Beat Trump Like a Pinata!...
Remember the Movie SIGNS?
Mel Gibson told His Brother
Joaquin Phoenix...

****** (~);-} ******

Why Not Wake UP? 
It's Free, It's Fun and Everybody's Doing It! 

Why Does Trump FEAR REALITY? Truth and Facts Terrify Czar Donald The Corrupt. That's Why He Is Hiding His Tax Returns, State Dept Memos and Impeachment Witnesses...  Will The Supreme Court Prove Itself to Be Total Sleazeballs? Will They Defend Trump OR Will They Defend The United States Of America? Soon We Will Find Out IF Brat Kava Kava NOOGIE is a Patriot or Putin's Puppet... We Have Already Seen That The GOP Promotes Russian Propaganda. Why Are They EVIL? Demonic Possession? 

QAnon Sucks

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Russians Campaigned for Trump. Trump Campaigned for Trump. There was A LOT of Communication between the Trump People and Russians. MANY OF TRUMP'S PEOPLE WENT TO PRISON. and Many More are Going to be Locked up! Including Rude Julie Anna!

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
Millions of Trump Supporters #RUNAWAY from Mad King Donald. "He is Insane! Sure, I Voted for Him in 2016 but... I Woke UP! #IMPEACH! Da Mo Fo" - says Benjamin Ghazi: Republicrime Strategist

tRUMP Invents a NEW LANGUAGE! NotEnglish... Words Mean the Opposite of What They Mean in English... For Example: a "PERFECT" Phone Call Actually Means "Screwed Up So Bad It Causes Impeachment" - See How It Works? It's as If tRUMP Lived in BACKWARDS WORLD! Everyone SAYS That tRUMP is a Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire but... In BACKWARDS WORLD he is telling the TRUTH! 2+2=5 IS ACTUALLY CORRECT LOOKING AT MATH USING tRUMP-0-VISION! It's Totally False that Mad King Donald is So Insane that He Has Become a Menace to Society... THE RAPTURE WILL "BEAM US UP" BEFORE tRUMP'S DISASTER POLICIES KICK IN... and all those Non-Believers will BURN! Ha, Ha! 

Repeal Trump's "HELP CRAZY PEOPLE BUY GUNS" Law. People that Receive Social Security Disability due to Insanity SHOULD NOT OWN GUNS. Trump signed that law in 2017... Obviously, he was wrong... Now is the time to reverse Trump's Mistake! #MAGAKillers SUCK

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!
"Investing in the Stock Market is a Bad Idea because of the Coming Crash Caused by Trump's Bonehead Policies - Smart Money is Buying Gold." - Benjamin Ghazi - Investment Strategy Manager

Impeach Trump. 25th Amendment. Emoluments Clause. Three ways to save the USA.

If Three Hundred Million of us Protest we have a chance to get Donald Trump OUT of the White House. While Robert Mueller and the FBI, the Senate and the House are working on their investigations WE THE PEOPLE can help by contacting our representatives. OR... If you are able... March in the streets! We saw that the TrumpCare Bill was defeated by overwhelming rejection by the people. We can do it again.

25th Amendment - How to replace a president who has health problems...
There are a few ways to remove Trump from office... Impeachment is the obvious first choice but Disability has potential... If he becomes bored with being 'resident he can voluntarily step down. He has a history of declaring bankruptcy in business deals, would this be any different? If his cabinet agrees that he can't do the job they can force him to quit. If he goes to a hospital for example... Not that unlikely as he is older than dirt and lives a high stress lifestyle...  Even a MENTAL HOSPITAL... and He cannot serve if he is locked up in Jail...

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

The People Have Spoken! The Majority Voted for Hillary Clinton. We Realized That tRUMP was a Con Man, Saw Through is Lies AND REJECTED the #BogusPotus! Even with Russia's Help HE GOT FEWER VOTES... LOSER!

The Republican Party is a Minority Group and they are Getting Smaller Every Day. Old White People Shriveling Up and Dying without Having Enough Children to Replace them... Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minorities and College Graduates...

Repeal Trump's HELP CRAZY PEOPLE BUY GUNS Law MEME - More at Google Image Search Keyword: gvan42
#MAGAKillers Suck
So Called "Christians" who support tRUMP believe that "The Rapture" will save them and only Those "Left Behind" will experience God's Wrath in Firestorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Drought... Did You Notice the GREEN SLIME in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida? That's Like the Old Testament Turning the Nile into a River of Blood... But this time the Color is different... OH! That Make it all Groovy! No Problem Here, It's GREEN! 

Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan

I Like Mike - anti-trump MEMEs by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
I Like Mike! Bloomberg Can Beat tRUMP.
Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan
Six Simple Things We Can DO To Stop Climate Change.
  • Removing fossil-fuel subsidies and boosting incentives to move to decentralized energy systems and make clean energy production and storage systems more economically competitive.
  • Encouraging financial markets to divest of assets linked to fossil fuels, to divert investment towards less-polluting technologies, leaving investors keen to avoid the prospect of holding 'stranded assets' tied to fossil fuels.
  • Building sustainable cities powered by renewable energy.
  • Revealing the "moral implications" of fossil fuels.
  • Disclosing greenhouse gas emissions information.
  • Strengthening climate education and engagement.

Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan

Dump Trump MEME - Lock Him UP! - Global Impeachment Movement - gvan42 - Copy and Paste - Like and Share - FREE SATIRE ART by Gregory Vanderlaan

MEME: It's a Global Dump Trump Movement - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
MEME: It's a Global Dump Trump Movement

#DumpTrump, #ImpeachTrump, #DitchMitch, #BogusPotus
Here is a Letter from Senator Jack Reed.

Dear Mr. Vanderlaan,Today, the Senate concluded its impeachment trial of President Trump. After listening to the impeachment managers and the President's defense team, and carefully weighing the overwhelming evidence that was presented, I voted to find President Trump guilty on both articles of impeachment. I believe there would have been even more evidence to support this conclusion, but the Senate was denied the opportunity to see relevant documents and hear from firsthand witnesses.This was not a decision I made lightly, and I took no pleasure in it. However, based on the evidence, I concluded that the President's actions posed an ongoing threat to our democracy and warranted his impeachment and removal from office. Our President asked a foreign leader to announce a sham investigation into his political rival and withheld critical U.S. military aid in an effort to secure that investigation. He then obstructed the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry - refusing to allow relevant witnesses to testify or produce key documents and emails. To this day, the information blockade continues. These actions constitute abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.Before the votes, I spoke in more detail on the Senate floor about my reflections on the impeachment trial. You can read my remarks at or watch them at the outcome of the Senate vote, we must now look to the future and redouble our efforts to deliver on good governance for our country. I will continue my work to meet the needs and priorities of Rhode Islanders, like rebuilding our roads and schools, protecting affordable access to health care, and creating more decent-paying jobs across the state. And we must all work to build a better, stronger America together.

Jack Reed
United States Senator

free MEME by gvan42 satire of Mad King Donald the Corrupt #Impeach tRUMP NOW!

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and Now, on a Different Subject... 
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