Teachers Union Sues Evil Betsy DeVos for Failing to Comply with the Law about Student Loan Payoffs after Ten (10) years of Public service.

The Law States that If You work in a USEFUL Government Job for ten years all your student loans are paid off by the Department of Education. People that work as Policemen, Firemen, Nurses, Teachers and Eligibility Workers at the Department of Health and Human Services (ME) qualify for Automatic Student Loan Payoff. The Law was written in order to encourage College Graduates to "Give Back To The Community" by working in Important Government Jobs. I was almost involved in this Law. However, after making Automatic Minimum Monthly Payment out of my Paycheck for Nine Years, my Student Loans were all paid off.  I went to a State of California University and as a Resident my Tuition was not very much money. $27,000 for Four Years. 

The Lawsuit says that Evil Betsy DeVos creates BOGUS Excuses to Fail to Pay the Students. Contrived wiggling to defraud Government Employees. GEE, Maybe I should have taken a Private Sector Job with a High Tech Corporation. I did have a Choice with my BS in Computer Information Systems. Many Job Offers but Only ONE in Eureka, where I lived and where I wanted to Stay... That was with the DHHS. I took that one and Used my computer skills to Operate their Obsolete SAWS System that DID NOT USE A MOUSE... The Statewide Automated Welfare System was written in the Late 1990s by a Company that invented their own programming Language for this one contract... It was a system that we took a Three Month Training Class to learn how to use it. One thing was for certain... Write down every keyboard command on a "Recipe Card" so you could do the steps when it came time to actually work. Most of the employees were Women and they felt comfortable with a stack of hand written index cards... Just like Cooking Recipe Cards... 


Teachers union sues Evil Betsy DeVos over loan forgiveness program... 

The American Federation of Teachers union sued Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Thursday, alleging the department has mismanaged a federal program that grants teachers and other public service workers loan forgiveness after they make 10 years of payments.