Kamala Harris and other prominent Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with cash payouts for the poor and working class.

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/19/kamala-harris-democrats-push-to-repeal-and-replace-trump-tax-cuts.html Repeal and replace the $1.5 trillion Republican tax plan.
The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. 

Echelon Keyword Data: Kamala, Harris, tax cuts, 99%, repeal, Trump's Tax Cut, cash payout, poor, people, middle class, working class, class war

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