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With a Universal Basic Income everyone would spend an additional $1,000 a month at American Businesses... and Jeff Bezos could simply pay for it all...
Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy...
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3/13/2025 Was Trump's MAGA Disaster Day! Stock Market Crashes Again!, 98 People Arrested Storming Trump Tower! Thousands of fired federal workers must be offered reinstatement, a judge rules...
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TODAY! Washington DC Protest DEMAND DEMOCRACY - Capitol protest against our unconstitutional government - #NowDC #14thNOW All we have to do is convince Trump voters to flip and they will convince Republican elected officials to flip as we...
Trump has Deleted the Decade 1890 - 1900 from History Textbooks ... The GAY Nineties ... Obviously DUI...
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FIRED BY TRUMP MUSK? It's Time for a January 6th Style "Love Fest" Jobs Protest at the White House - Drive the MADMAN OUT!
Link to all my tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on FIRE merchandise Click Here to Fight Against Evil! Trump says: YOU'RE FIRED! That's the...
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"LOCK HIM UP!" - Buttons, Hats and T-Shirts for sale at Zazzle Gregvan -
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Oklahoma 2025? What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it's Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I'm in the Band! Held every July 1st through 7th at a Different Location in a National Forest...
It's a backpack trip for up to 20,000 hippies... Many people bring in a lot of equipment to build kitchens to feed the hungry... Giant b...
Where to Live to Avoid Climate Disasters... The West Coast of the USA from San Francisco to Canada. The Land within 5 Miles of the Pacific Ocean is the Best Place to Survive... Low Risk of Wild Fires, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Hail, Super Hot or Super Cold Weather... but We Do Have Earthquakes & Tsunamis... READ MORE:
after looking at the Map I see that the cool and rainy North Coast is a Great Place to Avoid the Coming Climate Disaster... and In General, ...
END OLIGARCHY! Oppose Mad King Donald every day in every way... The 25th amendment can be used to remove a president who has gone insane... And Trump is out of his freaking mind!
If insanity threatens the United States, a president may be forcibly removed... Against his will... Screaming "I'm the victim! I...
FIRED BY TRUMP MUSK? It's Time for a January 6th Style "Love Fest" Jobs Protest at the White House - Drive the MADMAN OUT!
Link to all my tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on FIRE merchandise Click Here to Fight Against Evil! Trump says: YOU'RE FIRED! That's the...
OFFICIAL JACK SMITH FINAL REPORT: Click on the link to find out what Trump doesn't want you to know!
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Pentagon Rainbow Swirl t-shirt for sale... Or you can just download the FREE artwork and use it to spice up your own blog, website or even make decorated gifts... Have fun!
Click Here - Pentagon Rainbow Swirl t-shirt Trump fails again! Massive unemployment in the Washington DC area is a consequence of trump firi...
Hate Won't Make America Great - RAINBOW Buttons for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan! All my Royalties Donated to Charity...
Click here to buy a button! Click Here to buy the Smooth Background Anti Hate Button LINK: ALL MY BUTTONS! "Greenland Not for Sale...
"When You Leave a Room, Turn Out the Light." STICKERS for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - You Can Stick It Right Next to the Light Switch! NOT EVERYONE KNOWS THIS!
The only people that would have this knowledge are people that have actually paid an electric bill... If you think that electricity is magic...
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Ever think about reading a book instead? Here's a link to 1984 by George Orwell read out loud for free!
1/6 Was an Inside Job and the Insiders Were: Former President Trump and His FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ... Remember: January 6th was not JUST an Insurrection... It was a FAILED Insurrection... Trump FAILED to Overthrow the USA and Crown Himself King... and We Banished him to Mar-A-Loser...
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REFUSE TO TRAVEL FOR THANKSGIVING! Jet Airplanes Cause Climate Change! Burning gas in your car or truck is killing us... Have a zoom family reunion... Stay at home and visit on the computer...
Not only is travel bad for the health of the planet but, it's Astonishingly Annoying too... Getting stuck in the airport... Traffic jams...
My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.
I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos ...
What Ever Happened to Trump's Phony Middle Class Tax Cuts? They Expired... But The Super Rich Got to Keep their Tax Cuts! #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #InvestigateIvankaGate
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Oklahoma 2025? What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it's Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I'm in the Band! Held every July 1st through 7th at a Different Location in a National Forest...
It's a backpack trip for up to 20,000 hippies... Many people bring in a lot of equipment to build kitchens to feed the hungry... Giant b...
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Drive North on Highway 5 from Sacramento, Turn Right on Highway 32... Keep Going until You Get There... A Cruising D...
RAINBOW GATHERING 2021: Photographs of the Gathering Near Taos, New Mexico...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ Here is What this Blog Post Looked Before The Gathering Happened... Of Historical Value... Helping People Get There....
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