Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

VOTE DEMOCRATIC ---> Pro Choice, Pro Ecology, $15 an Hour Minimum Wage, Medicare for All, Tax the Rich, Feed the Poor... Not Racist...

We have a Brand New Democratic Party... No Longer Ruled by the Machine that Selected Hillary Against the Will of the People... Those Days are Gone...

Join with Young People... Red, White, Black Brown and Yellow people... LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ People... Generation X, Y and Z, Baby Boomers, Millennials, Dogs, Cats and Purple People of the Universe... WE all band together to reclaim the Government of WE THE PEOPLE, Not the Corporations that currently BRIBE the Republicrime Party...

Artwork for a Button on my Zazzle Webstore

Vote Democratic Letters in a Circle
Handy for Printing on a BUTTON at your zazzle store... 

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