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The Last Weekend dot org - It's time to transform our government! We've marched. We've rallied. Now we're ready to give it everything we've got, on the last weekend before the midterm elections.  Study after study shows that the most effective way to get people to vote is by having conversations with them in the four days before Election Day (Saturday, November 3rd–Tuesday, November 6th).
Each of us has the power to make a big difference in a key race by talking to voters. Don't just vote this year—volunteer! Will you be there when it matters?

Nearly two dozen top progressive groups are joining forces ahead of the midterm elections in an effort to boost Democratic turnout in November and parlay a surge of liberal energy into pre-election activism.

The groups, which include MoveOn, Indivisible, Organizing for Action, Latino Victory, United We Dream and the Working Families Party, among others, will launch a new online organizing hub Tuesday called The Last Weekend, with an aim of amassing more than a million volunteer hours during those crucial pre-election days.

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