Kinetic Grand Championship: May 25th - 27th, 2024 - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale. Whimsical Art Bicycles That Travel on Roads, Sand and In the Water... FOR THE GLORY!

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42
Hippypotamus by Ken Beidleman 
of Kinetic Sculpture Lab

Grateful Squid KGC 2023
Grateful Squid

video of the Kinetic Grand Championship 2023 Arcata CA
(You CAN fast forward to get past 
the Talking Heads Babbling about Nothing)

10 Minutes before the Start of the Race - Arcata, CA 2023 Kinetic Grand Championship
10 Minutes before the Start of the Race -
Arcata, CA 2023 Kinetic Grand Championship

and they are OFF! KGC 2023 Arcata, CA
and they are OFF!

Shania Train and Dancers KGC 2023 Arcata
Shania Train and Dancers 

another view of the Grateful Squid

Grateful Squid on the Beach in Samoa

IT in the Sand Dunes

Kinetic Grand Championship 2023 - the Tongue God

June Moxon's 2023 Kinetic Sculpture - Grinning Slipper
June Moxon's 2023 Kinetic Sculpture:
Grinning Slipper

Goose - KGC 2023

Trashlantis in Arcata, CA KGC 2023

Here IT Comes: Kinetic Grand Championship 2023 - Arcata, CA
Here IT Comes! 2023

(as soon as People Post more on Faceborg!)

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Bob Doran's Photo Page: 
All of the The People That are Racing!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Previous Years!

June Moxon and a Horse Kinetic Sculpture Arcata, CA
June Moxon and a Horse Kinetic Sculpture 

The Hippie Pot a Mouse by Ken B.
The Hippie Pot A Mouse by Ken B...

Kinetic Grand Championship 2022 - Near Arcata, CA
On the Road to the Beach in Samoa.

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Videos and Still Photographs of the
Kinetic Sculpture Race 2014 in Arcata, California. 
Water Wheel & Samoa Bridge in Humboldt Bay near Eureka, CA, USA
Water Wheel & Samoa Bridge in Humboldt Bay

Madaket Ferry and the Scaredy Cat in Humboldt Bay near Eureka, CA, USA
Madaket Ferry and the Scaredy Cat

Here's a Video from 2022:

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Duane Flatmo Changing Tires on the Dragon

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
This years best: Pigasus
Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Pigasus Support Crew
Click on the Pictures to see them Bigger

Link to Video of Star Ship Enterprise:

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Link to Video of the Wild West Wagon:

Link to Video of the Giant Shark:

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Link to Video of the Pirate Ship approaching Manila School:

In the event of Sunshine, the race is still ON.
Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
What IS this? A Coal Mining Earth Eater?

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Bounce Machine...
The Elf Jumps Up and Down to create forward Motion

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
2001 TMA Monolith

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Think Train

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Egyptian Goddess
Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Egyptian Goddess and Mummy on Highway 101 Eureka, CA

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Whirled Peas

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
June Moxon's Shoe
 and Posing Clowns Holding up 
Invisible Applause Sign

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Gumball Machine

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Duane Flatmo: The Doomed Buggy
(it Sank Later in Humboldt Bay)

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Duane Flatmo: The Doomed Buggy on 
Highway 101 in Eureka, CA

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Pigasus... Highway 101

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Man with Child as a Passenger Kinetic Sculpture

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Mr Bubble entertains the Children.
The fellow has a long rope with a dozen loops attached to sticks that he dunks in a gallon jar of bubble mix...

More Pictures At:

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata, California 2014 - gvan42
Photographs from a few years ago... 

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale California -Whimsical ART Bicycles gvan42

Find MORE ART at Google Image Search using this 

Travel Pages:

Best Quora Answer Ever! 🙌 By Republican, Author, Minister and journalist, William Weir!!!!
“Can a liberal actually give a good reason not to vote for Trump?”
“Lifelong conservative and former Republican here, but I’ll give it a shot.
In 2016 we knew he was completely unqualified. He had absolutely no understanding of the job or the Constitution. His argument for why he was qualified was that he was a successful businessman. A “successful” businessman who repeatedly filed bankruptcy, repeatedly defrauded his customers, repeatedly cheated his investors, and repeatedly refused to pay contractors. But the chief reason conservatives vote Republican is out of some sense of morality. Yet this man bragged that he was a habitual sex offender, and admitted to being a pedophile. The only thing worse than his business record was his record on relationships, as he’s a serial adulterer with kids by at least three different women all of whom he cheated on. Add to that his refusal to disavow hate groups and white supremacists who supported him, his refusal to say he would accept the outcome of the election. Not to mention his own hate speech, encouraging violence at his rallies, and even mocking a reporter’s disability.
By the end of 2019, he had proven himself to be both corrupt and incompetent. He appointed white supremacists, unqualified campaign donors, and his own children to positions of power. He had already set a record for indictments, guilty pleas and criminal convictions of members of an administration. He routinely violated the Emoluments Clause and the Hatch Act, and repeatedly abused his office for personal gain. His trade war had increased the trade deficit, bankrupted American farmers forcing us to spend billions on bailouts, closed almost 2,000 American factories and killed 300,000 American jobs, and had driven up technology prices. His tax bill had slowed economic growth by two thirds, with Dow growth and the drop in unemployment both falling by about that amount in comparison to under Obama policies. The Fed started lowering interest rates for the first time since Obama was President to combat the economic slowdown, and Trump himself complained they didn’t do more to prevent a recession. He had already increased the deficit every year, maintained a debt to GDP ratio over 100% every year of his term—neither of which any President had ever done before. By the end of the year, he had been impeached, and would soon become the first President to have a Senator from his own party vote for his conviction
Then in 2020, the pandemic came and he ignored sound advice, instead pretending the virus was being exaggerated, refusing to take simple common sense measures to slow the spread, instead floating fake cures and encouraging his supporters to break the laws being put in place by state and local officials to protect their communities. As a result, we saw the largest number of new unemployment claims in history, the largest spike in unemployment since the Great Depression, and the largest point drops in the history of the Dow. His reaction was to create the largest deficit in history—double the previous record—to bail out corporations, prop up the stock market, and to pay people not to work. With gas prices at the lowest of his presidency, he forced OPEC into a two year deal to slash production to create a global oil shortage to drive up fuel prices and boost profits for oil companies.
Now as we move into 2024, since the 2020 election, he incited an insurrection where it seems he hoped his supporters would murder his own Vice President in hopes that the President Pro Tempore of the Senate might certify the fake electors he sent to Washington and steal the election. This is after making ridiculous false claims of fraud while calling states and asking them to manufacture votes for him. This led to his unprecedented second impeachment with even more Senators from his own party voting for his conviction. On his way out the door he illegally withdrew 5,000 troops from Afghanistan to sabotage our operations there. Then we found out he stole classified documents, mishandled them, denied having them, falsely claimed he had declassified them with his mind, and refused to return them, forcing a warrant to be issued to search his home. And now he’s been indicted for falsifying business records to cover up paying off a porn star so she wouldn’t disclose that he paid her for sex while he was married to his current porn star wife.
And I’m leaving out so much. Shutting down the government for the longest time in history because his own party wouldn’t fund his wall. Encouraging Russian interference in the 2016 election and committing at least ten acts of obstruction of justice to cover his actions. Freeing 5,000 Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan. Freeing thousands more ISIS terrorists in Syria. Committing a war crime by ordering the assassination of an Iranian general in violation of international treaties. Tweeting a classified photo. Forgetting what country he bombed. Redrawing a Hurricane projection map with a sharpie. Covfefe…
In short, we knew he was an incompetent, corrupt, unqualified moron in 2016. He demonstrated that in great detail during his miserable presidency, and now he keeps demonstrating how horrible a person he is on a daily basis even after leaving office.
Maybe a liberal can give you a few more things as well.”

If you know someone with a lot of GUNS, report 'em! call ‪1-800-CALL-FBI (1-‪800-225-5324) or go to They Can't do Mass Murder if they are Incarcerated.

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