How to Clean Up Your Computer to Make it Run Better after Years of Use... Windows 10 - Google Chrome - Step by Step Instructions.

I Have Found that Doing This about Once a Week Fixed the Problems that I was Having with the Computer Just Freezing... and Programs Refusing to Start... and The Whole Damn Thing Running Slower Than The Second Coming of Christ!

First: I Uploaded all my Photographs to Google Drive and deleted them from My Laptop. I also Uploaded all my "Words of Wisdom"- I write a lot but there is no reason to keep copies of what I write On My Laptop... It's Important to Give your Pictures Meaningful Names so you can search for them on Google Drive... Or Store them on Thumb Drives... Microsoft also gives away free storage Space... 

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Once a Week I delete Browsing History AND COOKIES on Google Chrome. I KEEP ALL THE PASSWORDS... That way it's easy to sign into all my favorite websites... 

a REALLY GOOD IDEA would be to Save Your Passwords Written in Pencil on a Piece of Paper... Keep it in a Safe Place (like Your Wallet) ... That way If Google Chrome Magically Deletes all your saved Passwords you can simply READ IT... Last Week Google Forgot All My Passwords... Glad I Had a Backup Copy on Microsoft EDGE... 

delete history

Click on those words and This Menu Appears!

clear browsing data

For Some Reason Browsers Keep a History of Everywhere You Have Ever Been and Keeps Cookies from all those places... Well... I Think that Screws Up the Computer so I Clear It Once a Week...  chrome://settings/clearBrowserData

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Find the Disk Cleanup App in Windows 10

I do Disk Cleanup Once a Week Also... 

TWICE... One for Regular Files and Again for System Files... 

Disk Cleanup
After You Clean Up The Normal Files...
Run Disk Cleanup Again and this Time...
Click on the "Clean Up System Files Button"
and This Menu Pops Up!
Disk Cleanup System Files

This program always fails to actually delete the Temporary Internet Files... That's a Mystery... But... WhatEVER!

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Another Application that You Can Find by Typing the 
Work DISK into Search is:
"Defragment and Optimise Drives"
Defragment and Optimise Drive App
This App Takes a LONG TIME to Do It's Work...
Sometimes an HOUR!
So Set it running and then Go Do Something Else...
Like Watch a TV Show or
Take a Walk Down by The Creek...

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"Scan Disk"
Searches for Errors on the Disk Drive Itself
and Fixes them!
How to find the FILE EXPLORER APP
Type the Word FILE in Search:

Click on This PC - Drive (C:)
How to find SCAN DISK

On the Top Left the Second Icon is
a Picture of a Piece of Paper with a Checkmark on it...
Opens up a Menu for Drive (C:)
Click on the Tools Tab
and Run Error Checking!
How to run the Error Checking Application

Maybe the Trouble is With The RAM... 

Type "Memory" into the Search Box... Close all Running Applications... Run as Administrator... 

Windows Memory Diagnostic App

The Windows Memory Diagnostic App Tests all the RAM Chips and... In My Case... NO Problem Found... Hooray!

Once I Had to Take My Computer Down to a Repairman and He Replaced all the RAM Chips... At That Time I Found that It Was Very Significant That I was Having the Exact Same Troubles that Jeff Bridges was Having in the Movie TRON! Of Course... I was Drinking a LOT of Coffee and Smoking Tobacco and so... Paranoid Schizophrenia made me think a LOT of Strange Invalid Things... 

LINKS TO MORE PSYCHEDELIC ART AND... My Purple64ets Blog on Wordpress!

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Psychedelic Art by gvan42

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Monarchy SUCKS! The GOP Wants to Prevent YOU from Voting So They Can Crown tRUMP CZAR!

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Reject The GOP Hypocritical Race Theory! Let Teachers Teach TRUTH in School…

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Donald Rumsfeld is Dead. WONDERFUL! Now He Cannot Do Evil Anymore…

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4th of July Tip: Many Veterans Hate Surprise Firecrackers. They Think That The Enemy is Shooting at Them. SO… If You are at a Party With Veterans… Don’t Blow Things UP!

and DOGS Don’t Like Firecrackers Either…

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Let’s Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices!

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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best…

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