Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Met a Christian Man That Said Premarital Sex Was a Sin. With That Attitude, I Bet It Was Difficult for Him to Get Laid...

What's UP With Requiring a Vow of Celibacy to be a Catholic Priest? Doesn't That Mean ONLY WEIRDOS Apply for the Job?

I Love Funny Hats meme by gvan42
What Does a Vow of Celibacy Really Mean Anyway? You Promise to Not Have Sex with Adult Women? Who would Agree to Such a Deal? Gay Men? Child Molesters? FREAKS? 

Melania - not funny hat

That Religion Seems Absurd... Protestant Ministers Can Live a Normal Life With a Wife and Children... Mormons Can Have Many Wives and a Whole FLOCK of Children... How Can Anyone Expect to Get VALID ADVICE From a Man That Doesn't Have a Family? What if You Have Questions About IMPORTANT TROUBLES Concerning Your Children and HE HAS NO ACTUAL EXPERIENCE! 

I Love Funny Hats meme gvan42
JS SAID: Hundred's of years of catholic pedophile priests say you're right, only evil pedophiles become priests.

EW Said: there are pedophiles in many different churches, not just the catholic church. Pedophiles are everywhere and are attracted to jobs that put them in a position of power.

I Replied: My Grandfather was a Minister... Until the Great Depression of the 1930s when There was No Money in the Collection Plate... He Could Not Earn a Living as a Minister so he concluded that GOD Did Not Exist and Quit his Job... Became a High School Teacher... That Career was Valid and Put Food on the Table... When God Failed... 

Free Love Hat for Sale on My Zazzle Webstore gregvan

Another Really Bogus Practice is Communion. You Eat a Wafer and Then You are Supposed to Meet God... That Didn't Work for Me. I Ate it and NOTHING HAPPENED... Unlike My Experience at a Grateful Dead Concert Where I Ate the LSD and For a Few Hours Felt Like I Actually Did Meet God... Much Better Experience... IMHO...

It Seems That The Catholic Church is a Make Believe Vampire/Cannibal Cult... They Pretend to Drink the Blood of Christ and Eat His Body... STRANGE!

On a Different Subject... tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Button


Republicans LIE, LIE and LIE Again... They say 2+2=5, The Sun Shines at Night and The Mueller Report Completely Exonerates Trump... FALSE! 

POP QUIZ! WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON??? Steve Bannon=Arrested, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty, Elliott Broidy=Arrested CAN YOU SPOT THE FREAKING TREND?  

HEADLINE: Americans vaccinated against Covid may be allowed to go to Europe in summer...  Fantastic! I've Never Travelled to Europe but Maybe I'll Do That Soon... I'd Have to Get on the Airplane Before October Because That's When the "REAL ID" Laws Start Getting Enforced... an Example of Total CrazyLaw®  - The Article Continues: More tourists from the U.S. visit the E.U. than from any other country outside the bloc, with 25 million arrivals spending 74 million nights in 2016. Americans who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus may be able to visit countries within the European Union this summer, the head of the bloc's executive body has said.


I'm not necessarily one for airy fairy peace and love (although what's the harm in it), but the negative, bitter comments in this group are totally bewildering. And I get it, we're all bitter and ecstatic, happy and sad, excitable and bored at one time or another, but there just seems to be a massive lack of awareness in some people and plain rudeness and arrogance for the sake of it - and not out of some divine need to be honest. It wouldn't be so bad if there was something to learn amongst it all. Why anybody would stay a part of this group, I don't know. Maybe I've just joined at a bad time. As much as I would like to stay and listen to the responses, good and bad, I'm out of here. Ram Dass is an incredibly inspiring figure, human and spiritual in equal measure. I wish you all well on whatever journey you're on.

and I Replied: Peace and Love is Not Only a Great Idea, But It's a Practical and Efficient way of Life. Just Think of the Money You Will Save by Not Buying GUNS!

QW Posted: How did everyone first discover Ram Dass? 

For me it was 11 years ago when I was 19. I was staring at the religion & spirituality section of a Barnes & Nobles for several minutes when a stranger came up to me and handed me a copy of Be Here Now. All he said was “This is a good place to start” and walked away. Cant tell you how many copies of that book I have bought and given away trying to keep that rhythm going lol. Anyways Ram Dass has really stuck with me like no other teacher 💜

FG SAID: For me it was 27 years ago, when I was 13. I found a copy of Be Here Now at a Barnes and Nobles bookstore. By the time I was finished reading it, I had my first "Awakening" experience. I'm now on my 5th copy of Be Here Now, having loaned (or given away, rather) the previous 4 copies. Truly, Baba Ram Dass changed my life.


In 1987 I was 17 & my friend Lynn had a metaphysical bookstore. An OG copy of Be Here Now was on the used book rack - cover price $3.33. I have carried that book with me everywhere I have moved. It's like a member of my family. I recently learned that he and I both lived in Marin at the same time, around when he had his stroke. I'm not sure if I knew what he looked like then. I spent a lot of time at another metaphysical bookstore in San Rafel and I wonder now if we were there at the same time and I didn't know it. Life is strange.

I Replied: I Have No Idea When or Where I Discovered Ram Dass... I Guess I Heard of Dr. Timothy Leary First and Then Learned that His Partner Was Dr. Richard Alpert... Then Later I Noticed the Book "Remember, Be Here Now" which was Different Than any Book Up to That Time... With Those Square Stamped Illustrations... 

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