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Everyone Says Trump Was The Worst President Ever... However... George Bush The Son was an American Idiot TOO...

9/11 Happened on His Watch... and Then He Started TWO Insane Wars Killing Thousands of American Soldiers... and the USA PATRIOT ACT: Pure Evil... and Wrote a $700 Billion Check to Wall Street when They Failed in 2008... Free Money that the The US Government Created From Nowhere... Like a Magician Pulling a Rabbit out of a Hat... 

Richard Nixon allowed the Vietnam War to Continue for FOUR MORE YEARS. He Campaigned on Ending the War in 1968 but Failed to Surrender until 1973... Killing Thousands of American Soldiers...

Ronald Reagan Sold Weapons to Terrorists... He Helped Saddam Hussein become President of Iraq... Blew up Nicaragua... and Started the Disastrous "War On Drugs" which has filled American Prisons with Millions of Black and Brown Men but did not actually reduce drug use...

Yes, It's True that Republicans are the Worst Presidents Ever... but don't forget Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld... They did Evil for Decades... 

Wake Up meme -gvan42
and then on Facebook Jake Pein Said: It’s so wild that it seems like no one remembers how absolutely awful Bush Jr’s presidency was. I agree Trump has been a terrible president but Bush was the one of, if not the worst in the past 100 years. Savage attacks on civil liberties with the patriot act, the creation of the department of homeland security and massive expansion of government surveillance on everyone. Started multiple new wars we’re still in, the endless war on terror and drone bombings, and started an international toruture regime. Continued deregulating Wall Street and the financial sector and oversaw the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression where the entire housing market was destroyed and millions lost their homes and jobs. Probably the time of the most white collar crime in history. No one was held accountable. It is really sickening that these former bush administration criminals are running the Lincoln project and all the liberals are eating it up and rehabilitating bush as a likable old goof. Just remember what it was like in 2008 when the economy was in the shitter and bush had like 20% approval. Trump has been awful and things are shitty now but this isn’t unprecedented. This is just more of the same insanity from the Republican Party.

Rainbow Spiral Multiverse Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...
Rainbow Spiral Multiverse  Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...   rainbow, spiral, multiverse, trance, bliss, gvan42, automatic, hypnosis, freedom, quest
Original Art Printed on Many Different Types of Gifts:

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Not Fade Away / Hand Jive

I'm a-gonna tell you how it's gonna be
You're gonna give your love to me
I wanna love you night and day
You know my love will not fade away
Oh well, you know my love will not fade away

My love is bigger than a Cadillac
I try to show it and you're driving me back
Your love for me has got to be real
For you to know just how I feel
A love for real, not fade away

doctor, lawyer, Indian chief
they all Dig That Crazy beat
way out Willy give them all a treat
doing that Hand Jive with ease

Hand Jive, Hand Jive, 
Hand Jive,
doing that Crazy Hand Jive...
Bump-a, bump-a bump... Bump bump!
Bump-a, bump-a bump... Bump bump!

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