What We Can Do to Convince TrumpNiks to #Runaway from The Donald? Just Saying that They Are Stupid WILL NOT WORK. It's a Brainwashing Cult and...

The Same Techniques That are used with Scientology or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh should be employed with Followers of Our Glorious Leader. The Basic Plan for Trumpers is: "When You Make a Mistake, Do Not Repeat the Same Mistake Again." I Personally Did Not Vote for Hillary. I Couldn't Stand Her... I just Did Not Vote at All because the Democratic Primary Was Rigged. I campaigned for Bernie Sanders but Wall Street Stole the Nomination. 

Understand that Many of the people who voted for tRUMP are in Desperate Situations... Layoffs at the Factory Caused by Trump's Trade War... Failed Family Farms... Closing Coal Mines... Veterans Suffering From PTSD who Realize that the Wars In Iraq and Afghanistan Actually INCREASED THE QUANTITY OF TERRORISTS... Middle Aged White Men are in Direct Competition with Illegal Aliens for Unskilled Labor Jobs... Low Wages, High Prices... 

THAT'S why Life Expectancy has gone down in the Last Two Years. People are Dying Younger Due to Donald Trump Being President. Alcoholism, Drug Overdoses and Suicide have caused the Death of so many Middle Aged White Men Without a College Degree that the ENTIRE COUNTRY now has a Shorter Average Life. People Lived Longer When Obama Was President.  


Overcoming the charisma of cult leaders, such as Jim Jones or Donald Trump, is not an easy task.

Deprogramming is the more drastic of the two approaches because it usually involves an initial kidnapping to get the cult member away from the cult. For this reason, deprogramming is a very expensive service. It can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars. After the forced removal, deprogramming mostly involves hours and hours of intense "debriefing," during which a team of deprogrammers hold the cult member against his will and use ethical psychological techniques to try to counter the unethical psychological techniques used by the cult. The goal is to get the cult member to think for himself and re-evaluate his situation. Debriefing methods can include:
  • educating the cult member on thought-reform techniques and helping him to recognize those methods in his own cult experience
  • asking questions that encourage the cult member to think in a critical, independent way, helping him to recognize that type of thinking and praising him for it
  • attempting to produce an emotional connection to his former life by introducing objects from his past and having family members share their memories of his pre-cult existence