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Sign the petition: Support National Popular Vote Now. END THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Hillary Got MORE VOTES but we got Trump. Al Gore Got MORE VOTES but we got Bush Jr.

Clearly The Electoral College is a BAD system that Allowed The Two Worst Presidents Ever to be Elected! Write to Your Elected Representative and SIGN THIS PETITION...

It's time to ensure the candidate with popular support is actually elected. How? With the National Popular Vote Compact.

What's required? States just pass a law awarding their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote. Once states that add up to 270 electoral votes join, then we guarantee that the popular vote winner always becomes president!

We're already 60 percent of the way there. Let's up the pressure.

Sign the petition to all 50 state governments: Join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact so that in the United States we can finally elect our presidents by national popular vote.

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Fix the broken Electoral College - pass National Popular Vote - another Online Petition...

The Electoral College was Intentionally Designed to keep the Masses from Selecting the President... The Founding Fathers wanted to Keep Power in their Own Hands... No Votes for Blacks or Women... only rich white men vote...

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