Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Jennifer Siebel Newsom SPEAKS OUT! about Tear Gassing Children at the Border... She is the Fantastic First Lady of California. RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2020. Please...

Bring your Husband... 
He would make a Great FIRST MAN.  

The treatment of asylum seekers at our border is beyond inhumane - a direct result of the dehumanizing language Trump and the GOP have been using for years.
But these migrants are just the same as you and me. Human beings fighting for a better life. So we must fight for them. 
After a weekend of giving thanks, I am looking back on an evening that has stayed with me, and continues to inspire. Thank you to Ashanti Branch, Mitch Kapoor, and Ian Breckinridge for talking to me about creating new models of manhood. Thank you to Dr. Caroline Heldman and Joanna Rees for sharing the stage with me- and thank you to The Representation Projectcommunity for your dedication to creating a world where all of our children can reach their full human potential. #FlipTheScript
Today, Desmond Tutu presented the International Children's Peace Prize to the Parkland students. It is an honor so well deserved and beyond inspiring. A message to us all that our voices do matter, we just have to keep raising them. And a reminder that the future is bright, because our children are leading the way. Thank you March For Our Lives.
What a beautiful message! “I don’t aspire to one world in which we don’t see our differences. I want to live in a world where we celebrate those differences.” 🙌 97-year-old park ranger and activist Betty Reid Soskin shares her wisdom on how our differences make us stronger. via @makerswomen @missrepresentation

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