Donating cryptocurrency to a Republican Seems Really Creepy... Is this a way for people that don't live in the United States of America to bankroll corruption?

I see that on congressman Kevin Kiley's campaign website, there is a hidden page where people can donate cryptocurrency... There's no link from his main page but this page is revealed using a "site colon" search on Google... 

According to the FEC, it is legal to donate Bitcoin but it certainly not clear how they determine whether the donor is an American citizen or not... A convenient way for Russians to donate to Trump or any other Maga moron...

Donating cryptocurrency to a Republican seems really creepy... Is this a way that people that don't live in the United States of America can bankroll corruption?

I filled out the form... Using the name Benjamin Kenobi and a valid address and phone number... And then when I push the Donate button got this error message... Totally creepy!

Fatal error: Uncaught BitPaySDKLight\Exceptions\InvoiceCreationException: BITPAY-INVOICE-CREATE: Failed to create invoice-> failed to serialize Invoice object : failed to retrieve HTTP response body : Invoice not created due to account limits, please check your approval levels in /var/www/html/process-crypto/vendor/bitpay/sdk-light/src/BitPaySDKLight/Client.php:112 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/process-crypto/process-crypto.php(66): BitPaySDKLight\Client->createInvoice(Object(BitPaySDKLight\Model\Invoice\Invoice)) #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/process-crypto/vendor/bitpay/sdk-light/src/BitPaySDKLight/Client.php on line 112

Of course, I don't actually have any cryptocurrency... And maybe this form checks to see if you really have any money... I don't know... Seems bogus to me...

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