Pass the Torch Joe. If Biden Refuses to Drop Out, It's Likely That Republicans Will Win the Senate, House and The Presidency... Project 2025 Madness...


Pass the Torch Joe. If Biden Refuses to Drop Out It's Likely That Republicans Will Win the Senate, House and The Presidency...

Hey Joe! Let's Expand The Corrupt Supreme Court to 13 by Adding Four SANE Judges... Currently it's Packed With MAGA MORONS...

"Conspiracy Theories" that are ACTUALLY TRUE. MKULTRA, Cointelpro, CIA-Contra-Cocaine, Donald Rumsfeld Selling Weapons to Saddam Hussein, UFOs are Real... Sometimes people dismiss Truth as "Just a Conspiracy Theory" because they Don't LIKE THE TRUTH.

In addition to the Five Factual Events listed above... What Ever Happened to these Unsolved Mysteries?

Why are there NO PHOTOGRAPHS of an Airplane at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001? Where's The Plane? Many Security Cameras near the Pentagon had their Video Tapes Confiscated by FBI... Never to be Released...

WTC7? Why did That Building Fall Down? No Airplane Hit World Trade Center NUMBER SEVEN... It Looks like a Controlled Demolition... Can a Fire burning wood, carpet and office equipment CAUSE a Skyscraper made of Steel to Fall Down? Note the Grenfell Tower, London that had a Massive fire, yet did not fall down!

What about the Explosions heard in the Basement of The World Trade Centers #1 and #2 on 9/11/2001... Why did those buildings fall straight down? If the Airplanes and Fires Caused Structural Damage. Why Didn't the TOP FLOORS Collapse First?


Trump Assassination FAILED. "Somehow" The Secret Service "Forgot" to Check for OBVIOUS SNIPER LOCATIONS! Was This a Staged Media Circus? An Inside Job? a False Flag Operation???

Crisis Actor Script:
Grab Ear, Duck, Squish "Ketchup" Packet,
Stand Up, Wave Fist and Shout Fight Fight Fight!

Button for Sale - Click Here!
ALL My Buttons...

MOTIVE??? Stock Market Swindle?
Check for Suspicious Purchase Activity

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