Police on the Wrong Side of History... Often They Fight In Favor of EVIL... Beating Up Black People That Wanted to Vote... Anti-War Protesters... Arresting People for Marijuana... Why Do They Behave Crazy?

Selma Civil Rights March - police trying to prevent Black people from Voting.

Ever Wonder What it Must Be Like to Be One of Those People? Dedicating Your Life to Preventing Black People from Voting... Strange!

Police Riot Chicago 1968 - Beating Anti-War Demonstrators
Police Beating Up People Protesting Against the Vietnam War... You would have to be a Special Style of Stupid to think the Vietnam War Should be CONTINUED... "Let's Send MORE People to Die for Nothing! Whee!"

CAMP - The Campaign Against Marijuana Planting - total failure
CAMP - The Campaign Against Marijuana Planting - Was a Total Failure -  now Marijuana is Legal but MANY people are still in Jail for Farming... #CrazyLawsSUCK

Murder of George Floyd by Policeman - Who Later went to Prison
Murder of George Floyd by Policeman. 
Who Later went to Prison...

4 Killed at Kent State by National Guard
Sometimes it goes beyond the police and the National Guard Does EVIL... 

and It's World Wide... 
Tank Man in China Protest Tienanmen Square
Tank Man in China Protest Tienanmen Square

and in Paris, The Government wants to Raise Retirement age fro 62 to 64... So the Police Attack!
Police Freak Out at Paris Retirement Protest

There was ONE Time that the Police Were Actually In Favor of GOOD and Opposed to EVIL... January 6th at the US Capitol... Over a Thousand TrumpNiks® Were Arrested for Attempting to Overthrow the USA and Crown Trump King. THEY FAILED!
January 6th Insurrection at the US Capitol. FAILED TO CROWN TRUMP KING

and here we are on March 19th, 2023 and Trump is Predicting he will be arrested Two Days from Now... and He's Calling for His Supporters to PROTEST! TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!!

Will we have ANOTHER 1,000 TrumpNiks® Arrested? That Would Be WONDERFUL... Maybe 2,000... That would be Even Better!

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