This is NOT NORMAL, This is CRAZY... Sarah Huckabee Sanders SOTU Rebuttle Promotes Alternative Reality... LIAR, LIAR, PANTYHOSE ON FIRE! gvan42

Crazy Gun Nut Christmas Card meme gvan42

This is NOT NORMAL, This is CRAZY... Sarah Huckabee Sanders SOTU Rebuttle Promotes Alternative Reality... LIAR, LIAR, PANTYHOSE ON FIRE!

Mike Lee's Alternative to the Green New Deal - Ronald Reagan riding a Dino, firing a Gun. REALLY!

Mike Lee's Alternative to the Green New Deal - Ronald Reagan riding a Dino, firing a Gun. He also said that the Solution to Climate Change is to Have More Children... because... People alive today can't think up a solution but the Next Generation Might!

This is NOT NORMAL, This is CRAZY... Sarah Huckabee Sanders SOTU Rebuttle Promotes Alternative Reality... LIAR, LIAR, PANTYHOSE ON FIRE!

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