After tRUMP Loses the 2020 Election, #MAGAKillers promise a Second Civil War. THE BOOGALOO... I believe them when they say they will Surround the White House to Prevent the Next President from Occupying It.

As we see today in El Paso, QAnon Freaks will travel Hundreds of Miles to Kill and Kill and Kill Immigrants... or ANYONE with a Brown Skin. It's very likely that tRUMP will lose. After All, Most Voters are Women or Minorities... and tRUMP is Constantly Attacking Women and Minorities. There are simply not enough White Racists to Elect him. Even with the Rigged Electoral College System giving him an advantage... and even with Russia and Saudi Arabia Campaigning for Trump... He is Likely to Lose. and then the QAnon Rebellion Army will fill the streets with the Scalps of the Deep State Satin Worshipers... I don't exactly understand what they have against SATIN... it's just a Fabric... but QAnon is Totally Opposed to Satin Worshipers... 

Outlaw Assault Rifles MEME - Get more at Google Image Search Keyword: gvan42 - Have FUN! Like and Share Worldwide.
a picture of my cute puppy at the beach.

Another very likely scenario is that tRUMP will declare the 2020 Election Null and Void due to "Fraud" or "Fake News", or "WAH! Nobody Likes Me" or Some Lame Excuse... It's Fake Because I didn't Win! He declared the 2016 Election Rigged... and then when He Won the Electoral College, everything was Great! No Possibility that Hillary got more actual votes... No Possibility that Russia made him win... No Possibility that The Emperor Has No Clothes... He Lives in a Total Fantasy World... and Brainwashed TrumpNiks and #MAGAKillers believe his LIES... I wonder if they feel that "Being a Gullible Fool" is a BULLET POINT on their Resume... Oh, that's right, Low Educated People Don't Use Resumes... they get their Jobs because "Uncle Jimmy" knows someone on the inside... I can certainly see why Low Educated People are Afraid of Immigrants Taking their Jobs... They ARE in Direct Competition at the Bottom of the Food Chain.