One was an Old Drunk. He Died while sleeping Outdoors in the Rain under a Bridge. He was well known and loved by the Police and the people that ran the Eureka Rescue Mission. It seemed that he spent one third of his time incarcerated at the County Jail, one third at the Mission and one third drunk. As soon as he was let out of Jail he would come to the Welfare Office and we would sign him up for Housing and food and then we called the Mission... They Invited him over for A Hot Meal and OFTEN He walked the 10 blocks without going to a Liquor Store and Often He would Just Get Drunk and Pass Out on the Sidewalk... to be picked up by the Police... and Incarcerated Again...
The Second used our Transportation Assistance Program to Buy Enough Heroin to Kill Himself. The way T.A.P. Worked was that IF a Person found themselves Broke, Unemployed and Homeless in Humboldt County, We would buy them a ONE WAY BUS TICKET HOME... They had to have a place to stay when they got home (like their Mom's or Wife's House) but we would buy them a Greyhound Ticket and Food for the Journey... Often Teenagers would Come to Humboldt County to Work as Farm Laborers in the Marijuana Harvest. Criminals hired many "Trimmers" to remove the unsellable parts of the plant from the valuable BUDS. Then when the Harvest is over, Everyone was laid off and all those teenagers need to go back to Beautiful Tennessee or Texas or Wherever they Came from... It was a big adventure for Kids Nationwide to live like an outlaw in Humboldt County,California... However, if you owned a CAR, we would buy you Gas and Food for your Journey... So, Robert Owned a Car and a Driver's Licence and We paid him Thousands of Dollars to Buy Gas All they way to South Carolina... He Drove about 50 Miles to a Remote Farm and Bought Heroin... then when he overdosed, the Farmers dumped the Body on the Side of the Road near a Gas Station...
The Third was VERY Annoying and Rude Whenever he came into the Office. An Angry and Offensive Client. We were paid to tolerate all types of clients at the office... HOWEVER, he did that behavior out in the real world and a guy who worked at the Cannery stuck him with a Filleting Knife... The Police Caught the Killer. Everyone knew exactly when he was stuck with a knife and so the Police Subpoenaed the film from all security Cameras in Eureka for One Hour before he arrived at the Hospital. And there he was getting into a Yellow Chevy outside a Store in a Rough Part of Town... where they film robbery suspects shopping... The Police asked around and found out WHO Owned Cars like that and Interviewed Them... and the Owner just happened to be Incarcerated at the County Jail on different charges... While being Questioned he Confessed to the Murder
A Fourth Client was applying for Social Security Disability (Someone else's client)and when her claim was awarded the SSA sent her $10,000 of back pay. She was a diabetic. She Purchased a Motel Room and a Fifth of Vodka and Housekeeping Found Her Body the Next Morning... Evidently, Diabetics Should Not Drink...
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To Be Continued... We DID HELP MANY Clients... but NOT THESE...
The Second used our Transportation Assistance Program to Buy Enough Heroin to Kill Himself. The way T.A.P. Worked was that IF a Person found themselves Broke, Unemployed and Homeless in Humboldt County, We would buy them a ONE WAY BUS TICKET HOME... They had to have a place to stay when they got home (like their Mom's or Wife's House) but we would buy them a Greyhound Ticket and Food for the Journey... Often Teenagers would Come to Humboldt County to Work as Farm Laborers in the Marijuana Harvest. Criminals hired many "Trimmers" to remove the unsellable parts of the plant from the valuable BUDS. Then when the Harvest is over, Everyone was laid off and all those teenagers need to go back to Beautiful Tennessee or Texas or Wherever they Came from... It was a big adventure for Kids Nationwide to live like an outlaw in Humboldt County,California... However, if you owned a CAR, we would buy you Gas and Food for your Journey... So, Robert Owned a Car and a Driver's Licence and We paid him Thousands of Dollars to Buy Gas All they way to South Carolina... He Drove about 50 Miles to a Remote Farm and Bought Heroin... then when he overdosed, the Farmers dumped the Body on the Side of the Road near a Gas Station...
The Third was VERY Annoying and Rude Whenever he came into the Office. An Angry and Offensive Client. We were paid to tolerate all types of clients at the office... HOWEVER, he did that behavior out in the real world and a guy who worked at the Cannery stuck him with a Filleting Knife... The Police Caught the Killer. Everyone knew exactly when he was stuck with a knife and so the Police Subpoenaed the film from all security Cameras in Eureka for One Hour before he arrived at the Hospital. And there he was getting into a Yellow Chevy outside a Store in a Rough Part of Town... where they film robbery suspects shopping... The Police asked around and found out WHO Owned Cars like that and Interviewed Them... and the Owner just happened to be Incarcerated at the County Jail on different charges... While being Questioned he Confessed to the Murder
A Fourth Client was applying for Social Security Disability (Someone else's client)and when her claim was awarded the SSA sent her $10,000 of back pay. She was a diabetic. She Purchased a Motel Room and a Fifth of Vodka and Housekeeping Found Her Body the Next Morning... Evidently, Diabetics Should Not Drink...
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To Be Continued... We DID HELP MANY Clients... but NOT THESE...