Trump's "Booming" Economy is Bogus. Miscounts JOB Growth Numbers. They Count Two 29 hour a week jobs as Two, Not One. Many REAL People have Two Part Time Jobs.

The current economy has many jobs that are part time so that Corporations do not have to pay for Health Insurance, Vacations or Sick Leave.

Some "Jobs" are really horrible...  Uber Drivers wear out their own cars for low pay and after a year have a broken car that they can't afford to fix... and no pay coming in... Then they are replaced by another starving person. What happens if you get in an accident? The chances of having an accident go way up when you drive all day instead of commuting to a REAL Job. Higher insurance payments, possible loss of life or injury...

SO, Trump's "Booming" Economy is Really Great for the Rich... The Stock Market is Going UP!
However, for the 99%, EARNINGS have gone down because HOURS per week are fewer... The Rate per Hour Has remained the same. Prices have gone UP! Especially HealthCare Insurance Prices...

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