Obama was the best President of my Lifetime and a classic example of Nature vs Nurture. Born Half White and Half Black... He was Raised in the White Culture...

His autobiography of the early years up until the time he became a senator...

He was raised by a White Mother and Two White Grandparents in Hawaii. He went to school and was educated with White, Japanese and Hawaiian students and exposed to the cultures and belief systems of those people. His father went back to Africa and did not have any influence in Barack's childhood. Obama also lived in Indonesia for three years in his childhood with his mother's second husband...

After high school he went to college in Los Angeles at a liberal arts school called Occidental for two years then he went to Columbia University. So, in general, he was raised in the White Culture and trained in White Values.

Then he worked as a "Community Organizer" in the South Side of Chicago...

One mystery of his early life is "Who would pay to have the South Side of Chicago Organized?" He was hired as an assistant to a man (Jerry Kellman) who was a community organizer already working there... He needed a Black assistant to help him talk to the Black Residents...  Who paid their salaries?... Who valued an organized community in Chicago enough to actually pay money for it? Answer: The Roman Catholic Church... They fight poverty worldwide.

Obama was successful in having asbestos removed from The Projects (Housing that was paid for by the Government for Poor People to live in.) The safety and health of the residents was very low priority to the people who ran The Projects and often they would promise to remove the asbestos and then do nothing... hoping that the people who lived there would give up their efforts and remain silent. That way the Government would not have to pay any Actual Money to fix a health problem.

He was unsuccessful in bringing jobs to the Black Community.

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“Barack had been very inspired by the civil-rights movement,” Jerry Kellman, the organizer who hired Obama, told me recently. “I felt that he wanted to work in the civil-rights movement, but he was ten years too late, and this was the closest he could find to it at the time.” Obama, in his memoir, put it more simply when he said he went to Chicago to “organize black folks.”

Kellman, a New Yorker who had gotten into organizing in the 1960s, was trying to help laid-off factory workers on the far South Side of Chicago. He led a group, the Calumet Community Religious Conference, that had been created by several local Catholic churches.

He worked with the Calumet Community Religious Conference, which was a recipient of a $40,000 grant awarded by The Campaign for Human Development, a nationwide Roman Catholic antipoverty program.

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