If Kamala is Elected, the Mass Deportations are Cancelled... Previously I Said: Now Would be an Excellent Time to Leave the USA and Go Home to Mexico... BEFORE Trump Deports You... Adios! Vaya Con Dios!

If Kamala is Elected the Mass Deportations are Cancelled...

Remember: If You Voluntarily Walk South You Get to CHOOSE Where You Go But... If Trump Deports You... Quien Sabe? I've Heard that BRAZIL is Lovely! Do You Speak Portuguese?

Now Would be an Excellent Time to Leave the USA and Go Home to Mexico... BEFORE Trump Deports You... Adios! Vaya Con Dios!

DO NOT Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Wall between the USA and Mexico

I Wonder... Will Trump ACTUALLY DEPORT A MILLION MEXICANS?  or is this just another Empty Promise?

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