My FaceBorg Account Has Been Hacked! Future Crazy Posts are Not Mine... REALLY!

 ...woleB kniL ydnaH eht esU NAC snamuH ...tsiL a no sdrowyeK dniF ot demmargorP sI IA ehT .sdroW sdrawkcaB htiw stsoP tcejer TON seoD "ATEM" ...resreveR txeT EERF eht esU ,groBecaF no stnemetatS "neddibroF" tsoP ot tnaw uoY fI :rebmemeR

To Translate Backwards Writing use the Text Reverse Tool!

Secret writing using inverted colors

Computers Can't Read Text Hidden in Pictures -
That's the Basic Idea of Those "Are you a Human" Tests

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Writings of Justin Duff Vanderlaan - My Father - How the Airplane got to Oak Meadow Park Los Gatos California...

I Took My Parents to the Iran-Contra Hearings at the US Capital. General Secord Testifying. Exciting! I was really glad to take Mom and Dad to a place that they had fun at.

Dad's 90th Birthday Party in Los Gatos, California - Justin Duff Vanderlaan Family Photographs

Vanderlaan Family Photographs from Our Book - "Ancestors Memories and Simple Gifts" - The History of the Vanderlaan Family - and Many Many More Pictures I Found Online!

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Massive #ArrestTrump Movement on Social Media. Millions of Americans are Demanding That The DOJ "Lock Him UP!" Read More at:

Click Here to Help Defend Democracy! Post Your Own Memes, Videos and Rants! or Like and Share Mine...
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"No Such Agency - Project TEMPEST" - Absurdist Fiction by Gregory Vanderlaan

Chapter Zero: 
In Fact, It is possible to use a Specially Designed Radio to Read the Words on Other People's Computers. Eavesdropping. Spying. The US Military and I Spent a Lot of time and effort keeping our communications secure. The NSA has Recently Declassified Project TEMPEST and it is NO LONGER a Felony for Me to tell my Tale. 

Looking back at those years when Ronald Reagan was President It seems to me that we really didn't need to fight the Russians and the "Cold War" was just a Marketing Tool of the Military Industrial Complex. However, I was glad to take the money being handed out by the Pentagon. And as my Dad Said, While you are Busy Questioning Authority, be sure to Take the Money... What IF you are wrong and you missed out on all that dough?

But Then... I started hanging Out in Lafayette Park across from the White House and talked to all those NO NUKES! & Anti-War Demonstrators and... My Attitude changed... The next time I got laid off from a defense job I started working in the engineering department of the US Postal Service... It was a much better feeling to work all day DOING GOOD instead of DOING EVIL... We designed machines that Sold Postage Stamps and Sorted Mail... That's Morally OK...

Did you ever stop to realize that real eyes see real lies? 

Keywords: EMI, RFI, Echelon, Mugwump, Sigint, EIEIO, MIL-TFD-41, LBJ, IRT, 4th Street, USA, The Youth of America, LSD, Hair, Musical, USAF, OZ, Wizard, KARMA, DOGMA and DARPA

"OMG!" Said Susan, "I'm Talking as if I was Texting! WTF!!!!" - "Relax" said Bob "It's only the lingering effects of your (~);-} training. - "Wow," said Susan "I never heard (~);-} pronounced before... It reminds me of a Story... " 

Chapter One: READ MORE HERE!

TrumpNik® CIVIL WAR CANCELLED - STAND DOWN, WANKERS - Remember: The FBI is Looking for QuackAnon FREAKS and Has Already Arrested 610 Losers for the Failed Overthrow of the USA on 1/6/2021

Relax... Just Because the My Pillow Guy Failed is NO REASON to Start Shooting Off Guns and Rioting... GET USED to FAILURE... That's What Trump Does Best!

Anti GOP MEME - Keywords: CIA, NSA,  FBI, DOJ,  DIA,  DARPA, EIEIO, Pentagon, Pentagram, Military Industrial Complex, UFO, LSD, DMT, Magic Mushrooms, Peyote, Psychedelic, ART, Question Authority, Freedom, Liberty, Quest, Inner Space, voyage, journey, Grateful Dead, MKULTRA, 420, QuackAnon, BLM, Rainbow Gathering, Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics, OM, Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Jefferson Airplane, Volunteers, Aoxomoxoa, trippy, hippy, sixties, cosmic, abstract, kaleidoscope, Beatles

      • ~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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