MAGA Is Turning against Laura Loomer...
Trump drags two new animals (geese and emus) into his debunked claims Haitian migrants are eating pets in Ohio...
Local authorities had already debunked the lies even before Trump first made the claims on the debate stage...
Liz Merry
I had this week’s column half written when I heard Apple Bob had passed away. We’ll save the other stuff for next week. This week will be a tribute to Apple Bob and his impact on the community.
We first met Bob in our hippie shop, Wild Oak, 30 years ago. He wore a tie-dyed Grateful Dead t-shirt, jet black pony tail down to his waist, flashing a big smile and clearly happy to see like-minded people in Red Bluff. He told us he lived in Manton - we told him we had just moved there. That was it. Instant friends for life.
He was a great customer and took pleasure in being generous to others. He certainly helped our little store stay profitable over the years. He was one of the original founders of the Manton Apple Festival and knew more about the different varieties than Johnny Appleseed. Bob also volunteered with Search and Rescue. Everyone who knew him loved him. If they didn’t they probably won’t admit it now.
Everything changed for Apple Bob two weeks and seven years ago. A helicopter flew low over our house, Apple Bob’s house, and other homes on the Tehama side of Manton. Portly Sheriff’s Deputy Lester Squier was on board, photographing our eleven cannabis plants and plants in the gardens of many other Manton residents.
We soon received abatement notices. A group of us, soon to become the Manton 11, filed a temporary restraining order and application for injunctive relief in federal court. We couldn’t afford a lawyer, but the son of one of the M-11 happened to be one, so pro almost bono.
That began years of research, homework, public records requests, and attending Supervisor meetings. Back then, we thought all we had to do was show up and explain how cruel they were to be fining medical patients and adults with personal grows $1,000 a day when Prop. 64 had passed the year before. Clearly they just didn’t know any better. It’s adorable how naive we were.
The Board of Supervisors at that time, Steve Chamblin, Candy Carlson, Dennis Garton, Bob Williams, and Burt Bundy made it clear that they didn’t want any cannabis to be grown within the county. But the law said they had to provide a way for people to grow six plants, so they created an ordinance. It required a registered dedicated separate structure on a residential property, built with ventilation, security, artificial light, and anything else they could think of to make growing impossible. One contractor quoted $15,000 to build such a “bunker”.
A group of cannabis advocates started attending Supervisor meetings every week, learning over time who the players were, how the meetings worked, when we could speak, whom we could trust. Apple Bob was one of the Regulars and dropped the first F-Bomb I ever heard at a supes meeting. The sound of pearls being clutched and sphincters slamming shut echoed through the Chambers. It was awesome.
We also started attending meetings of Tehama Tomorrow, a non-partisan group which was quickly overrun by the number of cannabis victims who now attended. They formed a sub-group called the Cannabis Research Committee which had 60 people showing up every week to discuss strategy, share information, and listen to each other’s stories.
This saga is way longer than my allotted column space, but suffice it to say we found so many things wrong with the way this ordinance was written and enforced that it could fill a book. Illegal use of federal funds. 4th Amendment violations. A planned removal of poor and brown people from Rancho Tehama, whose land could then be sold cheaply to certain officials’ developer buddies. A kangaroo court where defendants were guilty before they arrived. Evidence of innocence routinely ignored.
This ordinance is still on the books. The Planning Commission was given 60 days back in January to amend it, specifically to protect the rights of patients like Apple Bob. But also to explore potential revenue streams for the County, which it so sorely needs. It is now 9 months later and the board is still awaiting an update. Apple Bob did not live to see his rights protected and codified. That is an awful truth we have to live with.
Bob had always been a strong, healthy, friendly man. In 2018, he was legally exercising his right as a cannabis patient to medicate in a designated smoking area during Red Bluff’s Chili Cook-Off. He was arrested by RBPD officers, who threw him to the ground and injured him. He was hospitalized and from then on, his health declined. He had not broken the law, mind you, but was treated like a violent criminal. He declined to pursue justice for the wrongful arrest. His doctors ordered him to stay away from stressful things like meetings, but he has always been there with us in spirit and we won’t let him down.
We must get significant changes made to the current cannabis ordinance. We have lost other warriors in this battle. Connie and Randy Bilton, Dennis Albright, and now Apple Bob. I encourage all of you who knew Bob or care about the rights of patients and other adult users of a freaking plant to write your support for change to It doesn’t need to be long. “I support bringing Tehama’s cannabis ordinance in line with state regulations.” Copy and paste if you like.
Will anyone listen? Probably not the current board. There was a discussion during Future Agenda Items this week in which Supervisor Candy Carlson asked for an item to discuss how to deal with answering questions from the public. Pastor Scott Camp had mentioned that well articulated questions and issues brought up by Eagle Eye Jenny Alexander and others were never answered publicly. Supervisor Bill Moule suggested the board consider the source and ignore that stuff because of course he did.
Tickets for the Merry Standish Comedy Tour are now available at
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I had this week’s column half written when I heard Apple Bob had passed away. We’ll save the other stuff for next week. This week will be a tribute to Apple Bob and his impact on the community.
We first met Bob in our hippie shop, Wild Oak, 30 years ago. He wore a tie-dyed Grateful Dead t-shirt, jet black pony tail down to his waist, flashing a big smile and clearly happy to see like-minded people in Red Bluff. He told us he lived in Manton - we told him we had just moved there. That was it. Instant friends for life.
He was a great customer and took pleasure in being generous to others. He certainly helped our little store stay profitable over the years. He was one of the original founders of the Manton Apple Festival and knew more about the different varieties than Johnny Appleseed. Bob also volunteered with Search and Rescue. Everyone who knew him loved him. If they didn’t they probably won’t admit it now.
Everything changed for Apple Bob two weeks and seven years ago. A helicopter flew low over our house, Apple Bob’s house, and other homes on the Tehama side of Manton. Portly Sheriff’s Deputy Lester Squier was on board, photographing our eleven cannabis plants and plants in the gardens of many other Manton residents.
We soon received abatement notices. A group of us, soon to become the Manton 11, filed a temporary restraining order and application for injunctive relief in federal court. We couldn’t afford a lawyer, but the son of one of the M-11 happened to be one, so pro almost bono.
That began years of research, homework, public records requests, and attending Supervisor meetings. Back then, we thought all we had to do was show up and explain how cruel they were to be fining medical patients and adults with personal grows $1,000 a day when Prop. 64 had passed the year before. Clearly they just didn’t know any better. It’s adorable how naive we were.
The Board of Supervisors at that time, Steve Chamblin, Candy Carlson, Dennis Garton, Bob Williams, and Burt Bundy made it clear that they didn’t want any cannabis to be grown within the county. But the law said they had to provide a way for people to grow six plants, so they created an ordinance. It required a registered dedicated separate structure on a residential property, built with ventilation, security, artificial light, and anything else they could think of to make growing impossible. One contractor quoted $15,000 to build such a “bunker”.
A group of cannabis advocates started attending Supervisor meetings every week, learning over time who the players were, how the meetings worked, when we could speak, whom we could trust. Apple Bob was one of the Regulars and dropped the first F-Bomb I ever heard at a supes meeting. The sound of pearls being clutched and sphincters slamming shut echoed through the Chambers. It was awesome.
We also started attending meetings of Tehama Tomorrow, a non-partisan group which was quickly overrun by the number of cannabis victims who now attended. They formed a sub-group called the Cannabis Research Committee which had 60 people showing up every week to discuss strategy, share information, and listen to each other’s stories.
This saga is way longer than my allotted column space, but suffice it to say we found so many things wrong with the way this ordinance was written and enforced that it could fill a book. Illegal use of federal funds. 4th Amendment violations. A planned removal of poor and brown people from Rancho Tehama, whose land could then be sold cheaply to certain officials’ developer buddies. A kangaroo court where defendants were guilty before they arrived. Evidence of innocence routinely ignored.
This ordinance is still on the books. The Planning Commission was given 60 days back in January to amend it, specifically to protect the rights of patients like Apple Bob. But also to explore potential revenue streams for the County, which it so sorely needs. It is now 9 months later and the board is still awaiting an update. Apple Bob did not live to see his rights protected and codified. That is an awful truth we have to live with.
Bob had always been a strong, healthy, friendly man. In 2018, he was legally exercising his right as a cannabis patient to medicate in a designated smoking area during Red Bluff’s Chili Cook-Off. He was arrested by RBPD officers, who threw him to the ground and injured him. He was hospitalized and from then on, his health declined. He had not broken the law, mind you, but was treated like a violent criminal. He declined to pursue justice for the wrongful arrest. His doctors ordered him to stay away from stressful things like meetings, but he has always been there with us in spirit and we won’t let him down.
We must get significant changes made to the current cannabis ordinance. We have lost other warriors in this battle. Connie and Randy Bilton, Dennis Albright, and now Apple Bob. I encourage all of you who knew Bob or care about the rights of patients and other adult users of a freaking plant to write your support for change to It doesn’t need to be long. “I support bringing Tehama’s cannabis ordinance in line with state regulations.” Copy and paste if you like.
Will anyone listen? Probably not the current board. There was a discussion during Future Agenda Items this week in which Supervisor Candy Carlson asked for an item to discuss how to deal with answering questions from the public. Pastor Scott Camp had mentioned that well articulated questions and issues brought up by Eagle Eye Jenny Alexander and others were never answered publicly. Supervisor Bill Moule suggested the board consider the source and ignore that stuff because of course he did.
Tickets for the Merry Standish Comedy Tour are now available at
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