Hottest Day Ever on Earth... and... Almost Nothing is Being Done to Stop Global Warming. We are Still Flying in Jet Airplanes and Driving Gasoline Powered Cars and Trucks... Like Crazy!

SOME Actions ARE Being Taken... Electric Cars, Solar Panels and Windmills are all Great Machines That ARE Making a Difference. 

Hottest Day Ever Award - Earth - cartoon

Greta Thunberg - meme - almost totally ignored by the general public

The "Jet Set" Still Doesn't Get It... Polluting the Air... Getting Stuck for Hours in an Airport... WHY? Why Not Just STOP FLYING? 

The "Jet Set" having fun stuck in an Airport - meme

One Effect of Extreme Heat is: It Causes People to Behave Crazy! Did You Notice that Over this July 4th Weekend there was a LOT of Murder by Gunshot? One Guy Was "Cleaning Up the Neighborhood." That's Just INSANE!

Did You Know that All That Heat in the Ocean Encourages the Growth of Algae? and the Algae is Killing Seals and Dolphins off the West Coast of the USA... GEE... They Didn't Think of THAT When they Scheduled a NASCAR RACE... Pointlessly Driving in Circles... "Just for Fun?"

‘It gets worse every day’: why are sea lions and dolphins dying along California’s coast?

The culprit is an algae named pseudo-nitzschia, which produces an amino acid that can act as a neurotoxin. A similar outbreak last year sickened dozens of sea lions and other marine life, but many think this year’s outbreak is even worse. Sam Dover, a co-founder of CIMWI and its director of veterinary medicine, notes that “in 35 years of doing this work, the current crisis is just unprecedented”.

and In Florida The Sargasso Sea Has Grown to Massive Size... It LOVES the Hot Weather... So Do The Mosquitoes... and NOW There are Cases of Malaria...

Headline: Toxic algae that can cause lung infections and neurological disorders is taking over a giant lake in Florida, and ecologists say the bloom will only grow.

With Hotter Ocean Water we have More Evaporation and That Causes More Hurricanes, Floods and Tornadoes... 

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on a different subject... 
On FaceBorg I Read: 

Boomer Meme - HOW did we go from the Summer of Love to Jan 6th?

Well, tRUMP (who obviously never took psychedelics) wanted to Crown Himself King... and He Got his Brainwashed Followers to attempt (but Fail) to Overthrow the USA...

In the Movie "Easy Rider" at the End some Rednecks Murdered Hopper and Fonda and THOSE PEOPLE participated in January 6th... They Never Experienced the Summer of Love at all...

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and now for something Completely Different... Memories of a Burning Man Participant!

I've been thinking about the fact that this year marks 20 years since the first time I went to Burning Man. 20 years. I can't believe it's been that long. It makes me feel so old. I went to Burning Man 7 times starting in 2001. My last time was 2009. 2001 was magical because it was all so new. 2002 and 2003 were even more magical because I was more prepared. By 2004, I was an experienced desert camper who knew exactly what I needed to do to be comfortable out there in the desert for a week. I would spend all year accumulating supplies for the playa, and participating in different events in the local burner community in L.A., where I lived at the time, including camping trips on lakebeds in the Mojave desert, which have a similar climate to Black Rock Desert.
I do miss it sometimes, especially when I see posts from my friends who still go to Burning Man every year. I'm so glad I got to go at the time I did, when there was no cell reception out there and you really did have to take a break from technology while you were there. There was something really special about that. I remember the gigantic bulletin board where you could post a note for your friends. It was huge, and it was covered with thousands of notes...but that was what made it special. I always managed to locate the people I was looking for out there, despite the lack of technology, I always found people's camps through word-of-mouth. That was part of the fun, wandering the playa and trying to find people, and meeting other people in the process. Now I hear that people are walking around texting on their phones, and to me that seems like it would take away from the experience a little bit. Part of what made it special was the fact that you were out there in the middle of the desert, far away from civilization, and you had to adapt to this world without phones or technology, and you had to be prepared to survive out there for a week, with all the water and food you would need to get through, and it was so much fun meeting that challenge. I always prided myself on having water leftover at the end, and I also showered every day on the playa.
20 years. I just can't believe it.

Sandy at Burning Man portrait

and then...
Some Guy Wondering If it's OK to 
Use AI to Write His Book...
FaceBorg Meme - Some Guy considering using AI to help Writing

I write a Blog using my own words... I use that time honored technique of drinking massive amounts of coffee and typing like a madman... I generate a LOT of text that way... 

Of Course... the REAL pros use Much more powerful drugs but I'm Old and worried about a heart attack... Philip K Dick - speed, Jack Keroac - benzedrine, Hemmingway - alcohol, Edgar Allen Poe and Louis Carrol - Opium...

and then someone else commented:
It never writes in my voice. Occasionally I use ai as a prompt when I can feel an emotion in my head, see the emotion I want but can't find the right words. But I never use their actual words.

and then someone else said:
Here’s the tough love… Either you’re the writer, or the computer is.
If it’s the latter, you’re not a writer at all.Just someone leveraging technology as a crutch. Tech that is combining data pieced together from other, real writers.