MAGATears® Water the Gardens of Democracy. In 2024, Let's Beat tRUMP and Exterminate the Republican Party Completely. a Total Extinction Event! #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP #GOPisEVIL

If you Can, Donate Money to Democratic Candidates... Otherwise, Campaign Online for FREE on Social Media... and... 

More Importantly... Talk to Your Friends, Family and Neighbors in Person and Explain to Them that The Republican Party is EVIL and they want to HARM AMERICANS... Corruption Does Not Benefit The Average Person! 

Remember: People That Vote Republicriminal Now are Often VERY STUPID... It's Not Their Fault! They Were Born That Way! Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a Real Disease and Many in the GOP had Drunks for Mothers...  Explain the ERROR of their Beliefs in Simple to Understand Language... as IF You were Explaining Basic Ideas to a Third Grader... Many Never Graduated from High School and others Were "Home Schooled" with Retarded Teachers... 

When Educating Brainwashed TrumpNiks® remember to Point Out That ADULTERY is mentioned in the Ten Commandments... and that tRUMP was Banging a Porn Star While Married... He's a Total Sleazeball!

Don't Burn Down the Library because you don't like a Book. meme gvan42

We must realize that To Illiterate Republicans, Books are Scary... Marks on Paper that they
Can't Read... OOOOH! Could be the Work of the Devil! Danger, Danger... Scary!

One Easy Solution is to Teach Republicans to Read... Take a Book, Read the Words Out Loud While Pointing at the Words... Then Republicans would find out that BOOKS are NOT SCARY!

ecology is really the only issue... Carl Sagan Quote - meme gvan42

Children are NOT willing to Die for Your Crazy Gun Laws. cartoon gvan42

Greedflation - Intentional raising of prices to grab more profits - meme - gvan42

simply vote for democrats everywhere - it's a blue Wave - meme gvan42

Peace Love and Freedom - meme - gvan42 - Great Art!

Things Billionaires buy meme - Corrupt Supreme Court - gvan42

It is a shame that John Roberts and crew have chosen their adoration for greed and human inequality & suffering over the fundamentals of our Constitution and the values of Justice for ALL which includes Afro-Americans like ClarenceThomas, homosexuals like Elton John ( his is not an united states citizen but he represents a lot of great people), women like Nikki Haley) So i na white Republican country, there would be No Clarence Thomas(good) no Nikki Haley(good) and no Elton John concerts (very sad) So. keep voting against your own best interesrs Clarence & Nikki, you both will be outed before the ink dries!

tRUMP is a Total Fraud - meme - gvan42

young people refuse to vote for Republicriminals - meme - gvan42

AOC endorses BIDEN - me too - if he survives till election day we win - Kamala would be a great President if Joe Dies in Office - meme - gvan42

Benjamin Franklin Cartoon - warning of a tRUMP Like Wanna be KING - gvan42

CLOWN College protest march - mocking anti science republiclones - cartoon - gvan42

HATRED is what the GOP is Selling - and what they teach children - Cartoon - gvan42

The MAGATs are Gonna have a BAD Pride Month - Rainbows on all fast food restaurants - meme - gvan42

earth hottest day ever trophy - cartoon - gavn42

The DeSantis campaign is failing because of who their candidate is: a whiner and a wannabe who victimizes himself at every opportunity. His extremely unlikeable character is the biggest problem he faces at the primary.

corrupt SCOTUS meme - gvan42 - Totally Bought! QAnon Freaks

young people: Republicans are evil - don't vote for them! - meme - gvan42

and NOW for Something Completely Different... 

”The famous Italian diver Enzo Maiorca dove into the sea of ​​Syracuse and was talking to his daughter Rossana who was aboard the boat. Ready to go in, he felt something slightly hit his back.
He turned and saw a dolphin. Then he realized that the dolphin did not want to play but to express something. The animal dove and Enzo followed.
At a depth of about 12 meters, trapped in an abandoned net, there was another dolphin. Enzo quickly asked his daughter to grab the diving knives.
Soon, the two of them managed to free the dolphin, which, at the end of the ordeal, emerged, issued an "almost human cry" (describes Enzo). (A dolphin can stay under water for up to 10 minutes, then it drowns.)
The released dolphin was helped to the surface by Enzo, Rosana and the other dolphin. That’s when the surprise came: she was pregnant!
The male circled them, and then stopped in front of Enzo, touched his cheek (like a kiss), in a gesture of gratitude and then they both swam off.
Enzo Maiorca ended his speech by saying: “Until man learns to respect and speak to the animal world, he can never know his true role on Earth.”

Pete B speaking about Family Values - no adultery here - meme gvan42

the GOP is a Danger to the USA - meme - gvan42

Moms for Liberty is actually a Fascist Group... and we fought WW2 to beat the NAZIs - meme - gvan42

I've had Burritos more supreme than this court - meme - gvan42

pink BE WOKE meme - Hey QAnon Freaks! Wake the F*CK UP! - gvan42