The Green Party is Helping tRUMP by taking Votes Away from Biden... STOP THAT! Will the Libertarians Help DEFEAT tRUMP by getting the UltraCrazy® Voters?

I Remember that Ralph Nader Helped elect George Bush the Son... the Second Worst President in History... Of Course, tRUMP is the Worst President in History... 

Hey Green Party... Please Sit this One Out!
I don't Know Who Cornell West is and I'm NOT Going to Find Out... Just STOP Helping tRUMP.

QAnon Freaks meme - vote libertarian
LINK to the Lars Mapstead Campaign Website: 

another Libertarian Candidate:

and yet another Libertarian Candidate:

The Libertarians Have Not decided WHO will represent their Party... and WILL NOT for Months to Come... So... Let's just Encourage ULTRA-MAGAs to Send Money To These Guaranteed Losers!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Sadly, "Dementia Joe" Biden is Making some Astonishingly STUPID Decisions Recently...

Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine? Those bombs can blow up years later... killing Civilians... That decision shows that Biden is having Difficulty Thinking!

and Recommending Mr Pure Evil?  WTF is up with That???

Headline: Biden to nominate Elliott Abrams, who lied over Iran-Contra, to key panel...
President’s pick for bipartisan public diplomacy commission, 75, convicted of unlawfully withholding information from Congress... 
Joe Biden intends to nominate Elliott Abrams, a former Trump appointee on Venezuela and Iran who was famously convicted for lying to Congress over the Iran-Contra affair, to the bipartisan US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.
The announcement came wrapped in a list of eight Republican picks for bipartisan boards and commissions released in a White House statement on Monday.
“It’s definitely a way to reach out to neoconservatives, and to throw them a bone,” said the historian and journalist Eric Alterman, who has written about Abrams since the 1980s. “It’s a risky move on Biden’s part.”
Abrams, 75, has held senior positions in three Republican administrations, rising to prominence during a controversial run as assistant secretary of state under Ronald Reagan.
During Reagan’s second term, a congressional investigation found that senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to the Iranian government and used the money to support the Contras, a rightwing rebel group in Nicaragua – the Iran-Contra affair.
Abrams, who was assistant secretary of inter-American affairs from 1985 to early 1989, later pleaded guilty to two charges of illegally withholding information from Congress – including his role in soliciting $10m from Brunei – during two October 1986 hearings, one before the Senate foreign relations committee and a second before the House intelligence committee.

Why Has Joe Biden Just Rewarded a Guy Who Supported Murderous War Criminals?

The White House has appointed Elliott Abrams to a bipartisan public diplomacy commission.