DEMOCRATS WIN SENATE - House Undecided - Republicans Blame Trump for Loss...

CNN projects Democrats keep control of Senate.

CNN TV NEWS - Democrats Win Senate 2022

With the Election OVER, NOW is the Time to #ArrestTrump - Please Email Merrick Garland and Tell Him "DO YOUR JOB"

Click on the Link Above!

#OutlawCrime #LockHimUp #EnforceTheLaw 

BIDEN: Get 'er Done - Meme - Larry the Cable Guy

A Senate in Democratic hands clears the path for Biden to keep remaking the courts.
The party's hold on the Senate majority, as projected by NBC News, means Democrats can confirm more liberal and diverse judges without the threat of Republican obstruction.

meme - DOJ: DO YOUR JOB - Arrest Criminals - with a picture of Trump

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