The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control...
People that Sell Guns Are LYING To You. They Say Guns Protect Your Family. However That's FALSE. Suicides, Accidents and Family Arguments Vastly Outnumber the Lives Saved Shooting Bad Guys.
Remember: There is No Need to Make America Great AGAIN because America is ALREADY GREAT RIGHT NOW!
How to Contact Your Elected Repressentatives:
Click on these Links!
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Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK online. That Way People CAN'T Lie to You. Because You Can Find Out the Truth...
Simply Type the Words Fact Check and the Statement You Want to Verify into any Search Engine ... Read the Results... It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!
For Example: There is a Common Lie that Guns Save Lies. Totally False. The Truth is that Guns increase the Number of Successful Suicides, Accidents and Family Members Killing Each Other... Really! Many More People Die from those Hazards than are Saved from Bad Guys...
The NRA is Lying and Many an Unsuspecting Person Believes Them.
Remember... The GOP is Fundamentally EVIL... They Always Do What Their Corporate Sponsors Want instead of Doing What is Right... I Wonder Why People Do Evil for Money... For Example: Jim Fitterling... The CEO of DOW Chemical. Most Famous For NAPALM and AGENT ORANGE... Imagine Going to Work Every Day and Making the World a Worse Place to Live Due to Your Efforts... https://corporate.dow.com/en-us/about/company/leadership/jim-fitterling.html
Think About This. Donald Trump has an Enemies List. I Have Zero Enemies. What's Wrong With Him?
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I've never been to Burning Man and It Looks Like I'll Never Go... Too Commercial... However... Last Year's Virtual Event for Free was Fun... And No Camping in the Desert with Insane Heat and Lack of Water... No "Survival Challenge" at all... Great! https://www.insidehook.com/article/music/burning-mans-descent-into-utter-bougie-elitism-has-reached-new-low
HEADLINE: A question for Brett Kavanaugh: who gets a second chance? It’s a reminder of how fundamentally dishonest many of these “anti-woke warriors” are. What a lot of those people really mean when they talk about “cancel culture” is that people like them shouldn’t be held accountable for their mistakes; they should get second, third, fourth chances. As for everyone else? Who cares if they barely even get a first chance in life? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/24/brett-kavanaugh-week-in-patriarchy-arwa-mahdawi
What we can learn from Canada on gun control. In the last month, we have witnessed a barrage of mass shootings across the United States. In each of three shootings -- in Indianapolis, Boulder, and Atlanta -- we learned that the suspects bought guns legally. Even worse, we learned after each of the three shootings that family members and friends had been concerned about these young men. You can't read these news stories and believe that US gun laws are working. https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/24/opinions/us-canada-gun-control-licensing-lee/index.html
SEE? There is Nothing There... The Entire Journey to Mars Has Been a Waste of Taxpayer Dollars... HEADLINE: Mars helicopter Ingenuity snaps epic photo of rover tracks, will attempt 3rd flight Sunday... We Would Be Better Off Buying FIRE FIGHTING HELICOPTERS for the Western United States... It's REALLY Likely that This Summer will Have Massive Forest fires and It Wuld be Wonderful If We Could Dump Water on them... Saving Lives... Saving People's Homes from Burning... WAKE UP! https://www.space.com/mars-helicopter-ingenuity-preps-for-3rd-flight
DON'T BE A SUCKER, UNPLUG TUCKER! His Entire Show is Hate Speech for Profit... Screaming DANGER DANGER When The Danger Does Not Actually Exist... Lying for Ratings... Why Would Anyone Voluntarily Look at A Screaming Head on TV? https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/apr/24/tucker-carlson-mainstream-us-journalists
She has a Valid Question... Why do The Taxpayers Subsidize Fossil Fuel? Isn't That an Obvious Example of Bribery? Corporations That Do Evil Bribe Politicians That Pass Laws Paying Corporations To Do More Evil... WTF? HEADLINE: Fossil fuel subsidies are a ‘disgrace’, Greta Thunberg tells US House panel. Climate activist asked to speak at hearing as part of push by Democrats to include fossil fuel subsidy elimination in bill
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GREAT IDEA! Research is Good... Learning is Much Better than Bribed Politicians Passing Laws That Prohibit Doctors and Patients from Making their Own Decisions...
HEADLINE: Timothy Leary's dead, but Mass. General plans to study medicinal uses of one of the psychedelics he studied...
The Harvard Crimson reports Massachusetts General's new Center for the Neuroscience of Psychedelics will study whether psilocybin and Ecstasy could help with a variety of mental issues, starting with one common effect of depression and severe anxiety and with PTSD that is resistant to traditional treatments.
In the early 1960s, Leary, then a psychology professor at Harvard, studied whether psilocybin and LSD could have beneficial medicinal uses. This included giving psilocybin, the main ingredient in "magic mushrooms," to Concord prison inmates to see if it could reduce recidivism, and to Boston-area divinity students, gathered at BU's Marsh Chapel on Good Friday, to see if it would heighten their religious experience.
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HEADLINE: Albuquerque refers Trump campaign’s unpaid rally bill to collection agency... "You could say" Trump defunded the police, says Mayor Tim Keller, slamming long history of "shady" practices... He's a True Slimeball... Endlessly Stealing from His Supporters and Failing to Pay His Bills... That's Why He Filed for Bankruptcy FOUR Times... To Avoid Paying Contractors Who Built Stuff For Him... AWAKEN! https://www.salon.com/2021/04/23/albuquerque-refers-trump-campaigns-unpaid-rally-bill-to-collection-agency/
"little sun" — the nonprofit founded by artist olafur eliasson and engineer frederik ottesen — has debuted a global creative communications campaign that aims to help tackle climate change, and accelerate the transition to net-zero carbon emissions and universal access to clean, affordable energy.
Lawmakers Make Crime Legal as Long as Criminals Are PRO-GOP... HEADLINE: Critics Blast Oklahoma GOP for Passing 'Absolutely Insane' Law Shielding Drivers Who Run Over Protesters... "Our government's escalating attacks on protests against racism and police brutality should concern everyone," said the ACLU. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/04/23/critics-blast-oklahoma-gop-passing-absolutely-insane-law-shielding-drivers-who-run
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DH Said on the Ram Dass Facebook Group:
Hi all. Want to say I love you guys. I have been doing so well with my spiritual practice that I’m at the point where I think I got it then I think of my family. Brothers, sister, mom and dad.
“You think you’re enlightened go visit your family”
I haven’t seen them in awhile so I’m thinking maybe it’s time they are going to want to get together. Here are a few examples of what I’m dealing with, how do you deal with pain from mental abuse, JEALOUSY of the success of a sibling, PAIN of a brother who killed himself and the anger I hold toward my parents for that. I know we are all on a different trip but man this is where I am stuck. Any words of wisdom to let this go too?
SG Replied: Why do you want to be close to abusive people? Have they healed and grown from that state? I have found that the relationships that are healthy or meant for me, they come naturally. Some have apologized, I have too. The closest people to my heart never left and our different relationships have grown on our separate but intertwined spiritual adventures. But the toxic ones have been let go, and forgiven. I’m still working on fully forgiving. And I know that if the time comes they have healed and are no longer contagiously negative, I will open my arms and heart to them. I think it best not to force anything like that, if it’s giving you trouble or disturbing your peace it probably isn’t something to focus on right now. Good luck! Ramram! ♥️
SM Replied: I’d say, go in knowing and holding with you the spiritual work you’ve done for your soul. Remember that no matter what your families actions and words are, you can not be in control of that. You can only control how you receive and respond to their input/output. Remember to breath and slow your heart rate to keep yourself calm. You can do this. 💜
I Said: Just Go Visit Your Family USING WHATEVER EXCUSE YOU WANT... Because after they are dead, You Can't. I had some EPIC Vacations with my Dad when He was Really Old... We sat on a Park Bench overlooking the Pacific Ocean at the Mouth of the Mad River and - Talked about everything he wanted to talk about before he died - and That was WORTHY.
and Then SG Posted on the Ram Dass Facebook Group:
I was listening to a recorded talk this morning given by a guy who does remote viewing. The last two minutes of the video are gold and I thought everyone here would receive it very well. Note that this is the closing of a video where he talks about remote viewing and psychic abilities. The last part reminded me of the siddhis or powers that great yogis have. If you approached people on a college campus or major company in the States, most people wouldn't have a clue about these things, and if you explained it to them, they wouldn't believe it's possible. Has anyone here experienced out of body awareness? What was it like if so?
"If you look in the mirror in the morning and think who you see in that mirror is who you are, you're in for a lot of suffering. My opinion is that who you really are is non-local awareness independent of space and time. You are that awareness that allows you to move your experience, to move your consciousness, to move your perception anywhere in the world independent of space and time. And this was described in great detail as I mentioned by the great Buddhist teacher Padmasambhāva in the 8th century where he said "you have to give up your desire to name things, to grasp onto them and guess what they are", because in the universe, it's really empty of names as you may have noticed. But you can give up your desire to defend your ego and what it says on your business card in conditioned awareness and if you think that you may not be made entirely of meat and potatoes, then you can move your awareness into naked awareness, experience the universe as it is and find a transcendent way to experience the world. My invitation to you is to explore this transcendent place.
I Replied: No... I Have Never Experienced anything Unexplainable... or Magic... No OOBE, No Remote Viewing, Nothing... I Believe Reality Exists and Can Be Sensed Using our Five Senses... My Path is to NOTICE REALITY and Seek Beauty... For Example: I Take a walk Every Day and Photograph Flowers, Trees, Clouds and Birds... The Practice of SEARCHING for Beauty Make Me FIND Beauty More often... I Tried Prayer and Meditation and Chanting and They ALL FAILED... Nothing was Gained... I Find that DOING things is Much Better... Drawing, Playing the Guitar, Swimming in the Ocean, Hiking... Dancing, Hugging a Woman... It's All Good... Eating a Hamburger With Crinkle Cut French Fries... Truly a Blessing...
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Buttons For Sale! "I Read Banned Books!" - Peace Signs - Love - Hearts - Roses - "UFOs Are Real", "#ArrestTrumpNow!" and Clever Slogans That YOU Write!
https://www.zazzle.com/i_read_banned_books_button-145332843565539996 |
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"1/6 Was An Inside Job" Merchandise for sale... "Arrest Trump Now!" "Lock Him UP!" "KEEP VOTING LEGAL" - T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, Buttons, Hats, etc...
Link to ALL My Trump Bling...
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and then on FaceBorg SG Said:
What's all this about eating bugs? I keep seeing posts where people are saying that we're all going to be forced to eat bugs. I assume this is some wild conspiracy, but where did it come from, and what is it all about?
JB Replied:
It is a conspiracy. There's an element of truth to the idea that eating bugs could be coming since they are a very sustainable source of protein and there are already bug restaurants and history of bug recipes around the world. However, like most things labeled sustainable nowadays, it's made into a conspiracy that everyone will be forced to partake and give up everything else
That is interesting. As for the conspiracy part, it sounds similar to the one where they said the government was coming to take their gas stoves away, when really they're just trying to slowly phase them out over time. I think I heard of one about meat, too...and of course, they've supposedly been coming to take our guns away for decades now. You'd think they would have shown up by now
and I Said:
If Trump Wins we are VERY LIKELY to Experience Global Economic Collapse... and a Loaf of Bread will cost a Hundred Dollars... at that point, eating bugs will be a cost effective plan...
BB Said:I've never heard of anyone forcing anyone else to eat bugs, but I have commonly heard that bugs will be the only source of protein available in the future, and that we will all be using them before long. I have also read (years ago, don't remember the details now) that ground cricket powder is being used as a source in a lot of different things like chocolate bars and we have no idea. And I've always been aware that people eat them in other parts of the world.
I don't know what my mental hangup about it is. I can't bring myself to do it. I love shrimp. Grasshoppers are literally just land shrimp. But for some reason I cannot make myself put one in my mouth.
EF Replied:
I don't find the idea of eating bugs to be particularly appealing, either. I don't see myself doing it unless it truly does become the only option. One of my favorite movies is Soylent Green, and the idea of bugs being the only source of protein in the future sounds very similar to the plot of Soylent Green. I've never heard the thing about ground cricket powder in chocolate bars, and I have a hard time believing it because ingredients are always printed on the packaging, and that seems like something that would be noticed since obviously it would freak a lot of people out.
LP Said:
The world is quickly running out of space and water to keep up w food production to create enough protein to feed the human population. We could easily make more than enough protein now for all humans. Even the starving ones in third world countries. IF we switched our protien sources. Insects are full of protein, easy to grow and require much less space and water and resources than the meat based system we are currently using. Cricket flour could change the world. As goofy as that sounds. I did a research paper on this in college and researched myself out of eating beef. Havent touched it in over 26 years. This was very much a lot of guesswork at the time. But all the guesses involved climate change, human population growth, capitalism....and so far its all come true. So do i feel it could solve a bunch of problems? Yes. Do i think it will come to pass anytime soon? No. Not until the western world is forced to change, and even then we wont until a bunch of people are dead.
and I Said: BLOCK all CrazyTalk® posts... Keep on reporting Trumpanzees to the FaceBorg Brain Police and After a while the algorithm stops posting their insanity... and you won't see any more annoying BUG POSTS.
Bruce Springsteen Wrote a Song called The River... about Joining a Union... in order to Support his family... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAB4vOkL6cE
I just wanted to say that SOME of my FB friends who are atheists sound worse than many Christians I've heard. SOME of you mock, belittle and insult Christians for their beliefs and are doing nothing to enlighten anyone. Somehow I mistakenly took all atheists as open-minded and left leaning. Please don't be haters. So you love the color orange and you know that it is made by mixing yellow and red and believers like the color purple but don't have a clue. Who cares? We all arrive at certain points at different times. I've always been open to new perspectives but I think if some Atheists were in charge they'd insist on everyone else believing the same. It doesn't matter if what someone believes is fact or fiction. If you're going to speak out TAKE A STAND AGAINST ORGANIZED RELIGION or IT'S TAXATION, or THE PROTECTION OF THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE not other people's personal beliefs. Many of you are only adding more fuel to the fire.
and I replied:
Some of us are trying to deliver a "Short Sharp Shock" to help Christians WAKE UP! and Notice Reality... In Fact, Most Christians are Harmless but the TRUMPANZEES are a Menace to Society... and Need to be MOCKED!I knew a Man that believed Pre-Marital Sex Was a Sin... That made it Really Difficult to GET LAID in High School...
What an Idiot... or maybe He was Using God as an Excuse for being unpopular...
One drug's slogan is "Nothing is Everything" AND on a different ad... "Control is Everything" therefore... if you do the Math... "Control is Nothing" or maybe "Nothing is Control"
Naomi Klein Network
I’ve noticed an increase in rudeness, hostility, and personal attacks in this group lately, not to mention disinformation and hate-mongering. Also, opinions are being frequently voiced that, once challenged, are met with personal attacks rather than supporting arguments or facts, or verifiable evidence - a clear sign they know they can’t back up what they say. Instead, objections are being met with open personal attacks. Some may be trolls, some not. Neither are to be tolerated here.
Please review our group policies, and if you no longer agree with them, you are free to leave now. I no longer have the time or patience to fence with people, and we reserve the right to remove people from the group without notice who don’t want to abide by our policies.
Thank you.
Dead Lot:
One man gathers what another man spills... What is your greatest groundscore story?
Philly Spectrum Spring 1992. Walking way far out in the lot to put away a sticker board before going into the show I saw a $20 blowing in the wind. It was really windy and it kept eluding me. Not one to give up easily I followed it, all the way to the edge of the lot where it got caught against a chain-link fence. After picking it up I saw another bill a few feet away, and another and another. All in all I picked up just shy of $200 along that fence!
and I aid:
at RFK Stadium... Someone gave me LSD Without telling me... all of a Sudden I realized... I'm high on Acid... Wonderful! Great Show in the rain and the mud... Looking Back... I remember "Breaking Bread" with a fellow... a Round Loaf of San Francisco Sourdough... and he gave me the Center Square on top...
In the tapestry of existence, I extend a heartfelt embrace to you, my cosmic family. As the celestial dance of time unfolds, my spirit resonates with the vibrations of anticipation for the unfolding chapters of this cosmic journey.
In the echoes of Vermont 17, a memory etched in the fabric of my soul, I find myself drawn to the rhythm of the universe once more. Nestled in the vibrant heart of Arkansas, I eagerly await the cosmic spectacle that April's eclipse promises to deliver.
A tapestry of tie-dyed dreams and celestial threads, I've invested in Eclipse merch, adorned with kaleidoscopic graphics that mirror the cosmic ballet above. As I prepare for this enchanting event, a question dances in my soul – is there a gathering, a celestial congregation, where kindred spirits converge to witness the cosmic poetry unfold?
In the vast expanse of online realms, I've sought the fellowship of eclipse enthusiasts, yet the cosmic web has eluded my search. Are there tribes converging upon Arkansas, chasing the shadow of the moon as it paints the canvas of the Ozarks with its ephemeral strokes?
If you, fellow celestial wanderers, hold the key to such gatherings, or if your path aligns with the celestial alignment in Arkansas, share your cosmic intentions. A spot in the totality's embrace beckons, a launch point for our Ozark odyssey. Let our energies align under the cosmic canopy as we navigate the path of totality together.
In unity, under the cosmic embrace, let our spirits soar and dance to the celestial rhythms. Here's to the eclipse, the tie-dyed threads that weave us together, and the cosmic gathering that awaits.
In cosmic unity,
Joshua Tree
Dead Lot
Best description ever of when the music plays the band and it required deadheads to power the ship. I forget where I saw it, I think Dead Essays about primarily Dark Stars, but I copied years ago and it so fits! Thoughts?
The psychedelic moments sometimes convey an impression of a lazy but inexorable squeezing, where a thousand rhythms are corralled into a few notes or a minuscule point in time. The music---sometimes notes, sometimes rhythms and combinations of notes--arcs like the lines of force around the poles of a magnet. Or the notes start to sound like a thick electric fluid, syrupy and warped, rather than drum beats or guitar chops. During a jam, perhaps the music sounds like a highly dexterous octopus simultaneously performing many tasks in an impossibly short length of time. At other times it’s sort of a pointillist gyroscopic resonance generated between guitarists in songs such as the “Viola Lee Blues,” or the flamenco windups of “Morning Dew.” In visual terms, the rhythms can sound like the slowdown effect of a wildly spinning ball just before it drops through the hole in a funnel. But whatever its particular manifestation, the Dead’s brand of psychedelic music is always complex, involving millisecond timing and co-ordination, and it invites a sort of attention that other music does not. It is as if listeners find themselves asking, “are they doing what I think they’re doing?” And the answer is, creepily enough, “yes, I think they ARE!”
At the same time, however, there is a second stage of transformation that also takes place. The volume generally comes up, the musicians’ playing becomes more economical, and the music often takes on a visualizable clarity. The sound develops suction, pressure, or friction. The bass and drums begin to pulse rather than beat. Garcia’s guitar licks begin to shoot and glimmer in streams of plasma, pivoting at the millisecond intervals between rhythms with astonishing precision. Weir’s guitar starts tying steel bowties around Garcia’s notes. Notes liquify. Rhythms turn inside out, open like flowers, and invert backwards on themselves. Suddenly the music transforms from the sound of a couple guys banging out a graceful transition from one song to another, into a kind of electromagnetic field of syncopated activity. The music begins to sound like the metaphors we use to discuss quantum mechanics, with shells, fields of energy, and spinning electrons. At this stage, even the notes start to atomize and develop a topography or rhythmic texture---almost becoming “songs” within themselves---exponentially compounding the rhythms of the original song. (As bizarre as it sounds, I suspect that everyone who has heard a lot of the Dead’s music will agree with many of these outlandish claims, and people do not need drugs to hear it.)