Education is the Key to Legalization of Psychedelics. For Safety, Legalize LSD, DMT, MDMA, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote - Lets Have Quality, Purity and Dosage Regulated by the Food and Drug Administration... Gee, That's a Smart Approach!

Currently, Criminals Make Illegal Psychedelics and Often They are of Bad Quality, Unknown Purity and Dangerous to the Consumer. Why Not Stop Believing Government Lies and Think for Yourself?

Please Write to Your Senators and Representatives in Congress Demanding that they BREAK FREE FROM THE SLAVERY TO BIG PHARMA... Legalize Psychedelics... Let Doctors and Patients Decide for themselves What's Best!

Did You Ever Question WHY LSD Was Made Illegal in 1966?

Well, The Older Generation wanted the Younger Generation to OBEY... TO DO WHAT THEY WERE TOLD TO DO... Mainly, Go to Vietnam and Murder People for No Reason... The Adults, and Their Corporate Masters were Making a Profit off the Sale of Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters... and In Order to Increase Sales, BOGUSWARS® Were Invented... "Fight COMMIES!" Danger-Danger Aliens!

Young People That Had Had The Psychedelic Experience REJECTED Murder for Corporate Profit... After All, Once One Has Experienced the Oneness of The Universe, Killing Does Not Seem Like a Brilliant Idea... Maybe a Better Plan for Life Would be to LOVE One Another... YA THINK?

And so The California Government Passed a Law Making LSD Illegal... ALSO... The "War on Drugs" was a Convenient way to Arrest Troublemakers... People That Loudly Opposed the Old Ways of Thinking... For Example: John Lennon, Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey were all Incarcerated for Marijuana... CRAZYLAWS® Were Used to Lock up Blacks, Mexicans and Hippies... To Keep Them Under Control...

And here we are in 2020... Baby Boomers are Facing Death and Psychedelics Help Face That Fear... Doctors and Patients All Over the World are Exploring Psychedelic Therapy...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Dennis McKenna Posted:

"Let's be adults about this. These are no longer 'shrooms.' These are no longer party drugs for young people," Stamets told CNN. "Psilocybin mushrooms are nonaddictive, life-changing substances."
"I'm going to say something provocative, but I believe it to my core: Psilocybin makes nicer people," Stamets told the audience. "Psilocybin will make us more intelligent, and better citizens."
Have you already watched the talk by Paul Stamets at ESPD55 about the Stoned Ape Theory, how mushrooms influenced our evolution and what is yet to come from that interspecies relationship for the future of humanity?
If not follow the link in the comments and register to watch this and other fascinating talks from ESPD55.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Shredded Rainbow Spiral Business Cards For Sale. <--- Click on the Link!

MORE Shredded Rainbow Spiral Art

Link to Spiral Art Painted on Bling:

Link to Rainbow Art Painted on Bling:

Keywords for Further Research: LSD, DMT, PCP, MDMA, Question Authority, magic mushrooms, legalize, freedom, quest, liberty, FDA, JFK, LBJ, CIA, FBI, NSA, EIEIO, Dr Albert Hofmann, Dr John Lilly, MKULTRA, Operation Mindsprout, FREAK OUT, Food of the Gods, Peyote, Psilocybin, Marijuana, Cannabis, Hippy, The Diggers, Summer of Love, Dr Timothy Leary, Dr Richard Alpert, Ram Dass, Your Name Here

"Make America Groovy Again"
Embroidered Baseball Cap for sale...

You May Color This White Hat With a Rainbow of Permanent Markers or Acrylic Paints... Draw a Paisley Design, Peace Signs or a Landscape - Mountains, Trees, Rivers, Puffy White Clouds... WhatEVER makes You BEATIFIC.

Psychedelic Art Painted on Bling!

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,[Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”[Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana or Psychedelics as a Sacrament] - DANG... So Many Disclaimers... Was This Written by a Freaking Lawyer?

The Era Of Hatred is Ending. I Plan to Put Some Effort into Forgiving People That Believe The Exact Opposite of What I Believe. They are Just Confused and Educating Them Would Make the World a Better Place to Live. Help Them Break The Chains of The Trump Brainwashing Cult.

Hey TrumpNiks, Free Yourself... Life Will Become Better! Try Noticing Reality for ONE WEEK and If It Doesn't Help, You Can Always Go Back To Believing Lies!

Here is How To Become Aware!

You Can Do This Anytime, Anyplace...

Look around you.
Find 5 Things you can See.
4 things you can Touch.
3 things you can Hear.
2 things you can Smell.
1 thing you can Taste.

Remember: Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA. Not Even Once. Ever Since Victory over Japan, Every War Has Been a BOGUS Marketing Trick Designed to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

With Marijuana Legal, California is Closing Unused Prisons. Saving Taxpayers a Fortune... By Getting a Clue, Lawmakers have Increased Voluntary Taxes while Saving Money wasted on Law Enforcement... Everybody Wins!

and I Don't Pay a Penny in Weed Taxes because I Don't Smoke!

SEE? Every Day the World Becomes a Better Place to Live... Can You Imagine That Bribed Lawmakers Actually Made Magic Mushrooms Illegal... WTF?

Ongoing research shows that psilocybin could help treat certain medical conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and addiction...
50th anniversary of the Summer of Love... The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain...

The culture of the United States was
radically different After the 1960's...

The conformism of the 1950's was blown away when LSD became widely available. Owsley made the chemical and made it available at Acid Tests with Ken Kesey and the Grateful Dead. He also gave it to the Beatles for their Magical Mystery Tour. The spirit lives on in a yearly camping trip called The Rainbow Gathering. It's like Woodstock but the performers are not paid and I'm in the Band.


If You are Having Trouble with Your Religion, Simply Fire your God and Find One that Works. Why Not Awaken? Why Not Shop Around and Select One That's Better for Your Own Lifestyle?

Don't let other people ruin your life by filling your head with absurd concepts that benefit Them, not You... I Wrote this Because I Spent Many Hours Listening to Christians Complain about Their Religion in Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings... SAD... Trapped in a Make Believe Cannibal/Vampire Cult... Yep, Those People Pretend to Drink the Blood of Christ and Eat His Body... OOOH! CREEPY! ESCAPE NOW!

Global Awakening is Real and Happening now.

Awaken Now

So Many Different Gods... and So Many Believers Loudly Proclaim that THEIR God is the One True God. That's Absurd!

I, like 100% of the people on Earth HAVE NO CLUE if God is real or not.

Some people state that they know... but they are just deluding themselves... I don't mind them deluding themselves, but if they Kill people that are of different Religions... They are Crazy and Dangerous. ----> Here is An Examination of My Beliefs... GOD = Group of Drunks <----

I do pray... I may not believe in God but what if God believes in me? I often send prayers for good health to the people who are sick. If God is Real, he reads my email... and the people who get the email feel better...

I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior in 1976. If Christianity turns out to be the correct Religion, I'm Saved! I was living with my first ex-wife and she was interested in me becoming a Baptist and I was interested in sex with her so... I went forward at a meeting, accepted Christ, joined the choir and then got bored with it all... we rarely attended. I did like Communion... It's a make believe Vampire, Cannibal Cult! Pretend to drink a persons BLOOD and Eat a persons BODY... OOOH! That's Creepy! But FUN!

However, I much later I did become addicted to crack cocaine and when I wanted to stop I went to a Baptist Church and gave my addiction to Jesus, and never smoked crack again. That evening I went to the Pink Floyd "concert" called "Welcome to the Machine" and that helped also because it gave me something to distract my attention while I was suffering thru the withdrawal symptoms. Another time I went to the Presbyterian Church founded by Annie Bidwell in Chico and prayed that God would find my friends a JOB... and later that week both Manuel and Victoria were employed. A miracle... Not only that but if I ever stub my toe or hit my thumb with a hammer I shout out JESUS!

When I joined Alcoholics Anonymous I was introduced to the concept of a "Higher Power" helping me with my addiction. The "Higher Power" that worked for me was The "Group of Drunks" an acronym GOD... We were supposed to seek guidance thru prayer and meditation. However I always got Nothing from Prayer or Meditation. ZERO. The Group did help and I stopped drinking alcohol. Remember, Bill Wilson invented Alcoholics Anonymous while tripping on Belladonna and Henbane. Both POWERFUL Hallucinogens. He saw the "White Light" and had a vision of God. Me TOO! Me TOO! LSD, DMT, Peyote and Magic Mushrooms all give you a vision of God. I do like AA so Bill's Trip was a great help to mankind.

If the Hindus or Buddhists are right I'm set to reincarnate as a human or better because I've lead a good life. I have NOT killed any people but have eaten a few hamburgers... I love Bacon too... Oh Well... Maybe I'll come back as a Cow... and then a Hamburger myself...

If the Mormons are right, I'm not in luck. I liked meeting the Mormon people in Utah, they were very friendly and helpful but I just can't believe that God is an Extraterrestrial... Moroni from a star in the constellation Orion... Not very likely to be true.

However, maybe the "Ancient Alien" theorists are right. There sure is a lot of really strange evidence of Alien Visitation... For Example: Why did Mexicans, Cambodians and Egyptians all build Pyramids? What is their purpose? Did they have Alien Help?

If Islam is correct I'm screwed... But then, their Religion JUST SUCKS.

The Basic Flaw with Being a Bahai is that it's a SECOND HAND Religion... Some Guy Had an Experience and He Told You about His Experience... I'm Happier with Having the Experience Myself... That's Why I'll Never be a Follower of any Religion... Like... "Moses went to the Top of the Mountain and Talked to God." Well, Been There, Done That... and about a Million other People Have Done that too... I Believe Psychedelics Just Undermined All Those Faith Based Religions... WhatEVER... Now, Whirling Dervishes... That's another Story...

I like THOR... "Valhalla I am coming..." Led Zeppelin "Immigrant Song" Satirized by VIKING KITTENS! Warning... You Will Never Be Able To UNSEE This... Every Time You Hear Robert Plant Sing About The Land of Ice and Snow You Will Think of This Movie.
Just Like the Song "Roundabout" by YES... I'll Always Remember the Topless Strip Tease Dance by Katee Owen. You'll Have to Google That One By Yourself... This is a Rated "G" Website...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

On the other Hand... Church is a Great Place to Find a Babysitter... There are Valid Benefits to Belonging to an Organization...
Consider this FACT: Barack Obama worked as a Professional Community Organizer on the South Side of Chicago before he Became Senator... I Wondered... Who Would Pay Actual Money to Have Him Organize a Community? Frankly, I Would Not. I'd Pay a Man to Fix a Roof. I'd Pay a Man to Unclog a Drain in the Sink. But I would never Pay a Man to Organize a Community... ANYWAY... The Catholic Church Paid... That's an Example... of Doing Good For No Reason...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I have a few members of my family that are Jewish and I think that on Judgement day they will let me in. I've been nice to them and that's important in a world where some people put them in gas chambers and kill them.

Of COURSE, Gaia makes a lot of sense. I can really relate to the fact that all plants and animals are brothers and sisters... I really GROK this idea when I'm in a Redwood Forest. I lived on the edge of a second growth forest for 15 years and I "owned" a specific tree in Eureka. I sat on it daily and smoked cigarettes... I sat on it more often that anyone else so it's MY TREE and I'm Its Human. I shared that tree with our cat Meadow as she liked it too. We All Read the Book "A Language Older Than Words" by Derrick Jensen for a Class at Humboldt State University. All About Communicating With Animals. DEEP ECOLOGY WISDOM.

Then there are the Goddess Religions... Thankfully, I've met a couple of Goddesses and I sure am glad. One was nicknamed "Nature Nurse". She became my Second Ex-Wife.
Another was Ja-Kay R. from Chico. We played the drums in a band in Paradise, California and performed "Miserlou" at the Farmers market in downtown Chico. A beautiful Blond Nordic Goddess.
Another was a GURU/Teacher named Sonya Sophia who lead a group healing seminar at the Utah Rainbow Gathering. I also bought admission to her weekly internet sessions where we studied "Tapping" a self-help Acupressure technique... I did that for about a year and learned as much as she could teach. "I Love and Accept Myself"

Rastafarians? Sure, I've smoked a lot of reefer... I can play reggae music... it's got ONE CHORD! Easy but I find it boring even when I'm stoned. Cannabis Psychosis is REAL. If you smoke every day you remain stoned even if you don't smoke... You stay stoned for about a month... and I saw things that were not there but I believed that they were... Difficult to take care of business when I'm THAT Stoned...

Pastafarians? - The Flying Spaghetti monster is a good joke.

The Church of the Subgenius? OK, another good joke.

I'm a registered Minister in the Universal Life Church. Why Not?

Scientology? No thanks, that "E-Meter" is BOGUS science and I know enough about electrical engineering to see that the great OZ is just a man behind a curtain... It's a GREAT religion for L. Ron Hubbard but not for any of the followers.

Timothy Leary and LSD? Ultimately it was disappointing and just an amusing ride... No more meaning than a good roller coaster...

Ram Dass? He took a lot of LSD and then went all the way to India to find a GURU... Then he learned to "BE HERE NOW" from a 6 foot 7 inch surfer from Laguna Beach. He could have saved a lot of time wasted on air travel if he had just gone surfing in California FIRST and Ignored the Indians... but he writes great books...

Ken Kesey and the Grateful Dead... Fun to dance to rock music on LSD. However it all has the creepy feeling that it was just an experiment in the CIA Project MKULTRA. What IF we dosed millions of people Nationwide? Would that be useful as a Weapon of War? Make the enemy too stoned to fight?

Surfing as a religion? Yes, that makes sense. Or to put it more simply, doing what you love to do as a way of life... Playing the ukulele or throwing pottery or oil painting or computer programming or dancing or bicycle riding or snow skiing or camping or taking photographs or ... etc etc etc... Yes there is a bliss when a person is doing something they love and are totally focused... TIME itself seems to pass more rapidly... I have experience this myself while programming graphic arts... Suddenly hours have passed while I was "in the zone".

A Christian fellow was giving a lecture at Humboldt State University one time and he said that there was only ONE WAY to go to Heaven, Jesus. He said that you couldn't find God by Mountain Climbing OR Drugs... What he forgot to mention was finding God by Mountain Climbing AND Drugs. BOTH! at the same time! It's not an either/or question... I have hiked to the top of El Capitan in Yosemite on LSD and I"m really glad I did... He also said that Premarital Sex was a SIN. Like, BAD and you shouldn't do it. What an Idiot. I bet that attitude prevented him from getting laid.

Once I read a book called "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz and there was a lot of Toltec Wisdom there.

Another Book Series: "The Teachings of Don Juan" by Carlos Castaneda... Yaqui Indian Brujo Wisdom

I've played the Father Drum with Native Americans and THAT was "Big Medicine"...

"The Temple of the Screaming Electron" and Digital Immortality. Ray Kurzweil plans to upload your entire Brain to the Internet. So You Can Live forever in the cloud. I'm working on that too with my Blog by typing almost every event in my entire life and every opinion I've ever held...

So, if you don't like your God simply FIRE him and Write your own Religion!

Read more of my Autobiography at:

"Art in the Time of Covid-19"
Shirt For Sale.

YOU MAY CHANGE THE WORDS IF YOU WANT TO... The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!

"Art in the Time of Covid-19" T-Shirt
by gregvan

Ezekiel's Wheel: UFO or Mushroom Vision?

Cosmic Eye Candy

Heart Art for eARTh

Did you ever question Reality?

I Wonder why Photoshop has Automatic Psychedelicizer Functions?

Some people let unfulfilled desire interfere with accepting Bliss.

Temple of the Screaming Electron

Alcoholics Anonymous Founder Bill Wilson got his Big Idea on a Psychedelic Trip. A 5 Day Belladonna and Henbane "CURE"... He saw "The White Light" and never drank again.

Free Coloring Book Art. Find MORE at Google Image Search using the Words: "gvan42 Coloring Book" - Print as Many Copies as You Want and Share With Friends... <--- Click Here

That Creepy Masonic Eye from the Back of the Dollar Bill - and Pink Floyd's Wall - Dark Side of the Moon Prism
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Here is a Video of a Guided Meditation
Healing Ceremony Lead by
Sonya Sophia at a Rainbow Gathering

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