I Campaigned Against Hillary on Social Media in 2016. The Russians did too. Trump did too. I DID NOT CONSPIRE WITH TRUMP OR PUTIN. We all just came to the same conclusion that she was no good ON OUR OWN.

 I Campaigned for Bernie Sanders. Hillary used "Super Delegates" to STEAL the Democratic primary. It was obvious that VOTERS wanted Bernie but Wall Street and Corporations wanted Hillary. I have heard that the "Super Delegates" concept has not been destroyed entirely... The DNC needs to stop that insanity... and the entire election seemed like a tricky way to get BILL CLINTON Elected to a Third Term... He would run the country as "First Man" while she stood in the spotlight and talked to TV News Cameras... Sort of a "Lawyer's Technicality" to do a run around of election laws limiting a President to Eight Years. 
Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

We see in 2020 that ANOTHER CORPORATE STOOGE is leading the race... Sadly, Joe Biden has a History of BEING WRONG ON EVERY ISSUE for his entire LIFE! BUT, Credit Card Companies in Delaware Love Him... and are FUNDING HIM... I like Elizabeth Warren.

I did not Vote in 2016 and my absence did not make any difference at all... Hillary won all the Electoral College Votes in California. The Electoral College System in Insane and Was Intentionally Designed to be Corrupt. In the late 1700s our Founding Fathers wanted to KEEP Power in the hands of Rich White Men. They were afraid that poor people would select someone they didn't like to be President...  

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton JOKE MEME - satire silly insult - 2016 campaign against her gvan42

Hillary Clinton JOKE MEME - satire silly insult - 2016 campaign against her gvan42

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PLEASE HELP CAMPAIGN FOR Steven Cox for Senate in Kentucky... A Democrat seeking to Beat Evil Mitch McConnell... Young and Smart an Alternative to Old and Corrupt. LIKE AND SHARE THIS LINK EVERYWHERE! https://coxforus.com/