The Dreaded "Superdelegates" are NOT DEAD YET... in the Democratic Party. They ( all 769 of them) will be able to vote in a SECOND BALLOT at the Convention... If no one wins the first ballot...

And in 2020 there is a very real possibility that there will be a SECOND BALLOT because there are so many Candidates. 

In 2016 "Superdelegates" allowed Hillary to Steal the Party Nomination from Bernie Sanders. The PEOPLE supported Bernie but the CORRUPT INSIDERS voted for Clinton.

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Headline: Democratic Candidates Are Preparing For A Contested Convention — By Courting Superdelegates
Even aides to Bernie Sanders, who led the fight to disempower superdelegates last year and still brings up their role in the 2016 primary, say they’re taking “superdelegates strategy seriously.”

Superdelegates — the elected officials, party officers, and activists who have been given a say in the Democratic nominating system since 1982 — were stripped of their vote in the first round of convention voting last year, a move to appeal to Sanders supporters who felt the system unfairly benefited Hillary Clinton in 2016. But across the field of 21 candidates, campaigns with the resources to do so are already courting superdelegate support to prepare for the possibility of a contested convention next summer — a scenario in which superdelegate votes could come back into play.

The superdelegate system emerged as a real and symbolic point of contention during the 2016 primary — allowing Clinton, a two-time presidential candidate uniquely positioned to lean on long-standing relationships across the party, to declare a seemingly insurmountable advantage before voting even began.