Giant Housing Subdivision to be built in MY FOREST in Eureka, CA... Much LOGGING of Redwood Trees needed to Build the Unneeded Homes...

MCKAY RANCH SUBDIVISION: Big Community Meeting in Cutten Tonight to Discuss Proposed 320-Unit Development Around Redwood Fields

This is crazy. They tried this years ago and concluded... THERE IS NO DEMAND FOR HOUSES IN EUREKA!  When I was shopping 5 years ago there were a LOT of foreclosed houses for sale AND VERY FEW BUYERS. That's because it's hard to find work... and people move to where the JOBS are.  

I looked at the MAP and this is right at the end of REDWOOD Street... I lived there and THAT FOREST IS MY FOREST! Not because I owned the land but because I SPENT A LOT OF TIME IN THOSE WOODS... I had an easy chair there and I would smoke tobacco... and watch the animals... and observe the Trees... A LOT OF TIME... "They paved Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot." - Joni Mitchell