Photographs of The Honey Run Covered Bridge over Butte Creek near Chico and Paradise, California BEFORE it Burned - a great place to go Tubing when the Water is High... a WILD RIDE! - Plus: A Northern California Vacation Guide - The Great Places!

The Bridge was destroyed by Wildfire on 11/9/2018
So Sad... It was a Historical Landmark.
The Entire Town of Paradise, California Was Burned Also.

There is Now A Plan to Rebuild the Covered Bridge...
Millions of Dollars Donated to Build a BRIDGE TO NOWHERE!

Camp Fire burns over 6,400 structures, becomes most destructive fire in California history

Link to Google Earth at Covered Bridge --->

Google Streetview of the Covered Bridge while Standing on the NEW Bridge to Paradise from Chico.

Jack's Restaurant - A great place

Main Street Chico at Jacks Restaurant Looking at the Senator Theater

Add THIS to Your Bucket List: Swimming at Bear Hole in Upper Bidwell Park, Chico California. Crystallized Black Lava Rocks - Basalt from the Eruption of Mount Lassen.

Driving Directions: Go North on Highway #5 From Sacramento, California. Take a Right at Highway #32 (Orland) and Drive Thru Chico. Take a Left on Bruce Road. It Becomes Manzanita Ave. Take a Right on Wildwood Ave and Enter Upper Bidwell Park. Stop at Bear Hole and Walk...

We Need to Buy 1000 More Firefighting Helicopters in the USA... Simply Dip a Bucket in a Lake, Dump Water on the Fire. Tell Your Elected Officials That We Want Them to Take Action!

California Has a Massive Wildfire Problem...
Let's Buy Helicopters!
Email Governor of California Gavin Newsom

Find their Email Form
and Tell 'em what you think!

The Passage of Roe v Wade Led to Fewer Unwanted Babies Being Born... and 20 Years Later, Less Violent Crime... Because Unwanted Babies Grow Up to Become Violent Criminals... SEE? Choice Turned Out To Be A Great Idea!

Pro Choice Button
by gregvan

Lets Make Birth Control and Abortion Free and Legal Worldwide... We Have too Many People On Planet Earth Already... Forcing Women Give Birth to Unwanted Babies is INSANE.

Quite Often I Hear "Anti- Choice" Activists Yelling about "Yadda Yadda Yadda" but... In Fact... Those People are Simply Wrong... and The Majority of Americans are In Favor of Abortion Being Legal... WITH GOOD REASON!

Project MKULTRA: The CIA Mind Control Experiment That Escaped The Laboratory and Got Out Onto The Dance Floor! Was "The Sixties" Really a Test to Just Find Out What Would Happen IF A Million People Took LSD?

At First, The CIA Allowed Millions of Doses of LSD to be Distributed at Grateful Dead Concerts JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE CURIOUS... and then Later, The CIA Deployed All Those Vendors BECAUSE IT WORKED! Many People Who Took LSD Became "NOT A THREAT" To The Ruling Class. People Became interested in Learning How to Play Guitar instead of Being Interested in The Violet Overgrow of the US Government... People Became interested in Organic Farming... Again, Remote Marijuana Farmers and Organic Vegetable Growers DO NOT POSE A DANGER TO THE IVY LEAGUE EAST COAST ESTABLISHMENT...

They Even Had a CIA Consultant Touring Coast to Coast Advising Young People to "Turn On, Tune In and Drop Out." Yes, Dr Timothy Leary Worked for the CIA Designing the Leary Personality Test. --- AND --- People who "Drop Out" are Mostly Harmless... There were a Couple of Exceptions: Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin Started the "YIPPIES" and Protested Against the Vietnam War... Causing Thousands of People to Surround the Pentagon to Try and Levitate It. They also Created the 1968 Chicago Riots...

Charles Manson Was a Product of Decades Spent Incarcerated in the USA Prison System... He used LSD to Brainwash Teenage Runaway Girls in Los Angeles... Creating What He Called "Charlie's Angels" - Later Made into a TV Show... In a TV Network Planning Meeting they FLIPPED THE SCRIPT and Made Charlie GOOD instead of EVIL. Higher Ratings with a Good Guy. And They made the Angels Beautiful Women instead of the Plain Looking People in the Manson Family...

The FBI KNEW What was Going On. Observe this Official Report Published Due to a Freedom of Information Act Request. Heavily Redacted. Note Page 14.

1967: The Summer of Love... San Francisco, Hippies, Flower Power, Peace, The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain...

The culture of the United States was
radically different After the 1960's...

The conformism of the 1950's was blown away when LSD became widely available. Owsley made the chemical and made it available at Acid Tests with Ken Kesey and the Grateful Dead. He also gave it to the Beatles for their Magical Mystery Tour. The spirit lives on in a yearly camping trip called The Rainbow Gathering. It's like Woodstock but the performers are not paid and I'm in the Band.


HEY, ECO-WARRIORS! I Loved Riding the Bus and Light Rail in San Jose and EUREKA, California. I Remember I was able to get to work on the Bus ...and... Drinking and Driving is Not Only Illegal But Actually Dangerous While Drinking and Riding the Bus is FUN...

On Halloween, I Brought My Guitar and Sang for the Party Goers on the San Jose Light Rail... BIG FUN!

More Importantly, I Rode from Almaden to the San Jose Public Library and Used the Free Computers there to Build a Website in the Late 1990s. Tripod and Yahoo Geocities... I didn't know what I was doing but the Other Patrons were Happy to Help. My Content is Still Online 23 Years Later!


It's Sad that So Many Smart People Go to Work on Wall Street and Accomplish Nothing With Their Lives. Is There a Cure for the Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome?

Imagine a World Where the People That Spent Four Years at Harvard, Yale and Princeton Took Jobs Inventing Things... Useful Things... Making the World a Better Place...

Years Ago The Stock Market was Involved in Getting Loans for Businesses to Finance Their Growth... NOW? It's Difficult To Say What They Do... Except When They Lose all their Money, The Federal Government Bails them Out... and If They WIN, They Get to Keep their Winnings in Tax Free Shelters Overseas...

I See on the TV News That Convicted Felon Michael Milken has founded an "Institute" where he will teach you how to play the stock market... and the Teaches at Stanford University... I Guess that's all he CAN Do Because he's Forbidden for Life from actually Playing the Stock Market... Even though He was Pardoned by Former Guy Donald Trump... A Classic TrumpNik® --->Absurdly Corrupt<--- He Got Caught, Did Some Time BUT Got to Keep Millions of Dollars!

Arcata, CA Decriminalizes Possession of Psychedelics - Nixon's Crazy "War on Drugs" is OVER! - His Plan Eventually Failed... But Not Before it did Horrible Damage to the USA...


Mary Pinchot Meyer gave LSD to JFK and Then He Decided to End the Vietnam War in 1963. Defense Contractors had him Assassinated to Protect their Profits. Mary was a Girlfriend of JFK and...

She was part of a movement to give LSD to the Leaders of the World. The top scientists, business leaders, artists, poets, actors, politicians, writers, musicians and athletes were to be given LSD and then they would use what they learned while high to rebuild society. The cosmic knowledge was to be distributed from the top down in order to create a better world.

We Will Never Know If This Is True or Just a Conspiracy Theory... Mary did keep a diary and right after she was assassinated, her friend Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee took the diary to The CIA and they gave it to Mary's Sister and She BURNED IT! One of The Many "Summertime Bonfires" that Year...

I've always wondered about the MOTIVE for JFK's Assassination... Dow Chemical and Hughes Aircraft Made a Fortune selling Supplies to the US Military during the Vietnam War... a Newly Enlightened JFK was a "Problem" - Solution? Have a Patsy "Hit" Him... The "Hit" the Patsy...

Great Books: Project MKULTRA:
CIA/LSD American History
"The Search for the Manchurian Candidate"
by John Marks

MKULTRA: Was a CIA Mind Control Project in the USA during the 1950's and 1960's. They were looking for a way to use drugs as weapons of war. For example: LSD as a way to simply get the "enemy" to lay down their arms, voluntarily... like, too stoned to fight...

The project conducted tests on college students at Stanford University. Ken Kesey and Robert Hunter both were employed. Later, Ken started having "ACID TEST" parties where the participants took LSD and danced to the Music of the Grateful Dead. Robert Hunter wrote lyrics for the Dead. and The "Whole Earth Catalog" was Written by Stewart Brand... His Book was Useful for Hippies that wanted to Go Live Off The Land and become Subsistence Farmers... or Marijuana Farmers... He was Also a Test Subject for MKULTRA.

Here is a great Hike in Yosemite... to the Top of Yosemite Falls... In 1973 We Ate [Censored Three Letter Word] and Hiked to the Top of the Mountain... and I'm Sure Glad We Did... BIG FUN!

We Started at Sunnyside Campground and
as We Got Higher and Higher in Elevation
We Were Getting Higher and Higher on LSD...

and when I was PEAKING ON ACID
I was on Top of the World!

I wanted to Go Look over the Edge but
the Entire Mountain Seemed to Be Dancing...

So... I Crawled on My Belly to Avoid Falling!

This is the Map of the Trail...

That was my First Year at Chico State College and Four of Us wanted to be OUT OF TOWN during Pioneer Week... The Idea of Thousands of Drunken Frat Boys was NOT FUN... and So Many Strangers Coming to Raise Hell and then Leave...

So We went to Yosemite and Camped at the Overflow Campground. One Morning Bright and Early we Dropped Acid and Hiked to the Top of the Mountain... One Effect of LSD is it Gives You a LOT of Energy to Do Hiking or Dancing... It's a Powerful Stimulant so We Had NO TROUBLE Walking the 2700 Foot Change in Elevation...

Then we Rode the Double Decker Bus Around the Park to the Mist Trail. We Sat on the Top Layer of the Bus... It Had No Ceiling... Truly one of the Most Fabulous Adventures POSSIBLE... Outdoors on a Magic Carpet Looking Up at Half Dome...

Then We Hiked to Vernal Falls...

It appeared to Be a Living Multi Eyed Creature... and when I Looked Away, The Mountains Appeared to be Flowing UP... I'm Still Amused by this Visual Effect... For Example if I Read The Scrolling Letters on the Bottom of CNN TV News Show... and Then I Look Away... Whatever I see Appears to Be Moving Left to Right... Try IT!

The Next Night We were Sitting Around a Campfire Singing Songs and Smoking Marijuana and a Park Ranger Ran out of the Darkness and Arrested ME... He said I'm Gonna Charge You with "Disturbing the Peace" but You Have to Leave the Park Tomorrow... or I'll Change the Charge to "Possession of Marijuana" SO... We Left... and I Paid a $35 Dollar Fine... I'm Sure Glad the Ranger Didn't Attack Me When I was High on LSD... That Would Have Been a BUMMER!

In Fact HE WAS DISTURBING THE PEACE... I was Playing the Harmonica and Smoking Marijuana... PRETTY DAMN PEACEFUL ACTIVITIES! But he was a Freaking PIG! Oink Oink!