Nikolas Cruz gets Life Without Parole not Death Penalty for Murdering 17 People at Parkland High School... MAGA Hat. A Hint that the Wearer is Insane and Should have his Guns taken away.

Yes, we should take guns away from 
Insane People BUT...
Why not just Outlaw ALL 
Assault Rifles for Everyone. 
We Outlawed Machine Guns in 1934 and
We Outlawed Hand Grenades in 1968...
Why Can't We Outlaw Assault Rifles in 2022?

Trump DID Sign the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law - HJ RES 40 - MEME by gvan42
Trump REALLY DID Sign the Help 
Crazy People Buy Guns Law - H.J. RES 40

The NRA is a Terrorist Cult.
Everybody Chant! "Hey, Hey NRA... How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?"

MEME - Machine Guns are INSANE - gvan42

MEME - Machine Guns are INSANE - gvan42

GOP Fails To Do Anything About Gun Violence. ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING AT A HIGH SCHOOL in Santa Clarita, CA - Vote Against Republicriminals Everywhere in Every Race. THEY ARE EVIL...

Trump's Main Accomplishment: The Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law. It makes it Legal for People on Social Security Disability DUE TO INSANITY to BUY GUNS Without That Fact Showing Up On a Background Check. THE LAW IS CRAZY!

Republicans: Are You Delighted To Have To Buy BULLETPROOF BACKPACKS for your Children? We Didn't Do That When Obama Was President BUT... Since the NRA gave Trump 30 Million Dollars for his Campaign...

Guns don't kill people, BULLETS kill people and RUBBER BULLETS DON'T KILL ANYONE. Why don't we simply take away the metal bullets from Police Nationwide. 

Sacramento Police Murdered an Unarmed Black Man with METAL BULLETS. It would SAVE LIVES and save $2.4 Million Dollars in Taxpayer expense.

We Outlawed Machine Guns in 1934. Why Not Assault Rifles Today? Al Capone used a "Tommy Gun" (Thompson Machine gun)...Why Wasn't THAT protected by the 2nd Amendment? What about Bazookas, Rocket Propelled Grenades, Flamethrowers and Hand Grenades?

The CIA Project MKULTRA Was Wildly Successful. How ELSE Can You Explain The Millions of Brainwashed TrumpNiks? Obvious Mind Control...

I've Been Blocked On Facebook for Posting TRUTH on TrumpNik Groups... They Hate be Reminded about REALITY and tRUMP's EPIC FAILURE... Since I Can't, IT'S UP TO YOU TO POST FACTS ON GOP FACEBOOK GROUPS... Please Post Statements Like This... Thanks! 

"POP QUIZ! What Do These People Have In Common? Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty --- If You Can't Spot The Trend, You Might Be a TrumpNik!"

Music Video: The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key Blues (tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others... Police Code 5150...)

Music Video: Did You Ever Notice... Reality?  It's Right Outside Your Door... Take a Walk in the Woods... Unplug... and Experience Nature...

HOW TO Join the Global #DumpTrump Movement. Anyone, Anywhere in the World May Write to US Senators and House Representatives Using Their Online Contact Forms.

Absentee Ballots [vote by mail] are one way to make sure YOU CAN VOTE AT ALL. Republicans are putting a LOT of effort in preventing people from voting. Especially Black and Brown people.

If tRUMP Wins, He Will CAUSE Global Economic Collapse. Billions of People Will Die of Starvation. Remember That #TrumpHasFailed When You Vote.

Millions of Republicans #RUNAWAY from tRUMP... Everyone Has Realized... He's a Pile of _______ ! (Redacted - Community Standards) Did You Ever Notice That Republicriminals are trying to Destroy Democracy by Preventing People from Voting... Then, They Can Crown CZAR Donald Glorious Leader For Life!

tRUMP IS INSANE! A Call for Invoking the 25th Amendment. When He Causes Global Economic Collapse, Billions Will Die From Starvation. #LockHimUP in a Mental Hospital...

Jaime Harrison is Running for Senator against Evil Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. Jaime is Young and Smart, Lindsey is Old and Corrupt. Join the Campaign to throw the Insane TrumpNiks OUT! Register and Vote! 2020 is the Year we Win the Senate, The House and The Presidency! 

Proof of tRUMP's Failed Economy... Obama Did Not Need Food Banks... People Bought Food With Paychecks From Jobs. Remember: You Can't Eat tRUMP's Lies! #DumpTrump #BillionDollarLoser #tRUMPisaFAILURE

Music Video "Vote for Joe, He's Not Insane!" CAMPAIGN SONG - Chords and Lyrics Provided So You Can Record This and Make a Hit Record!