Never Forget! Three Days That the USA Was Attacked By Enemies... January 6th, December 7th and September 11th...

January 6th, December 7th and September 11th... Three Days the USA Was Attacked By Enemies... Never Forget!

I Have Come to Believe Most of the "Official Story" of 9/11.

I believe that Saudi Arabians, Lead by Osama bin Laden, Hijacked Airplanes and Flew them into the World Trade Center in New York City. About 3,000 American Died on that Day... and About 6,000 Americans Died in the Crazy Wars that George Bush the Son Started in Response to 9/11... OOPS!

Obviously, He Blew Up the Wrong Countries. We Now Know that Iraq had NO Weapons of Mass Destruction, They had NO Ties to Al-Qaeda and Nothing at all to Do with 9/11... That was a Saudi Operation... However, since we are Enslaved to Saudi OIL, He Couldn't Attack our Masters... so he selected Countries that he was SURE would Not Fight back too strongly...

And then George Bush the Son Failed to FIND Osama bin Laden... Mighty Strange... They Were both Investors in the Carlyle Group (an Oil Investment Club) ... Maybe George was FAILING INTENTIONALLY to Protect a Fellow Oil Man...

And then, President Obama Found Osama and Had The Navy Seals Kill Him... and... Osama has NOT Caused any Trouble Since He's BEEN DEAD.

Joe Biden Ended the War in Afghanistan Because NO ONE Could Explain Why We Were There!

Speaking of the "Official Story" --- Some truly Strange Events DID Happen... World Trade Center BUILDING SEVEN Fell Down. No Airplane Hit that Building... Its Collapse Looked like a Controlled Demolition... It takes about a Week to set all the Charges to make a Controlled Demolition Happen... so they would have had to Start Wiring that Building on Sept 4th... Were they TIPPED OFF That an Attack was Coming on September 11th?

Another Unsolved Mystery:

All Photographs of an Airplane at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 Have Been Deleted. Apparently, The FBI, The US Military, Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo Have ALL Conspired to Remove All Photographs from the Internet... Worldwide...

LOOK FOR YOURSELF! Is This A Deep State Conspiracy? WHY Are They Hiding The Pictures? WHY Are They Hiding The Truth?

Google Put a Lot of Effort to Scrub the Web of All Photographs of an Airplane... So there would be NO EVIDENCE That the "Official Story" is True... WHY? Who Benefits? What is the Advantage of Billions of People Realizing that We Have Been Lied to By The US Government?

Try a IMAGE SEARCH on Duck Duck Go... SEE? The "Deep State" has Corrupted The Libertarian Alternative to Google... Everyone, Everywhere is Conspiring to SUPPRESS ALL PHOTOGRAPHS of The Truth! "They" Don't Want You to Know That Saudi Arabians Hijacked An Airplane and Flew it Into the Pentagon on 9/11... WHY???

Try it for Yourself! Type the Three Words airplane Pentagon 9/11 into any Image Search Engine... They are ALL Corrupt!

FBI Vault Photo - Shiny (Not Burnt at All) Airplane Parts at Pentagon on 9/11 - This is Supposedly "Proof" That an Airplane Was Really There??? BOGUS! There ARE Photographs of a Giant Ball of Fire... How Did This Part Escape UNBURNED?

SE Said on FaceBorg:

Right-wingers are constantly screaming that there are just as many extremists on the left as there are on the right, and they love to say that the left is just as corrupt as the right. I see absolutely no evidence of any of this, and they can never provide any evidence of these accusations. Both parties are NOT the same, not even close. There is a huge difference between supporting a coup to overturn an election and supporting Medicare for all. There is a huge difference between thinking all student loans should be forgiven and believing that lizard people are taking over the planet. I'm sorry, but none of this craziness is happening on the left. Nobody can ever provide an example of anything coming from the left which even comes close to the insanity coming from the right. Both sides are NOT the same. Maybe they were the same at some point, but now the right has completely gone off the rails.

VKK Replied:

The only major extremism I ever see coming from the left are the hard-core SJWs. Not gonna lie I laughed out loud at the lizard people.

SE Replied:

It is totally laughable, but they actually believe it. I agree about the hardcore SJWs, but at least they're living in reality. Extremists on the right have completely gone off the deep end.

When did you stop being an SJW and why?

Oh boy, this is going to be a LONG one because I need to get it off my chest. But it boils down to this: SJW bullcrap almost ruined every single one of my human relationships and wrecked my mental health. My fiancé (with the patience of a saint) helped me see reason again.

Alright, let’s preface this: I’m an artist, mentally unwell and a bisexual woman and definitely the optimistic chronically people pleasing dreamer type - terribly predisposed to getting swept away into shit like this. I'm not stupid, just REALLY sensitive. To a point where my brain's computing power doesn't always matter because my heart does all the thinking. So yeah, I guess in a way I AM a bit dense.

I started waking up to the reality of things when my fiancé got fed up with what I put him through for years and little by little started challenging these ideas and opinions of mine. It didn't take long for it to sink in that they weren't truly my opinions, but someone else's words shoved into my mouth. Another's slogans spat out with the force of my own anger and festering bitterness. That set off the first alarm bell.

Like a lot of people, I fell into it in my early 20s and on tumblr. At an angry age, on a platform full of other angry kids and twentysomethings who constantly validate each other’s stupid ideas and are scared to talk about what REALLY goes on in their heads. You know, the worst sort of an echo chamber. When you're young and stupid you're too young and stupid to understand you're young and stupid. Long story short I shared some thoughts with the SJWs and before I knew it I'd internalised ALL of it, hook line and sinker.

All that came out of my mouth was slogans and feelings spoken as truths. "LGBT+ people are terribly oppressed!!!! homophobia is EVERYWHERE!!!!!" was just my code for "I haven't accepted myself as I am, I feel like an outsider and was bullied for it a long time ago" for example. I externalised my feelings as an individual and thought that what I experienced MUST HAVE been the way every gay person felt. Because misery loves company. And that's precisely what the ideology is about.

I didn't notice when personal became political.
I didn't see how this bs ideology and how I went off on angry rants hurt my relationships to the people I'm actually supposed to care for. Instead of calling my parents I screamed for hours on social media about shit that’s none of my business. Instead of standing up for myself and my friends I stood up for strangers. Instead of enjoying a movie with my fiance I now criticised and nitpicked everything about it and felt threatened by him for no reason other than he's a straight white man. I didn't notice how scared I was to draw anything even remotely problematic in years and that the panic and self-censorship had entirely killed my creative drive which has been one of my core character traits since early childhood. What little I drew or wrote no longer came from heart but was a checklist to fill. I wasn't painting my own feelings and telling my own stories but trying to please others and feed the propaganda factory. There was no soul in anything I did, and back then I didn't understand why. I avoided thinking about my own pain and self by thinking about people I had been told deserved my love and support more.

I had become angry, suspicious of everyone, my own family and friends included. I was controlling, cold and manipulative, constantly fed my anger by reading about all these things that were supposedly wrong in the world. I (ironically) lumped people into groups based on skin color and sexuality or whatever other characteristic, and assigned value to people based on traits they can't control. By the SJW logic in me, a rich black woman was more "oppressed" and less fortunate than a homeless white man - which I find morally revolting in retrospect. I was suddenly scared of straight people, even though I haven't gotten a single mean word for being gay since the beginning of high school. My old traumas related to men resurfaced and I fed them and opened up about them to strangers on the internet instead of my psych team (who I considered a bunch of "ableist assholes who wanted to change me because they hate mentally ill people"... the leaps in logic were truly legendary). Essentially, the stuff fueled my PTSD, paranoia and psychotic depression.

I felt threatened, I felt powerless and weak, like the underdog. I was convinced everyone was against me, everyone except this new ideological group that gave me a sense of belonging even though I had never met these fucking people.
Then... It just hit me that this is how they want me to be. They WANT me to be weak, oppressed and powerless. See this was the logic: "If I'm a victim I have a "right" to beat "back" anyone who's mean to me." Of course this spoke to that bitterness and sense of not belonging I had always had lurking deep within me. But keeping you down is not something that people who care about your wellbeing do. This was another big red flag and a pivotal point in shifting my thinking. No person who loved me has ever said “You can’t do that because you’re x”, but these people sure love to do it.

Then, if you renounce your victim status they see it as a betrayal. If you, as a woman/gay/whatever, say that in fact you're doing just fine and nothing can really stop you from living your dream life... That takes away their excuse to be miserable and mean.

There's no empowerment to be found in grasping onto victimhood. You just turn into one miserable mean shithead among all the rest.

Ever since I realised that, my life has changed a lot since. All for the better.

Now I prioritise my work and being authentic. I keep my internet time to a minimum (in the end, I don't use it for much else than work and memes anyway), and try to shower the care, worry and empathy to my friends and family instead of strangers on the other side of the fucking globe. Instead of wallowing in how society is supposedly holding me back, I work and am doing well. I learned to trust my psych nurse doctor and therapist and believe that recovery is, in fact, a good thing and not an ableist conspiracy. Instead of telling myself I can't do x because I'm y I just... fucking do it. I draw messed up horror and weird erotica. I write the cheesiest romance I can possibly come up with and don't for a second think "oh I should probably add a black person here even though the story is set in iron age Ireland and doing that would totally not just be crude and offensive virtue signaling". I don't feel bad about myself (except for having been a stereotypical nightmare SJW) or the things I create, I'm having fun. I've been taking commissions for the first time ever for the past two years now, and I've done a LOT of portraits and a couple of book covers and some fun erotic pieces. At first I was worried not jumping through all the hoops of political correctness as an artist and sacrificing my creative integrity would repel customers but I quickly realised... I really don't want to make art for people who expect that anyway. My work is literally not for them.
I watch "problematic" old movies with my fiance. I laugh at shit that would've made me cry and rage just a handful of years back. I enjoy the shows and books I did as a kid and no longer feel like I have to let go of a thing that makes me happy just because it's "problematic". I work on my health instead of desperately trying to convince myself I'm happy with being obese and in constant joint pain (20 pounds down!) and that others are just being mean to me. I'm kind and polite to people I meet regardless of what they look like, and judge them by their actions and how they treat others. I give respect where respect is due and don't trust a single raging lunatic who tries to forcefully shove their opinions down my throat. I know that in the end they don't have my best interests at heart. They're trying to pull me into a deeper grave instead of letting me pull them up.

I know there's a lot of good, kind hearted people there and a LOT of good intentions. It's insanely easy to renounce responsibility and to blame the world for your misfortune, hell, it's natural for us humans to look for someone to blame when we feel something's wrong. Thing is, I can't blame an entire group of people for trauma that a handful of bullies and abusers with personal problems caused.

Every day I thank my lucky stars I'm marrying the man who had the courage to face that fucking beast. The one that stuck beside me all through that - I'm not sure I could have done so myself. I don't know how to thank him enough for how gentle and wise he is, or how to get across just how much I love and appreciate the fact that he cared enough to talk me out of it instead of just leaving.