Dispose of Unwanted Guns at Your Local Police or Sheriff Office. Here's How to Make Your Home Safer.

Contact Your Own Law Enforcement Office for Instructions... Do Not Call 911... Call their Non Emergency Phone Number... Do NOT Just Show Up at the Police Station With a Gun Unannounced... they Might Freak Out!

To Find Out How to Contact Law Enforcement: Simply Type "law enforcement non emergency phone number for Name of Your County" into Google... Every County is Different...

Many Sheriff's Offices Have Authorized PAYMENT for Unwanted Guns... Remember: Get Rid of Guns BEFORE You Read Your Name in the Newspaper about a Child that Got Injured Playing with a Gun... SAFETY FIRST!

Skull and Crossbones Word Art NRA KILL GUN DEATH

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and Now for Something Completely Different:
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I'm Starting to Write a Novel: "Not One Word is True... It's All Lies!" 

"Madman with a Gun" by Purple64ETS

I'm Starting to Write a Novel: "Not One Word is True... It's All Lies!"   "Madman with a Gun" by Purple64ETS

It Tells the Tale of A Patriot that Travels Coast to Coast Murdering Evil People... For Example: the CEOs of Chevron, ExxonValdez, Monsanto and Dow Chemical... and The Crazy Republicans Determined to Harm America... SCOTUS Bratt Kava Kava Noogie!, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, Governor Ron Death Santa of Florida and The Traitor dONALD tRUMP... The Man that Tried to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King... BUT HE FAILED... and Now He's Living at Mar-A-Loser, Florida...

The Patriot will Not Only Have to Murder the Evil Ones BUT... He Must Escape so he Can Kill Again... and Again... and Again... and He Must PUBLISH a Series of Social Media Posts Explaining WHY He Has Decided to DO GOOD... and Exterminate EVIL...  In Order to Inspire Other Patriots and serve as Warning to Future Evil People... DON'T BEHAVE CRAZY... PEOPLE WILL COME FOR YOU!

Without Leaving a Digital Trail for the FBI to Follow... I'm thinking of Using the DuckDuckGo free Email Service as the Required Contact for Using Any Social Media Platform... 

Some Research must be done first... Like: How to buy a "Ghost Gun" so Evidence of the Crimes Can be Disposed of by Simply Throwing the Weapons into a River... or a Lake... Remember to Wear Rubber Gloves to Prevent Gun Shot Residue from Remaining on Hands... 

It Might be Best to Simply Buy a Legal Gun at a Store... and Use a Grinding Tool to Remove the Serial Number... That Way The Gun Cannot Be Traced Back to Our Hero!

I see that there are Quite a Few Gun Stores Near Where I Live... Since I Know Nothing About Guns, Going to a Store and Speaking with a Clerk Would be Helpful... I Could Make up a Story about WHY I'm Buying a Gun BUT... I Bet they Don't Ask a Bunch of Questions... Their Goal is to Sell a Lot of Guns!

I think a Pistol with MANY Bullets Would be Best for Assassination... Suppost OUR HERO Went to Visit SCOTUS Bratt Kava Kava Noogie... I see on TV News that a Couple of Policemen Patrol out in front of the House... or at Least they Did back when there were Protest Marches at His Home... 

OUR HERO would need to Approach the House and IMMEDIATELY Shoot the Guards... Before they Have a Chance to Call for Backup... That'll take maybe SIX Bullets... Three for each Guard... Then using the Butt of the Gun to Break a Window and Enter the House... Zero Bullets for Each Child... Let 'em Live to Tell the Story... and Warn FUTURE Evil People! Two for his Wife and Three For SCOTUS Bratt Kava Kava NOOGIE! Maybe FOUR!

Hopefully... That would Leave Some Bullets for the Escape! A Standard Pistol can Hold as Many as 19 Bullets! 

More Research needs to be Done on How to Evade the Elaborate Security Forces Protecting The Evil Men... Every One of them Lives in a Walled Compound to Keep the Lower Classes OUT... and since they KNOW that they are Doing EVIL... They Have Developed a Spidey Sense that People are Out to Get Them... or the Ghosts of People That They Have Harmed will come back from the Grave... to Haunt Them!

For Example: The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA. Mrs Winchester Built a VAST Mansion because She Wanted Carpenters to be Working 24 Hours a Day for Decades to PROTECT HER FROM THE GHOSTS OF PEOPLE MURDERED BY HER HUSBAND'S GUNS... He Invented the Winchester Repeating Rifle... and It Killed People MUCH Faster than the One Shot Muskets Used at That Time. SO... After he was Dead... She was Worried about GHOSTS... 

The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA. Mrs Winchester Built a VAST Mansion because She Wanted Carpenters to be Working 24 Hours a Day for Decades to PROTECT HER FROM THE GHOSTS OF PEOPLE MURDERED BY HER HUSBAND'S GUNS...

But Maybe I'm Completely Wrong... Perhaps there is NO NEED to Use Guns At All! Maybe OUR HERO Could Learn Kung Fu Panda and Kill With His Bare Hands... Remember: Bare Hands do NOT Show Up on Metal Detectors... AND... Second Amendment FREAKS Always Talk About their Right to Bare Arms,,,  Well, Are Not Bare Hands Part Of Bare Arms? 

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and Now for Something Completely Different:
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Sonya Sophia

What I want to talk about is: how to support the next generation. The people who are in their late twenties, in their thirties, the people who are being handed the stewardship of this world now and in the next 10 years. What it feels like to them to be handed a world that’s broken and on fire and say, here, you guys, sorry about the mess.
There’s this sense of depression and anxiety, and also just a very strong desire to check out and also to zoom in and say, you know what? If this whole thing is going to like heck, you know, what do you do? If you feel like you’ve only got a few years left on planet earth to do anything?
What I want to do is give people hope and encourage them and say, look, we can and are turning this around and it’s going to take everyone shift that thinking and the trauma that this society has been based on.
It’s a revolution in consciousness. And as we change what we believe, then we change how we feel, and how we respond, and what we do.
My goal is to call you into direct action and to create an act of Supreme rebellion. By changing this world from inside of you, this one little piece of the world that you’re in charge of, your thoughts, your feelings, your life that you’re organizing, and when we all clean up our own backyard, this place is going to get clean and beautiful and shiny and healthy.
– part of Tapping for a Greater Tomorrow: Positive Head Podcast (http://bit.ly/3XDLPC9)
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