The US Government COULD Simply Stop Spending Money Like Crazy. For Example: A Billion Dollars to Bail Out the PG&E Nuclear Power Plant at Diablo Canyon... That's Insane! Just Shut it Down!

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Keeps on Speaking about the US Government Running Out of Money in JUNE... and That Will Cause the Collapse of Civilization... Billions of People Starving to Death... and a Thousand Years of Dark Ages...

Yellen warns of U.S. default risk by early June, urges debt limit hike... 

WELL, Why Not Simply TAX THE RICH? Why Not CUT Defense Spending? We DO NOT Need to Give Lockheed Martin a Billion Dollars for a "New and Improved Jet Airplane." We DO NOT Need a SPACE FARCE... We DO NOT Need to Defend Earth from Attack by Extraterrestrials in Flying Saucers... Even If Aliens and UFOs are Real, They are So Far Advanced That we Could Not Possibly Win a War... SO DEFUND THE SPACE FARCE!

GOP rep: US defaulting on national debt a ‘real threat’

The threat of a possible default comes after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said last week that the U.S. is projected to hit its borrowing limit — roughly $31.4 trillion — by Jan. 19. Yellen’s pledge to take “extraordinary measures” to fend off a default sets the table for a showdown between the White House, Democrats in the Senate and a Republican-controlled House.

Wouldn't It Be Wonderful If We Could CUT Government Spending and Raise Voluntary Taxes At the Same Time? 

Simply Legalize Marijuana Nationwide... Collect VOLUNTARY TAXES... Release all the Cannabis Prisoners... Close the Unneeded Prisons... A Massive Increase of Tax Revenue and a Massive Cut to Spending! EVERYONE WINS! and I Wouldn't Pay a Penny because I Don't Smoke... 

We Could Simply NOT Send Women to The Moon... We Already Went There in 1969 and There's Nothing of Interest There... Now The USA is Planning to Send Women and Minority Groups to the Moon Because Everyone that Walked on the Moon was a WHITE MAN... Well, So Freaking What? Get Over It!

Free Coloring Book Art - CUT DEFENSE SPENDING - gvan42 - gregvan - purple64ets

Free Coloring Book Art - Visual Echo Star - gvan42 - gregvan - purple64ets

Free Coloring Book Art - Visual Echo Star - gvan42 

CUT DEFENSE SPENDING - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Classic 12 Way Kaleidoscope by gvan42

12 Way Kaleidoscope by gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art