Let's Thank Trump for Helping Democrats Win the SENATE, the HOUSE and The PRESIDENCY... Without His Epic Failures that CAUSED VOTERS to #RUNAWAY from the GOP, We Couldn't Have Passed So Many Excellent Laws!

U.S. Senate approves bill to fight climate change, cut drug costs in win for Biden... 

Senate passes Democrats' sweeping health care and climate bill... 

#ArrestTrump #LockHimUP

Remember When the Republican'ts Chanted

"Lock Her Up!" in 2016 and then FAILED to ACTUALLY Lock Her Up?


Vote Democratic Nationwide: FREE Memes to Share on Social Media... by gvan42

Vote Democratic Nationwide: FREE Memes to Share on Social Media... by gvan42

Vote Democratic Nationwide: FREE Memes to Share on Social Media... by gvan42

Vote Democratic Nationwide: FREE Memes to Share on Social Media... by gvan42

Vote Democratic Nationwide: FREE Memes to Share on Social Media... by gvan42

FREE Memes to Share on Social Media...