I Deleted over 5 Thousand Emails... What a Huge Waste of Disk Drive Space AND ELECTRICITY... They Are Totally Unimportant Now. Fewer Servers Needed in The Cloud...

I sorted my Emails into Two Folders... I Kept Everything From People I Know and Put Everything Else in the Trash and then Dumped the Trash.

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I also deleted 321 Unimportant Photographs from My Google Drive. As a Hobby, I take Screenshots from my Laptop and Make them Into MEMES for Sharing on Social Media... After the Memes are Done, The Screenshots are No Longer Needed and are Simply a Waste of Storage Space... 

Google's Massive Server Farm in The Dalles, Oregon
Google's Massive Server Farm 
in The Dalles, Oregon

What IF everyone deleted unimportant emails? Google could power down thousands of Servers - Save a LOT of Electricity currently wasted... 

Remember THE DALLES, Oregon? Both Microsoft and Google have giant warehouses filled with servers there... They chose that location because it's close to Bonneville Dam... Cheap reliable electricity... Hydro Power... Years ago Aluminum Refining companies located there for the same reason... cheap power...

Google is proud to call Oregon home to Google's first owned and operated data center.
We opened our data center at The Dalles in 2006 — over time investing $1.8 billion in The Dalles and establishing a long-term commitment to the region and state. Now a fully operational site, we've created over 200 total jobs, and we work hard to support the communities in which our employees live and work.
Since 2009, Google.org has awarded over $14 million in grants to nonprofits and organizations based in Oregon. Since 2006, our employees based in Oregon — with matching contributions from Google — have donated over $3 million in charitable giving to nonprofits.

Many More Photographs of The Dalles Data Center...

Here's another Total Waste of Electricity... 
The NSA UTAH DATA CENTER... Simply Unplug all these Servers... That would Reduce Power Consumption on the Grid...

Marijuana Farmers! Unplug Your Grow Lights and Use the Free Sunshine! All That Electricity is Generated Somewhere... In Nuclear Power Plants, Coal, Natural Gas, Solar, Wind and Hydro... Less Pollution means Less Global Warming...
Marijuana Leaf: Free Coloring Book by gvan42

and "SG" Said: Email uses very little space. I have over 20000 emails... 

I replied: and most of them are unimportant... delete 19,000 and Google could turn off a disc drive... Some of my emails have jpg attachments (large files) and others have pdf attachments (really large files) - and I don't need to look at any of them... 

and I found a SPAM folder with thousands of useless files... I was reminded of this waste of electricity by an article about BITCOIN MINING... How people buy custom designed computers in order to make fantasy money... that goes way way way UP and then POOF! It's Worthless...

and "SG" Said: yeah pdfs are larger but 19000 emails are nothing (without attachments ) but it’s a waste to get rid of them you will have to keep deleting them every day I won’t bother

and I Replied:  I did find some gems I had forgotten about... Pictures and Movies of The Family... Wonderful to watch them again... and Every Email my Father Sent. He has Passed Away and It's Good to read his words...

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and Now for Something Completely Different.
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We Could Make Social Security Solvent by allowing immigrants to move to the USA where they would take jobs and pay into the Social Security System. There are Thousands waiting at the USA Mexico Border that would love to WORK HERE in the USA and Pay Taxes...

In Fact: In the USA, Baby Boomers Voluntarily Chose to use Birth Control and Now there are Not Enough Young People Paying Into the Social Security System to Pay all the Old People That Are Surviving Longer than Ever Before...

But That's Not the Case In Mexico, Central America or South America... In Catholic Countries They Made Plenty of Children...

This photo shows the USA on the Left and Mexico on the Right.
This photo shows the USA on the Left and Mexico on the Right.