It Is Possible to Do All Those Things You Used To Do While Drunk, Sober... Even Rock Concerts... But You Will Need Earplugs if You Fail to Smoke Marijuana.

Once I went to a Rock Concert Without Marijuana and the Guitar Solos Seemed Too Long and Pointless... I'm Sure The Allman Brothers Band Would Have been Better if I was Stoned... But at That Time There was NO Weed Available... Out of Season!

Open the Doors of Perception - There's a Magic World Outside!
There's a Magic World Outside!

I remember at a Santana Concert outdoors near Yuba City we did not have any Marijuana but... I had the Realization that I could simply DANCE Myself into a Trance... and I Did! --- What was Funny at that Show was Santana Played First and THE WHO Played Later... and all the Mexican American People LEFT after Santana Finished Playing... MISSING the Entire WHO Concert... 

The End of the World as We Know It

Anyway... a Friend was Wondering IF She should attend an Indoor Concert next week BUT... She was Concerned About Getting COVID-19 or MONKEYPOX and was Planning to wear a Mask the entire Concert... However, She Said that would make it difficult to drink during the Show... Well, I automatically assumed she was talking about drinking Alcohol... but someone Else Pointed out that she wouldn't be able to drink WATER Either... I Had Never Considered That! In Fact, It would be Difficult to Drink Anything while wearing a Mask... So Going to a Concert is OUT!

concert at Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA

SO... I realized that I never go to Gatherings of People anymore... Neither Indoors or Outdoors... I Just Don't GO... and In My Life I Loved Large Crowds... I remember 500,000 People in Washington DC on the Fourth of July with the Beach Boys in Concert with Jimmy Page and Joan Jett... That was FUN... Fireworks... and I got stoned on Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds... a Mild form of LSD... I have Stopped Going to AA Meetings... and I Have Dropped out of the Group Sing Along Band at the Folsom Senior Center... We Had Fun There... Singing all those "Old Timey" Songs... but They Closed the Folsom Senior Center Entirely for a Year and I Just Never Went Back after it Reopened...

Rainbow in Santa Clara, CA in the Summer... Quite Rare!

To get back to the Main Part of the Story... While there has been a Tradition of Drinking Alcohol and Then Having Sex... I joined Alcoholics Anonymous... and The Rest of This story is CENSORED... It's Nunya Beezwax! 

One Thing I DID Notice was that Our Club Seemed Like a Swinging Singles Meeting... and I DID Marry a Member... and We Stayed Married for 15 Years and We are Still Friends... but we live in different cities... 
The Search for Rainbow Spiralism in Ancient Civilizations

The Search for Rainbow Spiralism 
in Ancient Civilizations