Alex Jones Loses BIG: He Must Pay $45.2 Million Dollars in Punative Damages and $4.1 Million Awarded Yesterday. SEE? LYING IS EXPENSIVE! Sandy Hook = 100% True

 A jury finds Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim... PLUS $4.1 Million Yesterday...

Loser Alex Jones Freaks Out Over MASSIVE Award

It's been a Bad Year for People That DO EVIL. Steve Bannon=Guilty and 884 TrimpNiks® Arrested for Failing to Crown tRUMP KING on January 6th... A Simple Way to Avoid Trouble is to STOP DOING EVIL! Learn From Alex Jones! 

Bannon contempt trial: After guilty verdict, Bannon rips Jan. 6 committee members... 

Ex-White House strategist Steve Bannon is guilty

of defying a Jan. 6 subpoena.

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