SNCC Benefit Speech at My Parent's Home in Los Gatos, CA - In the Sixties, They Raised Funds to Pay for Freedom Riders in the South. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

I Remember That We Had a Black Man Talk. My Folks PACKED The House With People and Took Donations. 

In General, The Civil Rights Movement was Successful. President Lyndon Johnson Signed Laws That Allowed Black People to Vote and Live in White Neighborhoods. My Parents Helped!

Years Later I Bought a Condo in a Black Neighborhood near Washington DC. There was a DEEP DISCOUNT if You Chose a Black Neighborhood. The Same Condo in Virginia cost $39,000 but in Beautiful Oxon Hill, Maryland the Price was $26,000. It Turns Out That the Peter, Paul and Mary Lyric is Accurate. "They Say that Property Values Will Go Right Down if The Family Next Door is Blue." --- I Selected the Discount. Because I Don't Care What Color My Neighbors Are. at Least I'm Not Going to PAY EXTRA For White Neighbors...

Of Course, Racism is Accurate... You CAN Predict Peoples Behavior by Looking at Skin Color. FOR EXAMPLE: Black Men are Better at Playing Basketball. It Would Be Absurd to Have Affirmative Action in the NBA... Help for Short People So They Could Compete with Tall People... Help for Slow Runners Who Can't Jump... So We Would Have a "Fair" Balance of Players... BUT... We Don't Do That... Because Affirmative Action is [REDACTED - FACEBOOK COMMUNITY STANDARDS] 

White Man are Better at Walking on the Moon... White Men Are Better at Being President of the United States... White Men are Better at Inventing Machines... After All, Apple and Microsoft and Google and Facebook and IBM and Oracle are All Built by White Men... 

In the Department of Defense, Affirmative Action is TOTALLY IGNORED in Jobs That are IMPORTANT... My First Ex-Wife Worked at The National Security Agency. The ONLY Thing They Considered Was Quality of the Applicant When They Were Hiring. They Were Totally Colorblind... AND They Were Gay Friendly because Gay People are FAMOUS for Being Excellent at Computer Science. But You Had to Be "Out of the Closet!" - People That Tried to Hide their Homosexuality were Rejected for being a Blackmail Risk. And Marijuana Smokers Were Tolerated as Long as You Told the Truth About Your Drug Use History. LIARS were Not Welcome... 

If You Investigate CRIME Patters By Location in the FBI Database... You Will Find that Murders Happen More Frequently in Black Neighborhoods... There are Many REASONS Why this is True but NO ONE Disputes That It IS TRUE... That Condo I Bought was about Three Miles from "Southeast DC" - at One time the Murder Capitol of America. It was in Competition with "East Palo Alto, CA" and "The South Side of Chicago." - Remember the Song Bad Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce...

Barack Obama worked as a Community Organizer on the South Side of Chicago... No Need For a Community Organizer on Lakeshore Drive... I Read Obama's Biography and It's Great!

He had a White Mother and a Black Father Who Moved to Africa when Obama was a Child. Obama was Raised By Two White Grandparents and His Mom. In Hawaii he was Exposed to Japanese Culture and Native Hawaiian Culture. He Also Lived With His Mother's Second Husband In Indonesia... 

So... In the Age Old Question of "Nature vs Nurture" ---

Genetically, Obama was 50-50 Black and White. But CULTURALLY He Had No Contact With Black People. He Was Raise With Mostly White Values... 

I Had a Question While Reading That Book... WHO PAID OBAMA TO ORGANIZE THAT COMMUNITY? 

When you stop to THINK About It... Who Benefits? For Example: I Would Pay a Person to Install a New Roof on my House... and I Would Pay a Person to Calculate my Income Taxes... and I Would Pay a Person to Unclog the Kitchen Sink... 

But I Would Never Pay Someone to ORGANIZE A COMMUNITY! What Does That Job ACTUALLY DO? 

After a Lot of Internet Research I Found the Answer. The Catholic Church... They Paid His Salary and The Rent on the Office... It's a Part of The MISSION STATEMENT of the Church to Help the Poor... Just Like Buying Desks for School Children in Africa... or Buying Food and Medicine for Poor People in Central America... THAT'S WHAT THEY DO!

Obama - Biden - Hillary - in the war room on the Day Osama bin Laden was Killed.
Obama - Biden - Hillary - in the war room on the Day
Osama bin Laden was Killed

A Side Effect of Joe Biden's 1994 Crime Bill That Caused Mass Incarceration of Black Men is... Eugenics... Genocide... REALLY!

Millions of Incarcerated Black Men Did Not Father Children. Causing a Great Whitening of The Population because Black Genes Were Locked UP.  

Women Selected White Men to Father Their Children BY DEFAULT. The Men Available are Mostly White, Hispanic, Oriental etc etc etc... This is an Example of GENOCIDE... Years ago it was Called Eugenics... Whatever... White Genes were passed on to the Next Generation While Black Genes Were Prevented...

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS [Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The Country, Not Even Once]

Ever since VJ Day (Victory in Japan), All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex. One time there was a Need to Defend the Country and The Military Failed Completely. Civilians took down the Airplane in Pennsylvania on 9/11/2001. 

Read a Book - My Favorites MEME - a part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK - Print this art and Color using Felt Pens - Gregory Vanderlaan
Read a Book - My Favorites

Often The USA chooses sides in Someone Else's Civil War, Gets Real Excited about Fighting Communism (or whatEVER) and then We Get Bored, Retreat, Lose and the Total Effect is ZERO.

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Here is a Link to Another Website of Mine: Google Sites...

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