Solar Panels on the Roof of a House REDUCE THE NEED FOR DANGEROUS POWER DISTRIBUTION WIRES. Currently a CAUSE of Wildfires in the Western United States.

 In Olden Times, Corporations Like PG&E and SoCal Edison Would Generate Electricity in a Central Location and Distribute it To Customers. That Plan is No Longer Valid. Small Power Generation Systems Built Right Onto The Home of the Customer Make More Sense. We Need to Take All The Federal Subsidies Propping up oil, Gas and Nuclear Power and Re-Direct That Money towards DOING GOOD INSTEAD OF EVIL.

Centralized Power Generation Made Sense When Nicola Tesla and George Westinghouse Built a Power Plant at Niagra Falls and Distributed Electricity to New York City. It Made Sense When We Built the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River and Distributed Electricity to Los Angeles and Las Vegas...


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Another Great Idea is to Create Drinking Water and Electricity At The Same Time by Desalinizing Sea Water... Use Solar Energy to Pump Water Out of the Ocean and Membrane Technology to Remove the Salt... Nothing New Needs to Be Invented... We Already Have Membrane Purifiers in Front of Liquor Stores Where You Buy Clean Water by the Gallon... It's Called Reverse Osmosis...

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or we could simply Focus Sunlight to Boil Sea Water... When the Steam Condenses it's PURE H2O... Plus... We Get Salt and Trace Elements Used To Make Electronic Equipment...

and... Whatever We Do... NO NUKES!

Here are 20 simple ideas for making the world a better place. #1 Solar Powered Desalinization - Change Seawater into Drinking Water, Salt and Electricity.

1. We ought to build a giant solar power desalinization plant in Southern California at Camp Pendleton. It would use solar reflectors to boil seawater and create steam. That steam would be used to drive turbines and create electricity. When the water Cools it Condenses into Pure H2O...  NaCl (salt) and Many Other Trace Elements Useful for Building High Tech Devices can be Harvested. 
Solar Desalination Illustration - simple - effective - infinite - Drinking Water
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The water would be sold to people for drinking, washing, watering livestock and watering plants. The salt could be sold...

Camp Pendleton near San Diego would be an ideal location. Southern California is in need of water. There is a current proposal to use pipelines to move fresh water from the Sacramento River to be used by farmers and residents in SoCal. A better alternative would be to just get the water from the ocean... 
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