I Will NOT Be Participating in tRUMP'S BOOGALOO - That Would Be Crazy! - Arrest the Proud Boys - They Are Terrorists - Not Just Crazy Terrorists but DANGEROUS CRAZY


I Will NOT Be Participating in tRUMPS BOOGALOO - That Would Be Crazy - Arrest the Proud Boys - Domestic Terrorists - gvan42

Since The Vast Majority of American Voters Prefer Biden, tRUMP'S ONLY CHANCE is to Cancel the Election and Have The Supreme Court Appoint Him King... REALLY! That's His Plan! Well, I Refuse To Submit To Monarchy... We Are Going To Vote. We Are Going To Win The House, The Senate and The Presidency...  and tRUMP'S GOING TO PRISON FOR INCOME TAX EVASION. I Could Taste His Fear at The Debate Last Night... a Primal Animal Panic... 

Trump is Worried About Going To Prison and It Really Shows - a Primal Animal Panic - Lion Zebra meme - gvan42

What IS tRUMP'S Boogaloo Movement? According to Wiki...

The boogaloo movement, whose adherents are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois, is a loosely organized far-right, anti-government, and extremist political movement in the United States. The movement has also been described as a militia. Boogaloo adherents say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War, which they call the boogaloo. Boogaloo has been used on the fringe imageboard website 4chan since 2012, but it did not come to widespread attention until late 2019. Adherents use boogaloo, including variations so as to avoid social media crackdowns, to refer to violent uprisings against the federal government or left-wing political opponents, often anticipated to follow government confiscation of firearms.



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on  a Different Subject...

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Often I Find Myself Humming a Little Tune... Involuntarily... EXCEPT... I Have Intentionally Selected a Song to Help Me with Bad Memories... I Automatically Remember a Bad Event when I See a Picture of a Turtle on TV... SO... I Intentionally Substituted a Memory of Dancing at A Grateful Dead Concert With My First Wife to The Song... "Terrapin Station" and NOW... Quite Often I Find Myself Humming that Song... at Random Times... and... The Pictures of Turtles on TV are No Longer Very Painful... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I7CLy70WtI 

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A Chapter from My Book "The Violet Overgrow" [FICTION - Not One Word is True - Wink Wink]

Fred Said: 
"What Brings You To My Pit of Endless Depravity, Virginia?"

"K3" Said: We're looking for a Linear Amplifier for a CB Radio... Since You Have Your Fingers in Many Different Crime Syndicates, We Thought of You... and We Had to Get Away From The Man.  We just Played an Absurdist Concert at The Pentagon... Spreading FEAR and INSANITY Among the Soldiers... Using an 8Hz Sonic Weapon... It Blew Their Minds and Set OFF All the Automobile Burglar Alarms in the Parking Lot... NO WORK WAS DONE FOR A HALF HOUR... As Everyone Had to Go Out and Click Their Remote... "

Fred Said: "Sure, Let Me Make Some Phone Calls... I'll Be Right Back... Feel Free to Play With any of My Toys... You'll Probably Enjoy this Antique Synthesizer... It Was made in Japan Before The Dawn of Time... as a Matter of Fact, That's one of the Pre-Programmed Patches - The Dawn of Time Sound Effect!"

"Yeah, It's Great" Said Greg.
They Hadn't Paid much Attention to The Guy Sitting in  a Corner Reading a Book... He Looked Really Spaced Out and They Were Surprised to hear Him Say Anything. 

"What are You Reading?" asked Susan. 

"The Biography of Alfred Hitchcock... The Dark Side of Genius." said Greg.

"OH" Said Susan." Turning Away, She Asked "K3" "Why Do We Want a Linear Amplifier for a CB Radio?"

"That Way We Can Force Our Message To Everyone Using Any Electronic Device That Has Any Kind of Audio Output... Including The Microphones at the US Senate... Imagine What Would Happen to #MoscowMitch if He Was Talking on the Senate Floor and MY VOICE came out on TV... The CB Signal is so Powerful That It Creeps Into The Wires Connecting ANY Equipment and Distorts Any Music or Speech That is Being Played... Creepy!" Said "K3" "You've Heard It at My House When a Trucker Drives By... You Hear Weird Voices Talking... Saying '10-4 Good Buddy' and Other Pointless YADDA -YADDA... Sometimes Those Truck Drivers Really Are Babylon Sisters... They Babble On and On and On... "

Fred Returned... "I Found What You Wanted... Let's GO! It's All The Way Out in Winchester, Virginia at That Jesus Freak Cult... Remember Lumpy the Biker? He's Got One..."  

or Different Subjects: LINKS!

I Found this Rant by Robert Naiman on Facebook... 
Makes Sense...

No Trump Apologist Is a Leftist.
In America, every individual has a First Amendment right to identify themselves however they want. By the same token, every other individual has a First Amendment right to refuse to accept another individual’s self-designation. Donald Trump has a First Amendment right to insist that he’s not a racist. Every other American has a First Amendment right to call bullshit.
The point of being a leftist - or a socialist, or a progressive - is to increase the amount of peace, justice, and human freedom in the world. The point of being a leftist is to improve the lives of other people. A person who makes political choices only on the basis of their own perceived self-interest is not a leftist. Such people have a First Amendment right to call themselves leftists if they want. Everybody else has a First Amendment right to call bullshit.
There are two fatal flaws with the electoral/political “strategy” of the U.S. Green Party from a leftist point of view. One fatal flaw is that for many progressives and liberals, the U.S. Green Party seems to be an organization that exists primarily for the purpose of helping to elect Republican presidents. The second fatal flaw flows from the first. For advocates of the U.S. Green Party’s electoral/political “strategy,” this advocacy is now functioning a “gateway drug” to becoming apologists for Trump.
Everybody willing to acknowledge objective reality knows that there are effectively two candidates for President of the United States right now. One of these candidates endorses violent white supremacists on national TV. The other candidate does not. One of these candidates refuses to commit to accepting the results of a democratic election. The other candidate does not. One of these candidates attacks without evidence mail-in voting during a pandemic, when public health experts - including U.S. government employees whose salaries we are paying with our tax dollars to try to give us the best available information - are telling us that we’re supposed to be minimizing situations where we’re congregating indoors with people we don’t know. The other candidate does not.
To insist now that these two candidates are the same would be to minimize the importance of these three distinctions. Of course, it would also minimize the importance of a whole bunch of other distinctions: health care, labor rights, climate change, civil rights, abortion rights, ending the Yemen war, we could go on and on and on and on. But any purported “leftist” who will not accept those three distinctions as sufficient now will probably not accept ANY distinction as sufficient now. Any purported “leftist” who will not accept those three distinctions as sufficient now has probably adopted a cultish dogma that has put them beyond the reach of reason, logic, and evidence. Any purported “leftist” who will not accept those three distinctions as sufficient now is functioning as a denier: someone who is not really sure that climate change is real, not really sure that the Holocaust happened, not really sure that government-approved vaccines against measles are safe and effective, not really sure that human beings descended from other animals.
Which organization bears primary responsibility for creating such a group of people? The U.S. Green Party. By promoting an electoral/political “strategy” of helping to elect Republican presidents, this organization is creating a group of self-identified “leftists” who are now functioning as Trump apologists.
Most progressives take the view that this organization should be tolerated in progressive spaces because it is not that harmful. If Trump is decisively defeated by Biden and leaves office peacefully in January, then I agree with this view. If Trump is not defeated decisively and does not leave office peacefully in January, then there must be a reckoning for the U.S. Green Party.