I Write a Lot of Emails to Employees at the EPA... Making Ecology Suggestions... Here is a Website Where You Can Find Thousands of Employee's Email Addresses... Including Andrew Wheeler... The Head of the Enable Polluters Agency...

It's Called The Staff Locator for the EPA... Just Type in Three Letters of A Person's Name and... BINGO! https://cfpub.epa.gov/locator/index.cfm

Ecology MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

The Wonders of Capitalism: Monsanto, RoundUP and The EPA... "Somehow" the EPA has Concluded that RoundUP is Safe and Should Remain Legal and Yet... The Courts are Awarding Huge Fines for CANCER... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-wonders-of-capitalism-monsanto.html

Let's Close All Nuclear Power Plants. It's an Obviously Failed Technology... It's Super Expensive to Decommission... $9.2 Billion to Clean up SONGS and Diablo Canyon in California...

It Creates Atomic Waste that Remains Radioactive and Dangerous for Thousands of Years... AND... the Waste Has to Be GUARDED to Prevent Terrorists from Stealing It and Building a "Dirty Bomb." GO SOLAR, Wind, Hydro or BIOMASS... Imagine if all the People Employed in Nuclear Power GOT REAL JOBS WHERE THEY MADE WONDERFUL THINGS! Nuclear is a HUGE WASTE of Engineering Talent. Remember: The Best Place for a Fusion Reactor is 93 Million Miles From My Back Yard. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/08/lets-close-all-nuclear-power-plants-its.html

Bicycle Power Generator converts human fat into electricity. Simply Use an Exercise Bicycle to Drive an Automobile Alternator with a Belt... Store Electricity in a Car Battery... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/01/bicycle-power-generator-converts-human.html

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...and on a different Subject... a Page from My Autobiography...Here are a Few Words About my Ancestors... READ MORE AT:

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Grandpa Malek worked as a carpenter (general contractor). He would build entire houses. Mom's family would live in the houses while they were being built and then move on to the next house when grandpa sold it. Our family house on Hedding Street in San Jose was built by grandpa. We had to move because it was under the flight path for airplanes to the San Jose Airport and the entire neighborhood became uninhabitable when JET airplanes were invented. We moved to Los Gatos and the house was put onto a truck and moved to Almaden. The house was valuable enough to justify moving it instead of simply tearing it down. Grandpa became a carpenter right after the 1906 earthquake. He was living in Oregon when the call went out for all able bodied men to go work rebuilding the city of San Francisco. He also built a house on "The 17 Mile Drive" a neighborhood of palatial mansions in Carmel. Mom, Dad and Grandpa built a Redwood Deck on the back of our house in Los Gatos in 1960. The deck is still there today. https://www.pebblebeach.com/17-mile-drive/

Grandpa Vanderlaan worked as a minister. During the 1930's the people that attended his Church had NO MONEY to put in the collection plate. Ministers feed their families with the money from the collection plate. Grandma, dad and uncle Marc went camping on the Trinity River because there was good fishing, hunting and NO RENT. Dad and Uncle Marc were very good at fishing and hunting during the 1930's because that was a major source of food. During the great Depression Grandpa came to the realization that God did not exist. So he quit his job with the Church and became a math teacher. He also was a founding member of the Humanist Society. It's an alternative to Christianity. My dad was an atheist until the day he died. My brother became a Unitarian and I became an Acid Head. Grandpa Vanderlaan wrote a book about Religion... I tried to read it a couple of times but got bored in the early chapters and never finished it.

We went to Christmas parties at Dorothy and Leland Lea's home in the hills behind Oakland. My cousin Gary and I would play guitars and sing. Gary also played the family piano and the drums in a rock band of his friends from high school. Leland had a huge collection of tiny liquor bottles. The size they give you on an airplane... Surprisingly, after Leland passed away Gary sold the collection to someone on the internet. Before he shipped them to the customer he emptied all the bottles and poured the booze down the sink. It's illegal to ship liquor across state lines but empty bottler are Legal...

Gary Lea taught me about the Visual Mantra he used to quit smoking tobacco. Whenever you had an urge to smoke, think of the O'Neil Surf Shop Logo and remember that if you don't smoke you will have a longer life and more opportunities to go surfing... Good Idea!

We went to Sacramento on Thanksgiving to Uncle Marc and Aunt Peg's home. They had two daughters, Robin and Jill. Uncle Marc became a criminal defense attorney in Sacramento and Aunt Peg was a Social Worker. Jill became a lawyer and moved to Seattle and Robin went to work at Uncle Marc's Law office. One time a client of Aunt Pegs did a Bank Robbery and was holding hostages. The police called her and said that the only person he felt comfortable talking to was his social worker... She negotiate the release of the hostages.

Autobiography: Some trips with my parents.

We went to Banff/Lake Louis and visited the Fabulous Canadian Railroad Hotel. Mom and I wandered all over and got stuck out on a balcony... Why would they have a door that automatically locks? After much beating, someone let us in. Dad and I went searching for Bigfoot. We had binoculars and we walked along the Lake trail looking for signs of life. We DID see a lot of Big Horned Sheep. Way up on rocky mountains they jump around... Dad had a thing for Big Horned Sheep... I don't know why. Maybe it was his astrological sign, Saggitarious. The old goat. On another trip we went to Victoria and the Buchart Gardens. Dad stood on the road on the north end of town and said... "Look, There is Alaska!" We had Formal TEA. Every business in Canada has a Photo of the Queen on the wall... Queen of ENGLAND...

We also visited the East Coast of the USA and saw the Mystic Connecticut Sea Port, Yale university (I bought a Yale Sweatshirt) and Quebec. Dad made a point of speaking French to the Waitress at a Restaurant. We went to Washington, DC and saw the Smithsonian Castle. Everyone separated and wandered around on our own. I explored the ground floor and saw everything and then I explored it again... and again... at the last minute, I noticed that there was a Second floor that i missed entirely! But it was too late to see it because we were leaving. I was very disappointed and then years later I vowed to look at every room in every building at the Smithsonian. I lived near DC for 12 years and COMPLETELY Saw the Public part of that Museum. A friend of mine worked there and she told me that there was 90% of the Museums objects are IN THE STOREROOMS and not visible to the Public. For some unknown reason I never asked her for a Behind the scenes tour... We did go for special traveling shows like Chippendale's Dollhouse... furnished with scale models of Chippendale Furniture... And I saw all the IMAX movies at the Air and Space including the Japanese 3D animated film "We are Born of Stars" - and I heard a GAMELAN Orchestra playing in the New Wing of the National Art Gallery. Indonesian Bells and marimbas... Very good echo in that I M PEI designed building... All marble with sharp angles. I also saw a Mirrored House that we walked inside and experienced the infinite reflections. The Hirshorn had a Sculpture Garden with Rodin Metal Doors with people exploding out of them. There was also an Andy Warhol Movie of a woman's face projected on a mannequin... so she was three dimensional... and she just made "faces" showing different moods and emotions... Buckminster Fuller had a show of Tensegrities. Large sculptures using shiny aluminum beams held together by stretched wires... they formed freestanding tall pyramids. Sigmund Freud's SON did some very disturbing paintings. They looked like what I see when I look in a mirror while high on LSD. I Guess he was naturally tripping all the time.

Dad took a two week vacation every year and we drove all over the West Camping at Parks. We saw all the classic places. Yosemite, Yellowstone, Mount Lassen, Zion, Glacier, Canadian Glacier, Grand Canyon... Cedar Breaks, Colorado. That was a very high elevation and My brother brought a air pressure gauge and he calculated the elevation using that Barometer. I guess there is some standard Math formula for determining Elevation... the air pressure gets weaker the higher you go until in outer space, it become zero... no air at all...

We went to the Seattle Worlds Fair and rode the Monorail to the Space Needle. Rode the Bubbleator to the World of Tomorrow exhibit. "Step to the Rear of the Sphere." said the guide... 

and Then 40 Years Later I Went to The Space Needle Again... ate Two Cannabis Cookies, Drank some Really Strong Coffee and Played the Musical Toys at The Jimi Hendrix Experience Music Pavilion. EPIC!