What IS The Cure for COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME? Suppose You Know a Corporate Greed FREAK, How Can We Help Them?

Please Write Your Ideas in the Comments Section Below... Maybe I'm Totally Wrong BUT... 

I Have Noticed that IN GENERAL, People Who Have Had The Psychedelic Experience are NICE People... and HAPPY, HEALTHY PEOPLE... 

What IF We Had People Who "Turn On" The Ruling Class... Currently We Have Doctors Doing Research into the Medicinal Value of LSD, Magic Mushrooms, Peyote, DMT and MDMA... 

Does That Mean that we will soon Have SUPER PURE LSD Available to the General Public? Quality We Have Not Seen Since the Early 1960s when SANDOZ made LSD-25? 

How Can We Teach the Ruling Class That There ARE ALTERNATIVE HOBBIES to Getting More, More, More Money! For Example: Dance, Paint a Picture, Play a Musical Instrument, Go Surfing, Swim, Write Poetry, Go Backpacking, Grow Organic Vegetables, Look Deep Inside and Contemplate the Meaning of Life... The Possibilities are ENDLESS!

psychedelic art - Magic Mushroom - gvan42


This Movie Might Be Interesting... But Remember... All LSD is Made by Criminals And Sometimes it is VERY BAD QUALITY and Often It's NOT EVEN LSD... I was Chatting with this Girl who said she had a Three Day Nightmare trip at a PHISH Concert and... That made me think she actually took DOM (STP) and the Criminal who sold it to her just CALLED it ACID... 

Legalizing Medicinal Psychedelics Would VASTLY Improve the Quality and Safety... 

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On the Other Hand...
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What IF we secretly fed Cannabis Cookies to Evil People? Would they Change their Minds and become Good People?

For Example:  Lobbyists that Bribe Corrupt Politicians and Help Pass Laws that Hurt the Public but Benefit Corporations? Like Pollution Regulations... Would AWAKENING HELP?

There are fancy Hotels near the US Capitol Building that have a Lunch Buffet that is Popular with "Suits".  A person wearing a waiters uniform could place a tray of cookies on the Buffet... Intoxicating Congressional Office Workers, Lobbyists, Businessmen and maybe even Senators and Representatives...

Then an appreciation for Ecology might overgrow the desire for Stockholder's Profits or Bribes. Could Happen! There is a restaurant IN the US Capital... What IF an actual employee distributed Cannabis Candies? There are MANY different edibles... Why NOT?

WELL, I got some feedback from a Reader on Mastodon... 

He Said:

"That's never acceptable. Dosing someone with a mind altering drug without their knowledge and consent is a serious crime. Intentionally arranging a situation where people dose themselves unknowingly is a serious crime. Even someone you hate. Even someone who commits crimes."

SO, I Changed MY Mind about This... Now I Feel that we ought to OFFER COOKIES TO EVIL PEOPLE... AND LET THEM VOLUNTARILY DOES THEMSELVES... This Plan Might be more effective because there would not be a panic reaction when the cookies take effect... no rushing to the hospital because they thought they were CRAZY...

MEME - LSD - gvan42

Psychedelic Art - Surf's UP! - Inside the Tube - gvan42

My Best Psychedelic Art for Sale. Painted on Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, Buttons, Stickers, Necklaces, Posters and... Hats with Silly Slogans! CLICK HERE!

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