Pentagon refuses to brief Trump about the Cyber attack on Russian Power Grid because he might LEAK Secrets to the Russians. "Don't Tell Trump!" LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS!

The President learned about the attack on TV NEWS... 

HEADLINE: Pentagon Keeps Trump in the Dark About its Cyber Attacks on Russia. “Intelligence officials described broad hesitation to go into detail with [the president] about operations,” the report said. 

I OPPOSE THE USA CYBERWAR AGAINST RUSSIA. Won't that just make them try to Attack OUR Power Grid?

Evidently the USA launched Cyber Attacks on Russia's Electric Power Distribution System. and at the same time, tens of millions of people lost power in SOUTH AMERICA. Are these two events related? Did our attack cause distruption in an unplanned location?

Face Facts: If we had Tens of Millions of people lose power in the USA for a week, that would lead to FOOD RIOTS and basically the end of Western Civilization. Without electricity and the internet you can't buy food, gasoline or get cash out of the automatic tellers at the bank. Mass starvation...

Why are we attacking Russia anyway? What mindless vegetable at the Pentagon ordered This War? They had to keep the details Secret from Trump because, as Commander in Chief, he might have COUNTERMANDED THE ATTACK or Leaked the Plan to the Russians... Like, Call Putin on the Phone and Commit Treason Himself... OH, that's right, it's IMPOSSIBLE for him to Commit Treason because he can retroactively declassify anything...