Can anyone explain? What is the point of Bitcoin? Why does it exist at all? Why not simply use dollars? or Rubles, Lira, YEN and Yuan?

Why did Facebook invent its own cryptocurrency? 
Is there any money to be made investing in Bitcoin? There is an exchange rate of US Dollars vs Bitcoin and that changes over time... Is it a good bet to buy Bitcoins hoping to sell them later for a profit?

Reply on Facebook:
Mark Dias: So, I am with you on this Greg. I see no point in it and which is why I think is pure speculation when investing in it. 

That said my brother said his company - he works for one of the major banks and they use a form of cryptocurrency but he couldn’t explain why, I asked him to find out why because they wouldn’t do it unless it made business sense.

I have yet to figure out what is the point. Maybe I should investigate further

Gregory Laan I think that originally it was used to conduct illegal business on the internet. The Silk Road website... Buying and Selling Drugs...